View Full Version : Early morning apprehension

29-12-05, 13:01
I was just wondering if there was a way to get rid of that nervous apprehensive feeling that i get as soon as i wake up? It's all in the chest area really. Like when you wake and you know you've got a exam or a speech to do!! Apart from obviously I haven't!


29-12-05, 13:33
Eat well as soon as wake up
Get up immediatelyand get going
Relax night before
Think positively as soon as wake up


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 13:57
Thanks Meg

I'll try that 2moro, I do relax as i go to bed with tapes and things but i do engage with the thoughts on waking as it seems quite automatic. I will maybe stick some affirmations up and read them when i wake as well, eating is not a problem too!!


29-12-05, 20:18
I always feel that aprehension in the morning too and it makes me dread the day ahead and wonder how I will get through.

I try not to lay in bed thinking about it and get up straight away and get myself busy with kids, etc.

Meg's advice sounds good - I'll give it a go too.

Annie x x

30-12-05, 12:10
I suggest you look at www.emofree.com and download free booklet on how to do EFT.

Its a simple process, however if you have any difficulties please PM me and I will give you more advance methods to try.


30-12-05, 13:46
I agree with Meg - try not to stay in bed long enough for any negativity to get a hold.

I sometimes find it helps to have a plan of things you would like to achieve with the following day and act on one of those things as soon as you have got up.

I know what you mean about that nervous feeling. After my marriage break up I went around feeling like I had an imminent dental appointment for weeks!!!!

Love Pig xx

Oh and the cd' cases went down really well :D:D:D thanks again xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-12-05, 16:16
Thanks guys,

I'm glad they all liked them Piglet!!

Didn't succeed with the getting up straight away thing this morning but reduced it a bit, 2moro i'm just gonna get up and trust myself that if i do this the world won't fall apart etc!!


01-01-06, 23:59
Hey Sarah

A couple of months ago, I was just like you. I would lie awake in bed the night before just dreading the morning that was to come. As soon as you wake up the feelings are there. I ended up getting myself in to the habit where I just lay there each morning fretting about it and thinking about the 'what ifs' and my mind going around in circles. I wouldn't get out of bed til at least 12noon and even then that was because I probably needed the bathroom!. I was sooo tired I just wanted to go back to sleep but couldn't. It is definately a good idea to get up as soon as you wake up and do something straight away just like Meg says (sound advice as always) do something to take your mind off it like the washing up or some ironing, that's what I do. Try your best to dismiss those early morning thoughts be means of distraction and more positive thoughts.

I'm much better these days, I have the odd blip, generally when I'm stressed about something but I hardly ever wake up with that feeling now. You're gonna be fine.

Take care

Emma x