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28-12-05, 21:13
It is normal when your going through counseling to actually have anxiety during a session? I had a session today and I found I was getting panicky while I was talking.

28-12-05, 21:38
Yes, very often this is the case because you are focussing on the very issues that cause you stress.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 01:20
Oh yes.. I've had several sessions with my therapist where I've panicked especially when he asked me to relieve touchy parts of my life.. but it does get better sweetie ::hugs:: just keep at it.. I know for myself personally my sessions with my "guru" as my friends call him have really begun to change the quality of my life.

Blessed Be

29-12-05, 19:06
Thanks guys! Its weird sometimes talking outloud to someone and telling them is freeing and other times it causes the panic. I had a PA last nite when I tried to go out to eat with an old friend. She was asking me about my anxiety and all of a sudden I was dizzy and freaking out and we had to leave. So im caught between wanting to hold it in and not speaking it outloud and wanted to talk to someone for reassurance. Do you guys think talking to a therapist helps with ridding yourself of obbsessive thoughts?

30-12-05, 00:43
For me it has helped.. I couldn't talk to anyone familiar.. many of them thought it was "all in my head" and the few i had that do truly care well I felt like I was overburdening them even though they said I wasn't.

For some people talking to a complete stranger relaxes them for others it causes them anxiety.

Blessings Talia

30-12-05, 16:59
Last nite I had my first session that was not on the phone and was actually in her office. When I first when in I couldnt stop crying. Then as I was there I felt the depersonalization really really bad. It was scary but then it went away after I left. I really do like her very much. She seemed very proactive and said that I WILL GET THROUGH IT! She even made a promise of it. How long does it take for that inintial scare of being in the office and stuff end? Im feeling good that I have someone to help me now, but im also feeling discouraged becuase it seems like so many of us here are "stuck" Also as a sidebar, I am still taking my lustral. I started 50 mil on Monday of this week. So I have been on for a total of 11 days. Im not feeling any better yet. The therpist said to give it time, but Im just not confident in it. I keep worrying that it is making me worse??? Thanks for listening and any replys Chrissy

30-12-05, 17:19
Its about building up trust with her and then looking at your issues in a more objective way so you can start to deal with them.

11 days is very short. It can take 4-5 weeks to feel a change.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-12-05, 22:08
Thanks Meg! I am trying very hard to be patient and also not obsess but its very hard to control that right now. I hope with her I can learn to do that.