View Full Version : As bad as it can be!!!

02-02-10, 18:15
Well i have made a decision, If im no better in the next couple of days, then im stopping taking the mirtzapine and zopiclone,,, Why? Well over 3 months i have been on first citropram? and then mirtz, They have not worked for me, and are not working, im not much better infact im worse!!!
So it's Make or Break!!!! time, i have decided i will take the worst the depression and anxiety can throw at me, cause it can't be much worse than what it is now.
It's not a rash decision i have thought it over, but i don't want to be like this any longer, so like i say i really have nothing to lose anymore, the thought of a few more months like i have been feeling, ,,,Forget it!
I have to see the mental health nurse tomorrow,,,,What is the point!!!! Im not sure they care if im like this forever, im not sure if this is negative thinking, or reality! Sorry folks i cant see any hope!!!
And to my friend i upset last night,,,im sorry!!!!! Take care,

claire m
02-02-10, 19:07
hi wayne, hope all goes well tomorrow with your nurse tomorrow.
Ive been on 7 a/d over the past year, i know its such alot but when i start getting side effects i panic and stop taking them.

I have been so low recently that i have decided i will keep on taking the cipralex as i really feel i cant cope with how i am without them so for me it feels like the last chance................

I kind of get the feeling there is a positive sense about your post too. like you are ready to take what ever it throws at you.

please dont give up hope,:hugs: just take 1 day at a time.

Sometimes its really difficult to put into words how you are feeling but i think you do a really good job of expressing yourself this way.

take care

02-02-10, 21:46
Hi Wayne,

I'm really sorry you're having a bad time of it. I also gave up on Citalopram cos the side effects made me worse. I know I probably would've got through it and maybe felt better but I couldn't deal with them.

I suggest you keep going to see the mental health nurse and counsellor if you're seeing one. I'm sure they do care or they wouldn't be trying to help. Stick with them and I'm sure there'll be light at the end of the tunnel. Easy for me to say when it's not me, I know :hugs:

03-02-10, 04:23
I wish you luck with your appt. I hope you find the relief and care that you need......

04-02-10, 20:37
Many types of medication can take up to a month or sometimes longer to settle into your system. Many side effects are awful for the first few weeks and disappear in time. If these tablets dont work, maybe you need other ones ? Some people search for the right meds for years

Even if you have chosen to give up on medication, don't give up on yourself. your life is worth fighting for. You will get through this.

Pm if you ever need a chat

Munkey x