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Rachel W
02-02-10, 01:40
Hi all,

I posted a thread recently about one side of my throat being different from the other, namely the tonsilar pillars and tonsil being more 'in' than the other side and my throat a tiny bit shallower; this has been like this AT LEAST a year and has not changed in that time. I had looked for a different reason so it may have been like that I long time, however a doctor had never mentioned it and I had had an examination by a neurologist due to ALS fears (totally wrong and I just had twitching), but he had looked at the back of the throat perhaps a month or so before I noticed.

The problem is that since this I have been using a flashlight in my throat almost daily and have noticed that my skin in the throat and mouth is rather blotchy, with very pale areas and then the red areas. Quite veiny too, but there are no darker areas or anything. the blotches don'e seem to have perfect edges like pre-cancer, but they are still freaking me out alot.

I don't usually look at my throat like this, so don't know if it could have been at least somewhat like this, and I also had a very bad cold for over a week over Christmas (the worst and only cold for quite a few years). Is a lot of blotchiness ominous? I have been indoors a lot as well due to studying and the air has been so dry with the heat on, so my throat has felt irritated a little on and off since the cold went away.

Also, are swollen lymph nodes obvious? If I casually feel my throat I don't find any. I always seem to have an area on both sides that are long and run between my front and side throat muscles, but they don't feel like grapes or anything, more like just deeper muscles. Could these be swollen nodes?

I am sorry about the long post but I have been in such a state for the past three weeks and I am trying to study and my mind just can't settle.

Thank you all.


02-02-10, 06:28
Hello there!

If there's one thing i learned from NMP is that there are all kinds of weird things in peoples mouths! (and i mean that in a loveing way:hugs:)

Even myself i have found a number of things in my mouth that was different then either the other side or the other thing im looking at.

Ive been to the doctor a number of times for this and each time they say its nothing, it looks normal!

Im sure this is normal i looked in the back of my throat as well just for you! it looks pretty much the same as you discribed

I did this to reasure you that its nothing.. if its really bothering you maybe you could see a doctor again for him to tell you the same thing :)

You are just fine sweetie try not to worry to much.. i know thats easier said then done.

I had a obesssion with looking in my mouth for almost a year i would freak out about anything, any weird color or bump that didnt look right.

After my 8th doctors visit i decided to force myself to stop looking in my mouth and down my throat...

I had a few slip ups but now i dont even bother.. after a few months of not looking in my mouth i realised that those odd colors and weird bumps arent killing me i was fine!

I know it can be scary and i know you worry, im sure your fine..

If you ever need anyone to talk to please feel free to pm me at anytime i would be so happy to talk with you!

xx Andy

Rachel W
02-02-10, 11:11
Thank you Andy. You are very good at reassurance and I really appreciate it. I suppose it also can take time for a throat to look normal again after it has been sore. I assume that if I had lymphoma or mouth cancer then there would have been changes in a year, and I would be quite ill by now. I also get little red dots, which is also a sign, but only if they are due to poor clotting. I had a tooth pulled (my first one due to breaking it on a date pit), and it stopped bleeding really quickly. I assume that if I had even a minor clotting issue my mouth would have bled more and it would have taken time for a clot to form???

Thank you again for your trouble.


02-02-10, 11:16
Hey there

if you had a clot in your mouth it would be very noticable... not just look like a bunch of veins...

I know a mate who had a clot inside her mouth and it looked almost like a big nasty blister it was easily fixed..

if you has anything seriously wrong with you for a whole tyear you wouldnt be able to eat drink or even walk on your own..

you would be loosing a crazy amount of weight... this is nothing serious.. probably nothing at all sweetie.. i know your fine... like i said feel free to pm me anytime you want..

ive been to the dentist many and personaly have had a fair amount of mouth issues so i think i could answer a few questions for you :shades:
