View Full Version : constantly lightheaded, off balance and headache

02-02-10, 18:55
Hi everyone, I am just looking for some reassurance, I am suffering from agraphobia although i do go out everyday but struggle, and i suffer constant anxiety and panic attacks.
My problem for the past 9 months has been constant off balance feeling and lightheaded, but my main concern is that it never leaves me i really do have it constantly, I have seen ent and having and mri scan next week, but my doctor thinks its anxiety, but does anyone else has this feeling 24/7, I also have a headache everyday which ive had for about 4 months.
I do have constant muscle tension in my back shoulders and neck so was wondering with having this muscle tension would that cause my constant lightheaded off balance like im walking on a boat, headaches. I am even like this at home not just when i go out. this symptom is really limiting my recovery from this agraphobia.
thank you for reading
Ann x

02-02-10, 19:05
another thing i would like to add is that even when im sitting down my head feel kind of dizzy or sway quite often, when i stand still i sway all over the place and have to keep moving, when i am very anxious it is worse.
thank you in advance

margaret jones
02-02-10, 19:24
Ann you poor thing i suffer from dizzy and lightheaded feeling a lot of the time my Gp says a lot is to do with my balance inner ears MRI will help to see any probs re ears etc , I saw a ENT specialist who carried out tests and also diagnoised a prob in the ears not serious but very disturbing for patients when bad .

Hope you can soon get some answers Anxiety does make mine worse

take care Margaret

02-02-10, 19:29
Its awful im there with you. Infact my has flared up today i feel like im on a boat when i stand still so i dont. I move or sit down. My ears also feel like they are in a pressurized can & i feel nauseous.
Mine is by far 300 times worse with anxiety.

03-02-10, 10:36
i wouldnt say i have that 24/7 but most days, its horrendess isn't it. i haven't been to my gp about it as i tell myself its anxiety to try and stop me worrying about health. i sometimes feel like im going to fall when i stand up too.
Im having a bad day today, my anxiety is taking over my life and destroying my relationship.

Carly Lou
03-02-10, 12:38
Hey ann, i couldnt be anymore there with you either, have had this now for 3 weeks, and it has totally taken over my life, i had a whole week with dizziness, nausea, and feeling very weak and i decided to go to the doctors, said i have inner ear infection/labrythisis........ Hmmmmmmmmmmm............. still reckon brain tumour haha, was given some serc tablets to stop the dizziness which worked but since then i am always getting a bloody headache, so after a week i stopped taking the tablets, the dizziness comes once a day and usually passes afer a hour or so, but the headaches are still there, my ears feel funny, like they need to pop, and my sinus's are feeling awful !!! it is like i have a terrible sinus headache, its total poop !!!! have you been to the doc ???? i know how you feel, well seems we all know how you feel on here xxxx
im back to doctors today to see her re my GAD..... but im sure this isnt anxiety, if i get anxious i feel rwally sick, speaking of which i threw up last nite, but i believe that was becasue of way to much food and choco cake !!!
i will let you know what the doctor says today and she is that helps you a little, its pretty shocking tho isnt it xxxxx

03-02-10, 13:35
Hi Everyone, I too have a constant headache, fuzzy feeling, tired heavy eyes, lightheadedness etc..etc.. I've had various tests inc MRI - all came back fine. However, I recently stumbled upon a book which is starting to make a huge difference. It's called Heal your headache The 1-2-3 programme by David Buchholz. I got it off Amazon for £6 and it's been a bit of a life saver. Migraine causes so many symptoms - not just headaches- and it's mainly triggered by your diet. I do eat fairly healthly but even so most of the food I was eating are migraine triggers. My weakness is chocolate which is one of the worst triggers. I have had to give up tea and coffee which was hard but within 5 days I was feeling fantastic and ALL my symptoms had disappeared. Unfortunately the hard bit is keeping to it as I felt so well I reintroduced tea and chocolate and boy do I regret doing that as all my symptoms came flooding back. I have started the plan again today so it will be interesting to see whether I improve again. You are meant to follow it for 2 months and I'm determined to do it this time, will let you know how I get on but I would definately recommend this book, it maybe that you have migraine and not anxiety at all.

