View Full Version : Driving Anxiety

01-02-10, 16:28
Hello everyone!

I'm a massive massive panic/worrier at the best of times.. so finding this website is really amazing, finally people who will understand how it feels to be a worrier and not just say "stop worrying, you're being silly"

Anyways, that's enough of that..

I passed my driving test a week ago and got a car a few days after, but out of nowhere these masses and masses of nerves started. I really didn't expect them, I'm terrified of parking and not being able to do it. I just can't seem to get my head around it.

Where I work has a car park, however it's very very small and does not have any floor markings, and you have to get in very early to secure a spot that means you won't be getting called every 5 minutes, which isn't a problem but I got to it this morning and felt so nervous that I just couldn't do it. So I took a chance and parked in a car park not too far from work (it's not meant for us though, but I could get parked there.. so I did it)

I'm working myself up into a right frenzy over it, it's soooo silly :/

I can't think about anything else :S I just can't face waiting for a bus that never comes any more, and the whole reason I started lessons was to finally say bye-bye to the bus journeys, and now.. I'm at risk of returning to London Transport because of my ridiculous fear.

I didn't expect to feel this nervous about being a new driver.. at all.

any advice, is much much welcome.

Thank you, and I look forward to speaking with like-worry-minded people :)

01-02-10, 16:44
You are no different from most people when they pass their test - a nervous wreck!! I was the same - every time I knew I had to go into my car I had butterflies in my stomach and thought "oh no, I've to drive again!!". Sounds ridiculous, but that's how I felt. After a while you get used to it. It's all down to confidence and the more you do it the easier it will get. I wouldn't be without my car now. It completely opens up your world. Don't be too hard on yourself - we've all been there. Even people who are not great sufferers of anxiety are nervous at the prospect of driving at the start. There is a huge car park where I work and I remember everyone looking out of the window, laughing. Someone had just passed their test and had parked in the middle of an empty faraway carpark when the nearest carpark had loads of spaces, but they were too scared to park near anyone else!! So don't despair. You will get there with practise.:yesyes:

01-02-10, 16:45
Hi t a

Well first of all congratulations for driving in London considering you have just past your test, that alone must mean you are a competent driver. I still get stress driving in London and I have been driving for 24 years (I think it's a patience issue, basically I don't have any ;)).

Parking is probably one of the trickest things to master, so don't beat yourself up over it. It's just one of those things that you need to practice.

What I would suggest is, going somewhere quiet (if you can find somewhere quiet in London) say on a sunday and just get used to parking your car, nice n slow, forward and reverse parking, it's just all to do with experience.

And remember, you are a new driver, all new drivers anxiety sufferers or not get the jitters for the first few weeks of driving, it will all come good with time :)



01-02-10, 16:47
Oops typing the same time as Myra, and all she said too :)

01-02-10, 16:56
Thank you both so much for your replies. I'm at work now and have to do the home journey in about 10 minutes (nerves)

I will report back how it went!
I can tell I'm going to like it so much around here!

(many hugs)


01-02-10, 19:32
Hi t a

Good luck for your journey home! I agree with the others - it's natural to be nervous so close after passing your test (Congratulations by the way!)

Driving in London is a nightmare and so I bet you're a much better driver than you think! Definitely don't give up now and go back to the bus. Like the others said, practice is key and you'll soon get more confident. Parking is a fear for lots of experienced drivers too so don't beat yourself up over it. Try Jaco's suggestion of practising at a weekend - maybe a supermarket carpark (in the evening when it's not heaving), and you'll soon master it.

Good luck