View Full Version : Palpitations Even When Not Worried?

02-02-10, 14:57
Hey all, i have had every symptom in the book and and i have came to accept all of them .

There is a few symtoms which never go away and these are :

1. Tight Feeling In left chest and arm
2. random pains up my neck
3. Drained
4. Ear Ringing
5. Visual Disturbances

I can deal with all these but the one that annoys me and seems to come one from nothing is palpation more specifically a thud in my chest.

Every time i get one it scares me! i cant help it! i got palpatation a few months ago and got alot of ecgs and bloods and had people listiening to my heart and they said that was good. since then i have just calmed down and started taking st. Johns wort and they have REALLY helped i dont get my palps as often as i did and they have alomost gone.

I went and seen a cardiologist and had a stress test and ecgs and it all comeback fine she said my test was very good. Now i need to go to anxiety management.

I know everyone from time to time gets these things in their chest its just mine comes for no reason and the fact my left arm and chest is always tight doesnt help my anxiety . My doc says its not my heart but a skeletol problem.

Basically what im askin is . can palps come on you even when ur not worried? Like my body could still be on edge so thats why i get them?

Thanks all

02-02-10, 16:15
Yes they can Qix,

In fact lots of people suffer from palpitations who don't even have anxiety. They are very common and won't do you any harm.


claire m
02-02-10, 16:39
hi qix. all the symptoms you list sound liike what i get from this anxiety i am so tense and carry the tension into my chest arms and neck.

My left arm aches but so does my right just as much as each other but because im more concerned about my heart i automatically keep checking out the left arm and given it more focus which ends up going in a vicious circle.

I have alot of underlying anxiety and this is why i get the random palpitations in my chest (i call it flip flops as that how it feels:)). so even if i dont feel overly anxious i still am as thats when all the seemingly unconnected symptoms start to creep in like the ones you have mentioned above.

Im only starting to understand this myself with cbt im having and im slowly getting there.

take care

02-02-10, 16:49
I have papls if Im stressed up to the eyeball or if Im relaxed and calm chilling they come out of nowhere. very normal xx

02-02-10, 22:39
I can identify .. I am 55 at an age I suppose I should worry more but woke up this morning worried that I have another 10 years before im suppose to retire although im already retired and feel this bad .. geez what is it going to be like in another ten years..

I get pains in my left and right sides.. sharp pains .. it scares me when I get it in my left side but I have been checked very well by a doctor on a regular basis and had ekg's etc.. there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with my heart.. I also get the things you listed here and they all seem to be skeletal or muscular in nature..UGH..

How can they be.. Last night I had just finished dinner and was laying on my side and had a sharp pain in the just the right spot for a heart attack..It turned out to be gas.. although all the rest of the night I felt bad and even during sleeping felt bad.. hearing my heart and feeling it skip..

I think sometimes gas and stress causes palpitations,sometimes even when you are feeling stressed you probably are.. I have been having issues for about two weeks..with my wife and other things although I haven't felt like I was going out of my mind or sick.. my heart has skipped most days and its irritating. I have a tendency to stretch my arms and neck at long periods of time because im tense and then wonder why I hurt later..

The thing I hate is doing this and then actually having to do some work and then it really hurts and I get cramps in my side and stuff although I forgot that I had been stretching these parts of me from tension so its all connected..

The palpitations seem to be a normal regular part of life that most of us experience and there isn't much you can do except try not to worry.Im sorry you have been feeling so bad lately and hope you feel better soon..Michael

02-02-10, 22:50
i had a big palp as soon as id finished eating my dinner yesterday! scared me silly.

i think mine are related to my respiratory woes atm.

i can jog for 15 mins and nt have a single one but when im resting BAM!

02-02-10, 23:12
I have often wondered about the skips and such myself .. I think mine are related to eating and the gas hitting the vargus nerve or something like that.. Im the same way.I can work and work hard and get my pulse racing . and no skips and then bang when im resting.. I often ask my wife about this.. she says that she thinks that when your heart is adjusting down to normal speed and this is like a regulator that kicks in that adjust your heart rate.. That makes a lot of sense because when Im resting and i am relaxing my heart starts skipping but then I notice that the pulse rate is going down fairly quickly so maybe that is it..