03-02-10, 13:47
Hi ann i do get this lightheadedness on and off aswell and cloud like hanging over me with headache and can relate to your muscle tension in kneck shoulers and back aswell, i put it down to anxiety and getting tense and stressed makes it worse, wish i could turn off and relax more myself but not easy.
take care steve

03-02-10, 23:14
I think much of it is due to tension ..I feel like this alot and have had all kinds of test.sitting down ,laying down and also walking around.. I hate it..I get at least one headache a day.. but you have to remember all the things that can cause all of this.Poor posture, tension, anxiety ,nerves.. etc.. many are not really medical issues just mostly cause the dizziness and lightheaded feelings from nerves that are pinched and eyes and ears that control movement and its so easy to get these off of balance.. and scary but just try to relax I think it will go away eventually . usually when you find other things to worry about the feelings you are getting goes away. Michael

04-02-10, 09:16
Thank you so much for your replies, It does help knowing that its just not me, yesturday I did even get dressed i was lightheaded and off balance, and my eyes arent focusing properly now for a few weeks, really wish i could relax and calm down.
Thank you
Ann x

04-02-10, 09:43
Hi Ann i wish i understood this more myself, is it reaction of worry and tenseness and stress ? causing this to happen, i do try and relax and been off work for 14 months but going back on 19th feb, my stomach also in knots at moment, perhaps going back to work will take mind off it,
you take care and hope you get some better days, steve

04-02-10, 20:22
Hi steve, I think it really is stress as i have been under alot of stress for about 3 or 4 years now, I have a wonderful family and a good job, but i have been off sick for 9 months now with the lightheadness headaches and panics, i am due to go back on 15th feb but dont know if i am ready or not, i really want to as i do like my job, but dont know how i will manage with this constant dizziness.
Good luck
Ann x

21-05-10, 20:49
Does antone have trouble standing still, when I am stood still I actually sway even in the house doing the dishes or cleaning my teeth, just had this really bad in B&Q I was stood waiting for an assistant and I actually couldn't stand still and had to walk about, although walking was difficult because my legs felt very stiff and that I had to force my legs to walk. So scary . Does anyone else get this?

28-06-10, 21:48
Hi ann01,

How you been doing recently? When I'm reading your description, it sounds exactly the same as my problem. Mine started 6 months ago. It is better sometimes (although it is never 100% better - I always feel unbalanced / unsteady) but then it flares back up and sometimes I have problems walking. I also noticed that stress makes it worse. The same when I'm tired (especially when I don't sleep enough) and after some physical exercise (even simple walking for 20 minutes will make it much worse).
My legs feel kinda stiff when I walk. Like I have to consciously force them to walk. It's hard to explain but it's like they don't want to walk by themselves :) From time to time I also get this falling sensation. It's very short (less than a second) but it is very scary because it feels like the ground under me just opened and I will fall all the way down. I never really fell, but because of this feeling my legs are bracing all the time (I basically feel similar to what what you feel when you walk on the ice or a slippery floor) and it makes my legs hurt in the evening.
I usually feel better in the morning, but it is getting worse during the day, and is usually the worst in the evening.

So many doctors and tests already and nobody knows what's wrong with me. It affects my work and my personal life :(

28-06-10, 22:05
Hi, Yes I get this too, feeling I am swaying around and may fall over and have to move, its particularly embarassing if you see someone in the street you know and get agitated and cant stand still while speaking to them!

28-06-10, 23:07
I have had the same feeling for seven years all day every day! when you say 24/7 i know exactly what you mean. it doesnt come in spells then stop.. it is just every minute of every hour! it has destroyed my life so far, cant work or go out much, lost all friends due to not wanting to do anything or go anywhere. i am feeling the same way right now and i know i will be when i wake up tomorrow, and the next day and so on. i hope yours doesn't last as long as mine!

29-06-10, 17:16

Seven years? That's insane. I have it for 6 months and I'm already exhausted by it. You have probably seen many doctors during the course of 7 years. What do they say?

Since you have been experiencing this for so long, maybe you have some advises for us, based on your experience?

Are there any things that make you feel better?

Are there any medicines that work?

Maybe there are some things that you noticed can trigger it? Would you advise to avoid certain things?

Thanks in advance for your answers!


29-06-10, 18:28
Hi, Yes I get this too, feeling I am swaying around and may fall over and have to move, its particularly embarassing if you see someone in the street you know and get agitated and cant stand still while speaking to them!

Lucy, for me it feels like the ground below me was moving. It's similar to what you feel when you walk inside a plane, and there is some mild turbulences. Or when you walk inside a moving train. Sometimes I feel like I was walking up a small hill, even though I know I walk on a straight floor.

I get the swaying feeling too, but it's not as severe.

29-06-10, 18:43
I get this too. Its horrible.

29-06-10, 19:03
Lucy, for me it feels like the ground below me was moving. It's similar to what you feel when you walk inside a plane, and there is some mild turbulences. Or when you walk inside a moving train. Sometimes I feel like I was walking up a small hill, even though I know I walk on a straight floor.

I get the swaying feeling too, but it's not as severe.

Hi TomOntario, Yes thats it exactly, just noticed you thought 7 years of this was insane, well, I will say I have suffered this for over 25 years now!!

