View Full Version : Passed out last night...bit of a long one..

01-02-10, 12:10
Hi All,

I dont know if you can help me figure out why I passed out last night..

I was lying on the couch when the phone rang. I got up and my vision went and felt really dizzy. I went outside to get some fresh air but that made it worse, came back in and thats when I passed out. Luckily i wasnt alone!! Came round 2 seconds later but I couldnt see or hear anything and my temperature sky rocketed - the anount of sweat was disgusting.

I crawled toward the front door (my legs didnt work!) to get fresh air and it took me 10 mins to recover. V scary stuff so i went to A&E to get checked out. The doctor, rather sarcastically asked 'you came here for 'a faint'??. That was the point I wanted to throttle her!

Anyway, she told me it was all because I stood up too quickly. I know what a headrush is - and that wasnt it!!! Have booked doctor appt as this has happened twice before two years ago.

Sorry for long post - just wanted to know if anyone had experienced anything like this. My dad thinks its my ears as one of them is perforated quite severly...

Any info would be great!!


01-02-10, 14:20

hope you are okay now, some doctors are not very nice i have found

fainting can be scary, i have done it when i have had a stomach bug a few times and the last time was when i have my breakdown last year

did you have your blood pressure checked? it might be an ear infection but get your blood pressure done aswell as sometimes if its low it can make you pass out

01-02-10, 14:34
Stupid doctor! really they should give ALL doctors a lesson in compassion.

she was probably tired or menstruating or had a bad day or........
I find it helps me to think that's there's probably a another reason someone is grumpy , it helps me not to get too hurt by it :-)

I get head rush really bad, i think its because when you stand up, your blood pressure drops, your vision goes fuzzy and your legs cant hold you up.
Ive often had to hold onto a wall or sit back down after getting head rush.
next time sit down an put your head between your legs it helps i think to bring the blood back up into your head.

good idea , go to your doctor and get it checked out! it's common sense to always be checked out if you ever faint! i don't know what that A and E doctors problem was!

01-02-10, 18:40
It sounds like your blood pressure could have dropped really low.

Did you get this checked out?

02-02-10, 14:41
Hi all,

Yes the triage nurse checked by blood pressure twice, once sitting and once standing and it was fine - never had an issue with blood pressure.

Also checked sugar levels but that was normal as well.

The same thing happened to me twice two years ago but it was under extreme circumstances i.e. on holiday in the heat with alcohol, and another after a stupid diet. Thing is I didnt do anything like this on Sunday. Very strnage and very scary.

Fingers crossed the doctor can tell me what happened because I refuse to believe it was just 'a faint'...

03-02-10, 11:02

Just spoke to someone about my 'faint' and they said that a friend experienced the same thing and it turned out it was a brain tumour.

OMG!!! I dont think he could of said anything worse to me!

03-02-10, 12:29
Lauren, really don't start panicking about brain tumour, fainting could be be the result of anything, more than likely low blood pressure, or low sugar levels. What you friend probably had was a seizure. I remember feeling faint last year and nearly passing out when I had flu it was actually in the pharmacy getting medication (couldn't have been a better place.) there is an answer for it, but don't think the worst. Try and stay positive about it....