View Full Version : Could constant checking of neck pulse cause lightheadedness?

01-02-10, 21:26
I think this could be why ive been feeling lightheaded for so long...:doh:


01-02-10, 21:29
No, can't see it.

What it could be of course, and forgive me for being facetious, is the same reason you check your neck pulse all the time in the first place... anxiety :)

01-02-10, 23:03
Could have inner ear trouble leaning your neck back to check your pulse causing dizziness. Also there is an artery there that if pushed can caused you to get dizzy ,im not saying that is the reason but could be many different run of the mill causes..Best thing for you to do if you are worried..check with your doc.. and make sure you are ok..As far as the pulse thing I can't fuss at you about that because I have a tendency to check my pulse specially if im not feeling well.. Hope you feel better soon. Michael

01-02-10, 23:27
Try taking your pulse at your wrist instead of your neck. I have a fear of pushing on the carotid artery -- just another example of how anxious I am.

I can't fault you for taking your pulse a lot. I take my pulse and blood pressure many times a day.

01-02-10, 23:45
If there was a real worry about pushing on that artery and closing it down I probably would have done it by now..I have pushed just about everywhere you can on the neck and thought that I might have accidentally done that but here I am.. so apparently I haven't. I also found that it didn't work out for me to well for me so I use my wrist.. but also doing that I have done it to the point of bruising my wrist..and I am a strong guy..The blood pressure taking scares me so bad it causes my bp to rise. I cut that out after two weeks of monitoring it. Its just right at are above normal so I just let it go and do what I need to do and try not to worry and try to relax..so there you go..lol..

01-02-10, 23:52
You gave me a smile, looking4answers!:) I didn't mean that you COULD harm yourself my pressing the carotid artery. I meant that it is my fear in my crazy mind. I hope I didn't scare the original poster. That wasn't my intent!

I'm a blood pressure taking addict. I've been doing better, but when I don't feel well, I reach for the machine. Usually, I run a low BP, but I have to reassure myself. So every stupid symptom I have, out comes the machine! I'm a sick puppy! lol

02-02-10, 00:04
We all are sick lol.. and yes you can..there is one artery that is ok to press on and will reflex back but there is another that can be closed and end of story.. Not that im trying to scare anyone either.. lol..My doctor tried to show me years ago how to close the artery that is ok to close for a moment to make your heart slow down during tachycardia
but also maybe it was him or another doctor told me not to be pressing other places lol.. I can't be sure who told me that there was an artery that would not reopen there but then I can't be sure because I really don't remember ,I just make a habit of never touching anywhere on my neck that I can help.. so what does that make me lol.. Speaking of running low bp.. my wife goes to the doctor and they ask..are you sure you are alive? She has super low bp and sometimes gets in the shower and almost passes out. I have had to install a close circuit camera in the shower just in case she gets woosy and im doing other things.. She can call out to me and I can tell she is getting faint where if she was to faint and fall I might not even hear her. Anyway seems like we hijacked the subject here and sorry to invade or intrude but wanted to answer you. .Michael :-)

02-02-10, 00:16
I agree with Cococj: I think it's anxiety rather than a physical cause behind the light-headedness, especially if you're getting into a state worrying about it.

02-02-10, 00:24
Good grief, looking4answers, your wife's BP must be much lower than mine. I do remember one time many years ago when I went to an ENT doctor. He took my BP and said he wouldn't take it again because he was scared to find that I might be dead. Of course he didn't realize I have HA, and therefore didn't know that he caused me months of anxiety from that remark.

Well, now that I know about the possibility of closing off an artery, I'll be lucky if I WASH my neck. LOL Only kidding.:D

Back on topic -- (Sorry for the hijack, NeverRelaxed) My dentist's wife had problems with her heart racing. Her doctor told her to fill her hands with cold water and put her face in it. I haven't tried that, but I don't think it could hurt if your heart is still racing. If you have a fear of water, maybe a cold wash cloth would do. Anxiety is a horrible thing.

02-02-10, 00:31
Corrine ,.never worry about the bp thing.. gosh..I think its from her not eating ..low blood sugar.. then getting into hot hot water.. She has never had a doctor freak out over her bp they would kid with her but then say it was a good thing.. who knows.. and the artery.. heck I could have already killed myself If it was a real concern.. once again too sorry for the hijack just didn't want you to have anxiety because of me.. Michael