29-06-10, 20:00
7 years? 25 years? Guys, it is supposed to be *support* group :P

But seriously, I can't quite imagine how can you live with this for that long.
Lucy, could you try to answer some of the questions I asked Razzledazzle above? It would be great to hear on how you cope with this problem.

For me it's terrible. I'm feeling like my life is being taken away from me. I cannot enjoy anything. I don't remember when was the last time I was smiling... :weep:

29-06-10, 22:51
Hi Tom

yeah i have had this for seven whole years!

I haven't really coped with it very well. I have depression because of it and the inability to have a 'normal' life.

I have been put on anti-dizziness tablets in the past but they didn't help at all. i have had pretty much any test you can imagine and they found nothing physically wrong with me. They thought it might be linked to my tinnitus and having labryithitus in the past but my balance tests were fine.There isn't really anything that triggers it because it really is constant. Sometimes it is easier to forget about especially when i am engrossed in something like a game or TV programme.

I was referred to a psychologist but i found it hard to talk to him so i stopped going, perhaps it would have helped but he made me feel uncomfortable, I just had a problem telling a complete stranger about my deepest thoughts and stuff.

Having said all that i did find one thing that lessened the intensity of the dizziness. 30mg of Citalopram a day seems to lessen the general anxiety and makes the dizziness easier to cope with.

29-06-10, 23:06
Have had this since 1986 and it has totally put my life on hold.
If the dizziness and off balance went away I know I would not be agoraphobic any more.

29-06-10, 23:58
I know what you mean loveletter. If i didn't have this constant dizziness i would be able to go out and do things people take for granted. With the dizziness you convince yourself not to go out and take part in things because you feel so ill and you end up moping around the house constantly thinking about the dizziness, why is this happening? how long will it go on for? will it ever go away? is there some massively serious problem causing this? and this just makes us feel even more stressed and ill.

30-06-10, 12:30
I do not know how long it will go on for as mine first started 1986 and that is so long.
It has never left me.
At its worse I have had to be carried to the bathroom and up and down stairs to and from bed and have been unable to walk with out support.

I have been too doctors through out the years when it has been at its worse but doctors have all said it is anxiety.

I have been seeing a cb therapist again lately and he says this is anxiety and yes he has meet others as bad as me.

I ask God a thousand times over how much longer.

I think at the moment the heat is making things much worse. Have had a headache since Saturday that just will not good and I am so tired hardly know what I am doing.
Am a bit scared to go out at the moment even with some one as dizziness is so bad in the heat.

The 1 thing that has really helped me is coming on here and seeing that others have this quite bad and for a long time.
It has made such a difference to me as I now know I am not mad

30-06-10, 17:00
yes it does help to know we are not the only ones suffering this awful constant dizzy feeling, although i would prefer it if no one had to go through it!

wow yours sounds terrible at its worst, having to be carried around.

at my worst it feels like the world is moving around me and i get panicky and have to lie down, then stand up and lie down again unable to settle.

you say the heat makes you feel worse? it is the opposite for me.. when its very cold i feel more dizzy and tenseness in my neck and shoulders.

30-06-10, 20:04
What do you think is the cause of all this? Is it stress? Anxiety? Or do you think it is some real disease or health issue inside our bodies that doctors haven't figured out yet? What's your theory?

30-06-10, 21:19
What do you think is the cause of all this? Is it stress? Anxiety? Or do you think it is some real disease or health issue inside our bodies that doctors haven't figured out yet? What's your theory?

To be honest with you, I feel that most "mental illness" is caused by physical disease of some sort. At this time, medical science is not able to explain it. It is an "unknown unknown" in the sense that not only do they not know the answer, but they don't know the question either so there's no way to begin. I'm sure a minimum of 50% of people in mental institutions are suffering from a genuine medical problem. It's just once they are there, no one looks anymore, they just keep upping meds, and they are never treated. When a doctor can't find the answer for something, they always default to the fact that it MUST then be a mental/psychological problem. Which is a damn shame, and a disgrace overall to the medical community.

It is the ultimate arrogance for doctors to claim or make it seem like they know the answer to everything at that time. That will never happen.

With that said though, psychological problems can have significant profound effects on your physical health and well being as well. There are plenty of medical conditions though that cause anxiety, depression, panic. It's too easy to say "yup that's anxiety". Because it matches symptoms in a book. The medical community is frustrating.

I completely understand why so many people turn to suicide. I'm not saying it's the right thing or the best thing to do. It's not, but I can empathize now.

01-07-10, 03:32

Seven years? That's insane. I have it for 6 months and I'm already exhausted by it. You have probably seen many doctors during the course of 7 years. What do they say?

