View Full Version : visual disturbance

02-02-10, 11:21
Hi guys, I just wonder if anyone can help....
on 6th october 2009 I had a very strange visual disturbance. it started as a tiny wiggling spot just off the center of both visual fields. it then grew to a water effect around the edges of both eyes, then to a sparkling effect around the edges, similar to a blue sparkler on bonfire night, but it followed the pattern of blood vessels. all the time while this was happening, there were little blind spots dotted around in my central vision. Then it just stopped suddenly, with no headache after or later. This lasted for around 25 mins and as you can imagine guys, it scared the hell outta me!!

Any ideas?

Many thanks!

02-02-10, 11:27
sounds like it could have been a silent migraine....this is where you get the aura and visual disturbances but no headache.....hope that helps!!!

02-02-10, 17:18
I get similar occasionally again with no other symptoms eg headache.The disturbance normally lasts for 15-30 minutes. I diagnosed it as an optical migraine. My optician confirmed this morning that this is what it would be and is nothing to worry about. I believe it is a reaction to certain light conditions ie "dazzle".However if it became like a daily occurence it would be as well to get your Doctor to refer you to your local eye hospital for further investigation

02-02-10, 17:56
Hi there,
Ive had that a couple of times too, it really scared me. Been told it could be migraines..

02-02-10, 18:17
Migraine Aura! it's scary as hell isn't it!
i often get it without the actual migraine pain!
try FeverFew, also called Migrafew in Boots.
it's a herb it helps prevent migraines.
i've been getting them since age 12.

02-02-10, 18:22
I agree with the above posts: very likely to be migraine auras which can occur with/without an actual headache.

Try to see if it's being set off by anything you eat or drink.

02-02-10, 19:04
thank you so much for your input guys!

on the day of the aura I had been working all day on my feet and hadnt eaten since dinner time as this happened at about 6pm. I havnt had another since.

I read that "scintillating scotoma" happens in migraine aura but it did not look like a flashing c shape moving across the visual field.

There is epilepsy in the family so you can imagine why I am so worked up over it!

After me saying that, is it still agreed by you guys that it is migraine aura?

Thanks again!

02-02-10, 23:57
I have had this on several occasions. It does scare the hell out of you and you always are scared it will happen again. I have consulted two doctors and also eye doctors and they all said the same thing. Its called an optical migraine..There is no pain associated with it but its scary just the same.. I started having them about five years ago out of the blue and have one every once in awhile and I hate them .. I have been fortunate not to have had any recently but always worried I will again. Hope ou feel better soon.. Michael

03-02-10, 00:01

I get these and find it really strange. I've had zig zag lines, partial blindness where I can see out of half of each eye and they're not all followed by a headache. The reassuring thing is that it's not serious. I sometimes think stress causes them.

03-02-10, 09:48
Thank you very much for your help everyone! :yesyes:
I'm still battling the other anxiety symptoms which are now worse than before the visual.

I'm seeing all kinds of wierd stuff in my eyes and feeling lots of different sensations all the time leading me to panic, all due to the fear of getting epilepsy, sometimes I feel as if my life is one constant siezure aura, its so depressing!!
I just cant wait to be free of it!!!

03-02-10, 12:52
These sorts of migraines can cause other weird sensations too like numbness, tingling and an electrical feeling in the skin (like static). I think Myra's right also that anxiety and stress has a big part to play in setting them off. Sometimes these sensations can feel like seizures and I was worried when I was having these migraines along with brain zaps. Once you feel less anxious they'll probably lessen - but don't worry in the meantime because if you had a seizure you'd definitely know about it!

03-02-10, 16:27
thank you vey much, you have helped to put my mind at a little bit of ease :)

04-02-10, 10:49
I get migraine with aura and it starts exactly as everybody here has said, i get the blind flashing spot that spreads and go kind of blind in one eye and get pins and needles up the arm that spreads accross to my lips and teeth. My mum gets the aura like you described but without the headache and she is 68 and in good health. I get the headache so everytime it starts i am in an absolute state of panic as i know i am about to be floored by a migraine.
Am on lexapro 20mg and cannot take the imigran as the 2 medicines react somehow so i just have to take paramol and diazepam and put up with it.

Just because you have the optical migraine does NOT mean you are going to develop this other type!

I know because I have had these since i was pregnant with my first child 19 years ago and have been getting them since.

Don't let it worry you as it is not as bad as it could be and it really sounds like the not eating/working hard/stress thing was the trigger.

And they are Definitely anxiety related! My counsellor helped me to see this and since being on the meds I have had them less frequent so please DONT WORRY.

