View Full Version : CLL

28-12-05, 22:11
Hi everyone

I've not posted for a while, i hope you all managed to servive christmas and that you had a good time.

A week or two ago i had some blood tests done, they came back and my white cell count had risen to 15.3, it was 12.8 in August.

My GP has mentioned CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia) as a far off possibility, although i know white cells can go up due to infections etc. I'm trying really hard to put this to the back of my mind until i have another test in the new year, but sometimes it rears it's ugly head and i feel really sick and shaky and panic-stricken.

I'm trying very hard not to 'Google' as i don't want to know any negative things about it.

Trish x

"Life is not measured but the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away"

28-12-05, 23:32
Hi Trish

Despite your worries you are doing very well not to google. Often the worst things are "not knowing' your mind can run wild with all the worst scenarios. It probably doesnt help that CLL has been mentioned because it does give you something to focus on that may not be the case at all.

I guess you just have to try and hang onto the fact that there is nothing you can do until you have your repeat blood test in the new year. You are right, that infections can cause a raised white cell count, and it can sometimes take a little while to come down.

Hang on in there and I do sincerly hope that your next blood test is normal and that you are ok.

I once had some abnormal test results, so I know how frightening it can be while your waiting for further tests.

Good Luck, thinking about you,

28-12-05, 23:34

If your GP thinks CLL is a possibility you need to be referred to a haematologist. Ask for this soon.

Its true that many things can be the cause of a raised WCC even a persistant one.

It is totally normal to be scared and nervous about this possibility until you know for certain what you are dealing with.

I wish you well and do let us know


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 00:06
Thank you both for your replies.

Meg...my GP has said that if my next test comes back the same he will refer me to a Haematologist.

In August when my count was at 12 i did have a chest infection and the high count was put down to this, but i was ok when the last bloods we done.

I hate to wish time away, but i just want it to January!

I will keep you posted.

Thanks again
Trish x

29-12-05, 10:12
I hope it doesn't turn out to be CLL

It must be hard not to focus on that but (i know it's eaiser said than done) try not to worry about it until you know.

Sending you lots of (((hugs)))

Annie x

11-01-06, 11:45
OMG....i'm in a right state this morning as it's today when i get my blood test results....Please God let my white cell count be lower!

I have been doing quite well not thinking about CLL over the Christmas & New year, but now panic has set in, i've tried distraction but to no avail. I'm so frightened.

Trish x

11-01-06, 12:47
hi trish...
just to say will be thinking of you today and sending posative vibes your way... please let us know how it goes

13-01-06, 00:17
Hi All

Just to keep you up to date....good news on my tests, my white cell count has come down by 2, and my lymph count is down just slightly. The good news is i don't need any treatment at this time...YIPPEE!

My blood will be tested every month from now on, so i'm feeling so much better, and my panic has decreased.

Thank you for your support.

Trish x

13-01-06, 00:18
Glad to hear this good news Trish

Do something nice and a treat for yourself tomorrow and enjoy yourself !


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-01-06, 00:21
That is great news Trish. Glad the tests were ok.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

13-01-06, 01:23
Hi Trish,

I am so pleased that your test showed improvement, hopefully as a result it will be less stressful for you next time. I hope you continue to improve.

Take care,