Since you have been experiencing this for so long, maybe you have some advises for us, based on your experience?

Are there any things that make you feel better?

Are there any medicines that work?

Maybe there are some things that you noticed can trigger it? Would you advise to avoid certain things?

Thanks in advance for your answers!

TomOntario, in reply to your asking me to try to answer some of the questions you had given razzledazzle.
Are there any things that make me feel better?
Exercise and going for a walk when I can pluck up the courage to feel im okay to leave the house, going for drives in my car, sleeping.
Are there medicines that work?
No, not for me some have just not worked some have made me sick.
As for triggering it,
lack of sleep, going long periods without eating, worrying about various things going on in my life, inability to relax.

01-07-10, 03:36
I do not know how long it will go on for as mine first started 1986 and that is so long.
It has never left me.
At its worse I have had to be carried to the bathroom and up and down stairs to and from bed and have been unable to walk with out support.

I have been too doctors through out the years when it has been at its worse but doctors have all said it is anxiety.

I have been seeing a cb therapist again lately and he says this is anxiety and yes he has meet others as bad as me.

I ask God a thousand times over how much longer.

I think at the moment the heat is making things much worse. Have had a headache since Saturday that just will not good and I am so tired hardly know what I am doing.
Am a bit scared to go out at the moment even with some one as dizziness is so bad in the heat.

The 1 thing that has really helped me is coming on here and seeing that others have this quite bad and for a long time.
It has made such a difference to me as I now know I am not mad

I was quite alarmed to read this, ive suffered the same thing for as long if not a bit longer than this. I am like razzledazzle in the fact that I need to lie down and feel woozy and world moving etc. but never as bad as having to get carried around which is just as well as I live alone I cant begin to imagine this is all anxiety. I like the heat ok, a bit much but its better than the cold, weather is all extreme at the moment no set pattern, but I wouldnt say the heat makes me worse, I think im better in the heat as the cold gets me depressed.

01-07-10, 03:41
What do you think is the cause of all this? Is it stress? Anxiety? Or do you think it is some real disease or health issue inside our bodies that doctors haven't figured out yet? What's your theory?
TomOntario, I don't feel that enough research has been done into this conditon. I have been to doctors and psychologists all to no avail. The kind of retort I would get from a doctor in the early days was "are you on drugs", "you know who you are you know you are not me so you must be ok" and other ignorant statements which were of no help to me whatsoever. They say it is anxiety but I say the symptoms which are physical and very real cause the anxiety. This has held me back my whole life and caused me to be withdrawn and anxious. Tablets have not worked for me, CBT has been no use either or talking treatments. I wonder how many more years people will have to suffer from this before they work out whats wrong. Stress and anxiety, no, not really, these are words to put a category on us individuals with these symptoms as they don't know what it is, so it must be "mental health" therefore that is the reason for the symptoms, not really got an answer to our problem have we?

04-07-10, 03:47
TomOntario, in reply to your asking me to try to answer some of the questions you had given razzledazzle.
Are there any things that make me feel better?
Exercise and going for a walk when I can pluck up the courage to feel im okay to leave the house, going for drives in my car, sleeping.
Are there medicines that work?
No, not for me some have just not worked some have made me sick.
As for triggering it,
lack of sleep, going long periods without eating, worrying about various things going on in my life, inability to relax.

Thanks for answering these. It's interesting that I also noticed similar things. I feel very good when I drive my car. I feel better after a good night sleep (although the 'good' feeling only lasts maybe 2 - 3 hours at best). Similar things trigger it too - especially worrying about various things in my life, and stressing (I noticed I stress a lot about small stuff recently - I wasn't like this before).
It may sound strange, but it seems like my dizziness is making me more stressed, and my stress is making dizziness worse. It's like one is feeding on the other and it's like a vicious cycle.

I also noticed I feel worse in small rooms. For example using a public washroom in a restaurant will make me feel terribly unsteady. I also feel much worse when I lean forward - for example when washing my hands.

My ENT doctor told me today that I should try physiotherapy to improve my balance. He referred me to some kind of special physiotherapist that is expert in balance problems. Do you guys have any experience with this?

05-07-10, 06:09
I get this nearly every day as well. It can be quite unnerving, at times...and frustrating. I have a lot of tension in my shoulders and it goes up to the back of my neck. I have also noticed occasional tinnitus.

05-07-10, 23:48
BigBear, I have tinnitus too. Not occasional, though. Mine is there 24/7. It started few weeks before the dizziness, and it hasn't stopped since.

06-07-10, 08:23
BigBear, I have tinnitus too. Not occasional, though. Mine is there 24/7. It started few weeks before the dizziness, and it hasn't stopped since.

