View Full Version : Lump in throat, trying to catch breath, tight chest and coughing.

01-02-10, 20:14
Hi Everyone.

Have had anxiety for 12yrs now and had many of the symptoms, but the one i have at the mo is one of the worst.

I had these symptoms for over a week.I feel as though i have a constant lump in my throat and a tight sensation round my neck. Also have a very tight chest that radiates to my back, and am constantly trying to catch my breath which has now given me back ache around my back where my lungs are. Am always trying to clear my throat by coughing as it feels like i have a lot of phlem on my chest and when i take a deep breath i get a slight bubbly feeling inbetween my breasts.

I have a bad fear of cancer and my nan died of lung cancer which started with a cough, also my fathering law has just died from cancer and he coughed and spluttered it was awful. Im now sure thats what i have!!! looking at post on here i realised just how many people suffer with these symptoms, would really be thankful if people could get intouch who has had or has these symptoms right now, and that they are normal.....Really Worried...

Thanks for reading,

Looking forward to hearing from people.

Mandy xx

01-02-10, 21:30
ive had tight chest, wheeze, shortness of breath etc in attacks for 2 months now..I spat up some blood the other night, talk abt scary...my doctor is testing me for allergies as she thinks its nothing serious...She noticed a cut at the bk of my mouth and said that because the blood was red and not phleghmy or pinkish I shouldnt worry too much..she also noted that if it was serious resipratory problem Id be coughing up blood more frequently...

So, Just try to relax and know that you are not alone with these symptoms.

02-02-10, 05:42
Lump in the back of your throat is the worst. Like somebody said a while ago on here, "if you were going to stop breathing, you would definitely feel it". Just remember that it is all your mind and you are breathing normally and it will eventually go away.

04-02-10, 11:13
Thanks to both for answering...

Have now got some cough mixture incase iv'e had a little chest infection, will see how that goes.

My chest isnt too tight at the mo and my breathing comes and goes, but my back where my lungs are can really ache by the end of the day; and i am more clearing my throat rather than coughing. Its the constant odd feeling, like a tickle in my throat or chest thats worrying me the most; doesnt bother me at night, it seems as soon as i get up it starts and can get worse as the day goes on, my husband keeps saying go to the doctors, but as you know im frightened he'll send me for an Xray which will convince me he thinks its something horrible.

Been nearly 2 weeks...This is horrible...its got to be one of the worse symptoms. Not coughing anything up, but then again neither did my Nan till the end, she had a cough for a year before they found the big C. and then it was too late.

Sooooooooo scared...has anybody had this for 2 weeks or more? and is there anything i can try and do to help myself? Went to the gym and swimming last night and although it was still there didnt effect the excersize or make me feel any worse.

ANyone to talk to would be great.

Thanks very much.

Mandy :weep: