View Full Version : buzzing feet

02-02-10, 09:52
argh!!!!! having a bad morning both my feet are buzzing & tingling so worried its MS :weep::weep:

Im also really worried as i had a full blood count done yest & im so scared that they are going to tell me theres something wrong :(

02-02-10, 10:34
Hey tash

Im sorry your feeling down if you had ms im pretty sure ud have a lot more then buzzing feet

I feel that feeling from time to time along with other people here.. im sure they will tell you

Im sorry your anxious but im sure its not ms health anxiety makes us think the worst out of every little odd feeling we have

it is never what we think it is tash .. i hope you feel better real soon :hugs: take care

xx Andy

02-02-10, 11:44
Hello chook, you have probably just slept funny. You know being pregnant messes up with all your normal bodily functions.

Try and focus on something else and I am sure they will be better soon.


02-02-10, 13:20
Hey Tash,

Just to let you know I have been experiencing a buzzing foot on and off now for a couple of months. I will have whole days where it pretty much wont happen (mostly because I haven't been thinking about it) and other days where I will fixate on it (silly idea) and will notice it a lot.

The fact that it comes and goes is indicative that it cant be something badly wrong, as it would be constant, all day, every day.

I think its the body's way of relieving stress and tension (albeit in an irritating and annoying fashion!)

Just let it run its course, don't dwell on it, relax and it will go away.

PS. I had a full blood test recently, and they came back normal.

03-02-10, 12:35

MS Symptoms are not usually subtle, everytime you have this thought you might have ms ask yourself are you in great pain ??? are you falling over because your legs gave way??

your ok mate xx x

05-02-10, 22:40
Like you i'm suffering with this buzzing feet feeling and my mucsles in me legs and arms spasm like crazy sometimes. they ache aswell. I've had this now for about 5 months but a couple of weeks ago it disappeared entirely. Now it's back :( I suffer with anxiety and am beginning to learn that this is a worrying syptom but harmless and thanks to this site learning i'm not alone. Ironically the week the symptoms disappeared was the one week i was feeling really positive about myself, excersised everyday and spoke out positive statements to myself. It's a learning progress and have relapsed but determined to get back on track with help!! HOPE THIS HELPS ALL ON HERE XX