Hope things get better for you Tom. I feel totally helpless...

I am in Ontario as well...man this heat is something else..

07-07-10, 21:45
Yes, the extreme heat is terrible BigBear and it makes me feel even worse.
Yesterday I picked up my new prescription glasses. They are stronger than the previous ones (I'm shortsighted), and this time optometrist told me that I have a little bit of astigmatism in one eye so they modified my new lenses for that. After a few hours of wearing them, my dizziness flared up! :wacko: I know it usually takes a few days for me to get used to new glasses, but what is happening now is just terrible :( I don't know now whether I should just force myself to wear them, or should I go back to my old ones? I really need new glasses, because my sights deteriorated over the last two years, but on the other hand I don't want my dizziness to flare up so badly.
On top of that, my insomnia is back recenlty. I sleep maybe 5 hours a night. It also makes things worse and I'm pretty sure is contributing its part to the dizziness.
OMG I feel so lost in all this :weep: So many things are wrong with me and it seems like they all feed on each other. Doctors turned out to be pretty much useless, and I'm being left alone with this. And I don't have a clue what to do next.

23-07-10, 19:49
It's been now 7 months since this stared for me. I really don't know how do you guys handle this...
My symptoms are so bad for the last few weeks, and I cannot figure out why. I noticed that I feel much worse when I'm in washrooms (small rooms?) and when the carpet in the room has some busy pattern on it. That's all really. I feel terrible every day, and as the day progresses, I feel worse and worse.

23-07-10, 20:28
i agree that it is the ears most likely. i am deaf in one ear due to a domestic violence incident, and your ears balance you out. they can also cause vertigo, anxiety, and other panic symptoms if your ear is injured. i had the same thing. talk to an ear, nose, and throat dr about it. also, have you just come off of a benzo medication for anxiety/panic? the withdraw from those pills can cause the same types of symptoms. i went through that when i ran out of my xanax. you just feel wierd and out of sorts. you can do it. just investigate the above possibilities.

03-08-10, 22:28
Thank you for the suggestions SDWlogon. I have already investigated all of these, and so far no conclusion from the doctors.

I started my physiotherapy recently, but so far it is not helping me. However, I noticed something that is very interesting: I see a huge difference in my balance and falling sensations depending on where I do my balance exercises. When I do them in a small place (like a small room, corridor, washroom etc) I feel much worse. My balance is totally screwed up and I keep having these ugly falling sensations (like the whole building was moving and/or collapsing). However, if I go outside and do the same exercises in the open space, I feel much better. My balance is much better and the falling sensations is almost completely gone!

Any ideas why is it like this? Can anyone relate to that? I tried it a few times today. I was alternating between a washroom, and a big parking lot (with no cars on it) and every time I was in a washroom I felt very off-balance, but once I got outside and did the same exercise, I was almost normal.

What does it mean? Any suggestions???


04-08-10, 11:36
Feeling this constantly alongside headaches and neck and back pain, :( Some days I just wont get out of bed I just feel that crap from it!

13-08-10, 08:51
Thank you all for your posts on this one. I'm still really struggling with this, constantly unsteady wobbly walking, lightheaded all the time and horrible headaches. I'm so tired all the time too. I do have a lot of tension in my neck back and shoulders and have a forward head posture now due to anxiety which I believe can cause dizziness in it's self. I still have this eveyday somedays are worse than others, it's really bad when I'm tired I don't even feel I can stand up. Had enough if this anxiety now I've decided to give the anti depressants a try.

13-08-10, 23:22
I had this the other day and get it on and off in different waves varying on how anxious I feel. Though sometimes it just happens for no reason!

Don't worry you're not alone, I've also had every check imagineable and still don't have the answer!

14-08-10, 13:42

Your symptoms sound like theyve come straight out of my mouth! Ive had dizziness, lightheadness, tiredness and muscle aches for 18 months now. It all started after a bout of flu and build up of fluid behind the ear drum. Seen an ent specialist and hes said that my ears are ok now and has now referred me to a dizziness clinic as he doesnt think it is entbrelated. Im getting really frustrated but I am thinking more and more now that it is anxiety......

14-08-10, 14:23
Hiya. I have had that for about a year. Lately, I only get it maybe once or twice a week rather than every day. It has lessened since I started (trying to LOL) meditation. Its weird how something so simple as a CD calming tape can help like that, or at least it has for me

17-08-10, 08:39
Oh god ann, im so sorry.

What you're going through sounds absolutely awful. I hope you find the right councillor to start to unlearn all of the reactions that your brain has learnt in terms of the situations that panic you/give you anxiety.

I had a period of lightheadedness/dizzyness so I know how you feel. It is very unpleasent.

How do you tink about your anxiety? Is your brain focused on it 24 hours a day? I would guess that that is the case - and that would explain the headaches, dizzyness and muscle pain because you cant relax and are constantly on edge and stressed.

Once you work out how to reduce the level of worrying, all of the symptoms that you feel will start toease off. Are you currently seeing a councillor about all of this??

17-08-10, 22:42
hi ann01 i can get thata lot in one day with my anxiety i tend to take a diazepam to help are u take in any thin for it x

24-08-10, 15:32
My dizziness/off-balance feeling gets always so much worse in small rooms. Washrooms are the worst. I might feel quite ok, but once I enter a bathroom, I'm starting to feel terrible right away. The same in long but narrow corridors. Can anyone relate to this? What may be causing this?

24-08-10, 15:34
Had enough if this anxiety now I've decided to give the anti depressants a try.

What kind of antidepressants are you trying? Do they work so far? How do you feel overall after you started taking them?
I'm thinking about giving them a try too, and I would really appreciate the feedback. I'm kinda worried about side effects though...

25-08-10, 21:12
Hi again, I haven't started the meds yet, I am going to be starting escitalopram, when I feel brave enough, so scared of being more dizzy. But I know that I need them as I'm not getting better. I do focus on my anxiety 24/7 my dizziness has been really bad the past week to the point I can't even walk about properly. My ent specialist is sending me for a hearing test and balance tests. Does anyone else walk very unsteady so that others notice, I also visibly sway a lot when stood still too. I really am at my wits end with this now. The specialist has given me medication to help the dizziness today I'm really hoping they work, I can't keep lying down all the time
thank you all so much for your replies.

25-08-10, 21:51
Does anyone else walk very unsteady so that others notice, I also visibly sway a lot when stood still too. I really am at my wits end with this now. The specialist has given me medication to help the dizziness today I'm really hoping they work, I can't keep lying down all the time

I also sway a bit when I walk. For most of the time it is not visible, but in the last couple of days it is really bad and people can notice that I sway a lot. I think I look like I was drunk.
My condition has been really bad for the last few days. I can feel dizzy and off-balance even while sitting and laying down. It makes it hard to fall asleep because I feel like the bed was moving or like I was falling down, and I need to open my eyes to assure myself that I'm still in my bedroom.

I'm trying to fight with this condition as much as I can, but I really feel like this is winning with me recently. So hard to work and go about normal daily activities with this.:weep:

05-09-10, 04:13
So how is everyone doing? Send some status updates please.

As for me, I had been feeling better for a few days, and then suddenly it started to worsen again. Today it is pretty bad actually.
I find it very frustrating that after a few days of it slowly getting better, then it is like BAM and everything is back to being terrible. It's very depressing. Overall, I think my condition is getting worse and worse. Doctors don't want to see me anymore as they have no clue what may be wrong with me. It is so terrible that there is nobody to turn to for help with this. I feel so alone struggling with this and watching all the other people having normal lives...

05-09-10, 17:47
I am still suffering with this quite badly it has actually got worse which is worrying as I wouldn't have thought if it was anxiety it would get worse.
I have the off balance, dizzy, unsteady walking or lightheadness all day every day. I am finding walking about more and more difficult.
I am going to see a neurologist in the morning then on Tuesday I go for balance tests at the hospital.
It is so hard to believe that this is all anxiety because it have worsened and with me all the time.
I will let you know what the neurologist says and how my balance tests go.

07-09-10, 00:26
Hi Tom, just to let you know that I have the same feeling. I have always thought that this dizziness/unsteadiness is related to the pinched nerves behind my neck, as it seems to be constantly stiff for some reasons. I have done an MRI test and can't find anything wrong with it. Will be trying out some physiotherapy to see if it does any good.

One very strange thing is that when Im in a swimming pool I can't feel the unsteadiness even when walking - give it a go and tell me whether you feel the same.

12-09-10, 20:24
I went to see the neurologist and he is sending me for a brain scan, referred me to a vestibular balance disorder specialist and balance rehab, but didn't give me any idea of the cause if my unsteady wobbly walking and dizziness.
I went for the balance tests but couldn't have the main one due to having an ear infection so have to go back a week on Tuesday.
How is everyone doing with your symptoms.

13-09-10, 04:17
Hi Tom, just to let you know that I have the same feeling. I have always thought that this dizziness/unsteadiness is related to the pinched nerves behind my neck, as it seems to be constantly stiff for some reasons. I have done an MRI test and can't find anything wrong with it. Will be trying out some physiotherapy to see if it does any good.

I went the same route. MRI and CT showed nothing, but nevertheless I tried chiro, physio, massage and acupuncture. No difference in terms of dizziness (but at least I got rid of my constant neck pains).

