View Full Version : Help :(

01-02-10, 16:41
Hi all, i see thyroid dr today and he says that my symptoms are not related to my thyroid and that i would benefit from seeing a nero :( I asked him if he thought i had ms and he said he could not say :( im petrified now as i was clinging to the hope that it was my thyroid. He as ordered and mri so when my apt for the 8th march comes i wont have to wait and the nero will have it all in front of him. I am so so so scared now, its confirmed it for me that i have ms. I have had anxiety for years and never had these symptoms. I was not even anxious untill i started getting these symptoms in dec, although i had been through sone stressful situations. Pleas help someone. All day i have had a sensation around my wrist as if a tight band is there...what is that. Pleae help.

01-02-10, 16:47
Hey Carli

Firstly hugs (()) I am sure you must be really worried. I am unsure of what your background issues are, but what I want to do is to urge you not to jump 10 steps in front, and try to take 1 day at a time.
A Doctor can never say - without appropriate diagnostic tests - whether you have a specific condition or not.
Is there anyway that you can go and see your GP in in the interim and explain your fears and concerns?

I know I have probably been of no help what so ever, but just wanted to send you some love

01-02-10, 16:51
Hello Carli,

Please try not to worry too much until you've seen the doctor. Some doctors wind people up with their bad bedside manners!! The thyroid doctor obviously doesn't really know the answer and just had to say he didn't know!! Don't read too much into it. You're probably feeling bad now because you are so anxious. Remember that it could just as much be nothing as anything!! Also I think if they are leaving it until 8th March then it doesn't sound like urgent and this is reassuring in itself.

01-02-10, 18:26
Thanks guys, i think i was so set on it being my thyroid and when he said it was unrelated it really deflated me. How can this be anxiety? He did a pin prick test on me and when he prodded me with the needle on my arms i could feel it and all my fingers except the little finger on both side. I could feel him prodding but could not feel the sharpness of the needle? He said my reflexs were fine. I dont know why is was smiling....perhaps he found my anxiety amusing! I just feel so sad, not even anxious anymore just fed up. Mum keeps telling my its anxiety but how? Sorry for rambleing on. xxxxx

01-02-10, 18:59
Hi Carli, i'm sorry you've had such a bad day.
I had a similar experience, i have an under active thyroid and have a lot of horrible weird physical symptoms and was hoping when I saw the thyroid doctor he would tell me it was that, but he didn't!

In regards to the neurological tests. I had a lot of neck tension and went to see a chiropractor who was really thorough and did all those pin prick tests in my arms & legs etc, she explained that if you can't feel the needle in a certain place it can just tell them that it could be there's a nerve impinged in your back somewhere. It really doesn't necessarily mean anything terrible!!! I could feel the needle in some places and not others!

Really hope you feel better soon.
Take care x

01-02-10, 19:01
Thanks lu. xx