View Full Version : update on joint pains

02-02-10, 07:51
Still suffering from joint pains , gp has given me a sick certificate for two weeks. She now says that i might have reactive atrhritis.
Have hospital appointment , but not until APRIL !!!!
This all seems to be dragging on and in the meantime im tired , scared and in pain.
Also i keep getting different diagnosis , first of all i was told it could be rheumatoid arthritis.
Can anyone please let me know if they have had a similiar experience.

04-02-10, 08:35
Can anyone please advise..

04-02-10, 17:56
I got arthritis following my Crohn's flare up and was put on some medication for it but stopped taking it after a couple of months as it made me feel a bit sick at times.

Have they given you anything?

05-02-10, 06:37
It's really hard to diagnose the exact cause of joint pain without alot of tests, no single test will give you the answer. So that's why you've been told different things and got a referall to a specialist . I know you're fed up, but waiting till April isn't too bad, I'm a radiographer in a hospital in New Zealand and I'm pretty sure you'd wait longer than that here. In the meantime, try to keep healthy, have plenty of veges, drink lots of water, get plenty of rest, some gentle exercise. It all helps to make you feel better.

05-02-10, 06:41
ps I have ankylosing spondylitis so I know what it feels like.

06-02-10, 02:49
Ive been prescribed diclofenic , not sure that it really helps. some days the pain is not bad, other days i really hurt.
Also wake up everyday with a stiff back and hips - not sure if this is connected...

11-02-10, 08:41
Saw gp again yeaterday, now thinks i have sero negative arthritis and has prescribed ibrufen.
This just goes on and on. Hve been given another week off work , could of had more time but panicking about work and being sent to company doctor.
I know im probably going to need more time.
Im stressing soooo much....

11-02-10, 15:27
not sure if anyone can help , THANKS

11-02-10, 16:19
As Cattt said, it is notoriously difficult to diagnose muscle and joint pains at the first shot. I myself was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis....then spondylitis and fibromyalgia. At one time pretty much every muscle and joint ached. I can't take iboprufen 'cos of stomach problems, but have prescribed pain killers, iboprufen gel and have to take gentle excercise and eat a healthy diet. I cannot eat citrus fruit, tomatoes etc. as the acid is really bad for my joints. In April you will get the full intense examination by a specialist and he should be able to advise best treatment. Hope you can keep positive until then...thinking of you. XX

12-02-10, 08:03
Thank you for your reply, ive managed to move my appointment to the end of March .
Im hoping to go back to work in a couple of weeks .
In the past my flareups have got better quite quickly but this time its not!!!!
This is also worrying me....

14-02-10, 09:03
Doctor change meds from diclofenic to brufen and now seem to be in so much pain. Apparently brufen is safer as i had an ulcer in my bowel many years ago.
I just feel this will never get better!!!!

16-02-10, 08:41
Please advise i just can't take anymore.
GP told me to stop taking diclofenic and start ibrufen as there is lesss side effects, but they are making me feel so sick.
I cant face going back to see gp , maybe i could just write her a note.
I feel that the diclofenic work better , but because i had an ulcer in my bowel many years ago she doesnt want me to take them long term.
Please HELP ...

16-02-10, 08:54
hi bp last week my dr told me i had reactive arthritis aswell its horrible i sympathise , my dr gave me tramadol have you tried them ?

16-02-10, 14:54

I haven't tried tramadol , im so stressed its hard to think rationally!!!

Thank you,

Can anyone else advise

16-02-10, 16:33
Have you tried taking a natural supplement like Omega 3?