One very strange thing is that when Im in a swimming pool I can't feel the unsteadiness even when walking - give it a go and tell me whether you feel the same.

Exactly the same here! I also feel good when driving in my car, or riding a bicycle. The moment I get out of the car, or off the bicycle, I feel unsteady again. Go figure...

13-09-10, 04:29
I went to see the neurologist and he is sending me for a brain scan, referred me to a vestibular balance disorder specialist and balance rehab, but didn't give me any idea of the cause if my unsteady wobbly walking and dizziness.
I went for the balance tests but couldn't have the main one due to having an ear infection so have to go back a week on Tuesday.
How is everyone doing with your symptoms.

Hi Ann. Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that your condition doesn't get any better. Mine, unfortunately, too. I too had brain scan (two, actually) and they showed nothing. I have been trying balance rehab for 6 weeks already - so far it doesn't work for me and my balance problems persist.
My ENT referred me to a balance clinic, but my appointment is in November. So I'm really interested to hear from you what will be the result of your balance tests. I hope they will come with some answers!

I read on some forums that some people got better after starting regular exercise. I wanted to try it for a while now, but I feel so dizzy once I go to a gym - so I couldn't do it. Fortunately, I bought a home gym two weeks ago and started my regular exercise program at home. So far no change, but I'm happy that I don't get any more unsteady after the exercise (which was the case in normal gym). Plus it helps for my self-esteem, since I feel less sick after I accomplish my exercise routine. I will continue my regular exercise and let you know if it does any good for my unsteadiness problems.

13-09-10, 18:48
Can I ask if your symptoms are worse when your tired, I know it's bad anyway but so much worse when I'm tired.
I'm fine driving too it's starts as soon I start walking.

13-09-10, 20:49
Yes Ann, my symptoms are worse when I'm tired. It happens after a bad night sleep too. It also gets worse when I'm stressed, frustrated or angry about something.

13-09-10, 21:07
Thanks for your reply TomOntario, I'm exactly the same, all anxiety symptoms are horrible but this one is the only one that's with me all day everyday.
I'm going to give the exercise at home a try to see if it helps any.
Thanks again Ann

16-09-10, 01:54
Hey Guys. This has also been the worst symptom for me. It is also always with me, even if I get up at night to use the bathroom. I have had all the tests and nothing found. Recently read the book, "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life" by Daniel Amen and he has a section in there where he talks about chronic anxiety in regards to the Basal Ganglia. He states that this brain organ is responsible for balance issues. He also states the those of us always anxious have over-stimulated Basal Ganglias......Just a thought. I do know that this symptom makes me more anxious and thereby starts the downward spiral, Anxiety causes dizziness, dizziness makes the anxiety worse, which causes MORE dizziness and so on....

20-09-10, 05:27
I was the same for a while, it did go and I think it was anxiety. However, as you are seeing a Dr it is worth asking about vertigo as that sounds similar.

23-09-10, 23:35
Exactly the same here! I also feel good when driving in my car, or riding a bicycle. The moment I get out of the car, or off the bicycle, I feel unsteady again. Go figure...

I think the doctors should really investigate this fact as it doesn't make sense that you are dizzy walking and not dizzy doing another activity.

This should help the neurologist to point down to what's the problem... Well any updates do let me know.

24-10-10, 04:40
I think it is time for some updates again. I started regular exercise at the beginning of September. I'm happy to report that it seems to be helping me! I feel less dizzy. Of course, it is not like I'm completely cured. But my symptoms are much better than they were before starting the exercise.
Around two weeks ago I actually had a few days when I almost completely forgot that I have dizziness. Unfortunately, the dizziness came back after a few days, but still the symptoms are not as severe as they used to be. I usually feel worse when the summer is over, so for sure this is also negatively contributing to my dizziness.

Overall, I feel better. Not perfect, not good, but better than it used to be.
Oh, I almost forgot, I also take a homeopathic medicine called Vertigoheel. So this may also be contributing to my feeling better.

Ann, how was your visit at the balance clinic? Did they find anything? How are you doing?
Please post some updates guys.

24-10-10, 20:30
i suffer with gad and i get the feelingd24/7 i used to walk the streets at night but there have been a few attacks around here so that has stopped that i aN ON MEDS WHICH I TAKE EVERY DAY YAKE CARE WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU

04-11-10, 20:23
I am still really struggling with this there seems to be no let up at all. Although my anxiety is very high at the moment so that wont be helping at all.
I went for my balance tests and my right ear is functioning 14% less than my left which ent specialist isn't really significant but my walking is terrible.
My MRI came back with two small abnormalities so have to go for another one this coming Monday, really dreading that.
On the 18th of this month I am seeing a balance specialist, i have already started balance rehab but no improvement as yet.
I think some of my problems may be coming from neck and shoulder tension as they are so painful at the moment, as well as my anxiety.
Really wish this symptom would subside I have had this for so long now.
Hope you guys are all okay.