04-02-10, 11:26
Thank you very much rooby! i have been battling with the fear of epilepsy for past 10 years so i thought this was related. Thank you very much for your help :)

10-02-10, 08:29
Hiya....What you describe about the "C" shape is exactly what I get with migraine....in fact woke up with one (again!!) this morning. I know you're told it is migraine by docs etc but believe me it can be very scary when you get this happening. I found a good item about it on UTube. The guy on there said when this visual aura starts to eat something sweet and drink lots of water together with pain meds if you are on them. So I tried this the last couple of times and it does appear to work, in fact his morning the "aura" lasted only 10 minutes after having something sweet (I had 2 teaspoons of honey...what could be more sweet than that!!) and drink a large glass of water. I did take a couple of paracetamol too but having said that I don't usually get a headache as such just the visual stuff. Hope this helps.
Lainie1 x

10-02-10, 08:39
Hi, thank you very much for that suggestion, I will try that if and when I get another one.
I have not had one since my first one in october 09, I imagine if it meant epilepsy or anything else it would have happened more times by now??

Thank you very much!! :)

10-02-10, 09:15
Well let's hope that your first one in 09 was your LAST one!! All the best Lainie1 x

10-02-10, 10:08
Have they been known to happen once and never again then??

Many thanks!!

10-02-10, 10:45
Hi i have been geetin these for the last four years!!!. i only get about one a year but in between i get little light patches in my which fade after a few minutes. Countless eye drs have told me its optic migrain so try not to worry. xx

10-02-10, 11:17
i get these, had them for years.mine are brought on by stress, tiredness. I aso noticed that if I have any sugary snack early in the morning, then that can trigger them. think they are called blind migraines. even though they are not nice, i prefer them to the ones which are followed by the headache! they are horrendous!

10-02-10, 18:12
Thank you all for your kind replies. I am still stressing very much over the thought that it might be somehow related to epilepsy.

the fact that epilepsy is in the family (female side so far) and the fact that it had no headache still worries me, why couldnt there have been a headache afterwards, then I would KNOW that it was migraine!! and if there wasnt epilepsy in the family then maybe I would have been able to dismiss it more easily!

One of the things that help is the idea that it lasted for 25 mins and seizures of any type usually only last 2 mins.

I'm sorry if I'm not helping guys, just getting fed up of worrying over it and arguing with myself. I just wish there was a magic machine that tells me exactly what it was how i can stop it etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone :unsure:

27-02-10, 10:31
I have been getting these for a good while now, normally with no pain but the last one I had a dull headache and felt very tired for the whole of the next day. very scary. I do get alot of floaters too lately and I'm not sure if these are connected. I tried for ages to find out what ytriggers them as Ive heard that foods can but I am convinced that its hormonal as I've kept a diary and its always around the time of my period! has anyone else noticed this?

02-03-10, 17:50
Do you get them exactly how I described at the start of this post and how often do you get them??

Thanks :)

02-03-10, 18:36
I've had two 'blind migraines' in the last 10 years, and they somewhat confused me. I used to have 'normal' migraines where I had vision loss, dreadful headache and vomiting....on these two occasions however I had only the vision disturbances for about 20 minutes and nothing followed. This is about 8 years ago now, the last time, and I've never had one since. Luckily, I appear rid of 'normal' migraines too !

02-03-10, 19:19
oh right!! I had a migraine when I was about 4, then nothing until that one ocular migraine thing. always scared that it will happen again and scared that it could be linked to epilepsy which is in the family.
very confusing!!! :s :unsure:

pussy cat
02-03-10, 21:20
i have been having these - exactly as you described for about 18 yrs - 1st 1 frightened the life out of me,went to the docs the next morning & he sent me to the eye hospital just to be sure,they did tests etc & confirmed,silent migraine.since then i,ve had quite a few but can go months without 1-always last 15-25 mins & never a headache although the last couple of years i do sometimes get a mild headache afterwards now-don,t worry as you can see by the number of people who have replied to you it is nothing to worry about but to put your mind at rest pay the doc or optician a visit & have a word.good luck xx:winks:

02-03-10, 22:10
thanks alot for your comments :)

I will try my best to put it behind me now and get on with things.

Thanks again! :winks:

10-04-10, 08:02
hi all, I have tried to put the migraine aura behind me but I was being a little brave and googled last night and read that somebody on there had flashing lights for upto an hour with no pain once or twice per year before getting epilepsy which is what I'm very scared about as it is in the family.

I havn't slept all night, can anyone reassure me???