04-11-10, 21:00
hi im suffering the same as you, did they not say what the adnormalties were???

04-11-10, 21:07
hi ann, ive had this on off for 4 years it started for a week at a time then went for 3 weeks then back again, but now its always there, ive tried ignoring it, and carrying on, so funny in your post you mentioned b and q shop cause i was in there with my partner and same thing happened to me. and tesco super store.. ive not had any test except bloods but doc sent me for physio on my neck as same as you and i wasnt dizzy for 10weeks but then i had to cancel appt then he did as he was away so have been back and now need to be refered again, but dizzy/swaying back now....so must be a neck problem but then still think its something worse... jo x

05-11-10, 11:12
I get this a lot and I call it dock rock, its like just getting off a boat and feeling off balance. I had full assessment from ENT and no problems, but I have a small scar in my brain, which is stable , so the doctor thinks that could be causing the problem,, as well as the fact I am a panicker! lol. Definatley have the MRI Scan and if all clear then I have found lots of ways in helping myself with it. For example keep your head and eyes up when walking so you get a better postion of where you are at. Occupational therapy can teach you lots of techniques that are really helpful. And its like anything sometimes you have to live with it for a bit. Also travel sickness pills have helped me before and the doctor can prescribe stuff that helps. Good luck and leep me posted . Bex

05-11-10, 19:37
Thank you for the replies, the first abnormality is a cyst in brain which they think I may have been born with, the second is scarring on my brain which they think is a mini stroke but have to have second MRI with contrast so they can have a clearer picture of them.
My walking is terrible my balance is all over the place at the moment and my dizziness never leaves just sometimes its mild others it severe but always there.

09-11-10, 22:08
how did you get the doc to get you the MRI?- i can't seem to get any help with my light-heads and dizzness

Kerry B
09-11-10, 22:22
Nor me Leah my doctor keeps saying the lightheadness and dizziness is all part of anxiety and i need to ignore its easier said than done x

10-11-10, 09:46
how can we ignore it, no one know's what it is like unles you have had it, and i feel so tired .

Kerry B
10-11-10, 09:49
I no I feel exactely the same as you its wearing me out I am total exhausted and too scared to go out.

10-11-10, 20:03
My doctor kept telling me to ignore it as its the anxiety, but I kept going back as I have the off balance/dizziness all the time, eventually he referred me to a neurologist, it was he would sent me for MRI scan. I had my second MRI done this Monday, just waiting for the results now.
My dizziness has been really bad the last few days and my eyes arent focusing properly feel a bit like they are swirling, hard to explain really and that I have to screw my eyes up to focus, and my head feels really heavy.

10-11-10, 22:53
i gotta say, this is one of the worst symptoms for me..in fact i've gotten through many many different symptoms and most of them are gone, except for the "dizziness" sort of "uneasiness", swaying around, off balance feeling.

Like i am not standing on solid ground.

btw, something that has been helping me is eating correctly and making sure i always have enough energy to do something, but not overeating to the point of needing a nap. It has kind of helped me feel a little bit more grounded, if you know what i mean.

22-11-10, 16:28
Have you had the Results yet?

22-11-10, 19:02
I've not had my results yet Leah still anxiously waiting them. I did go to see a balance specialist last week and he thinks I'm having constant migraines and has given me amitriptyline, which I am going to start taking tomorrow as I will be off work for 5 days then as doctor said they are sedating. I am also seeing a balance physio on 8th December. I'm quite bad with it today but usually am week before my period is due. It's do much worse when I'm tired it's difficult to even stand up when I am overtired.
Hope your all well. X

26-11-10, 16:41
Hi. I'm back to report my "progress". So I started regular exercise (cardio and some moderate weight lifting) around 3 months ago. At the beginning, it was really helping me and I was feeling so much better. But after around 6 - 8 weeks, my symptoms came back and I started feeling off-balance again. It's more and more difficult to walk. So seems like regular exercise is not a cure for me.
I went to a balance clinic. They did lots of tests, but - as usuall - didn't find anything wrong with me. I heard the same mantra all over again: something probably happened to vestibular system, this may take months or years, there is no medicine for this, my brain has to adjust to it. Again, they recommended physiotherapy to help the brain to adjust quicker. The problem is, I have been doing physio for over 4 months now, with no any results whatsoever.

So, the new idea of my doctors is that maybe it is some kind of migraine (I have headaches too, and lots of stiffness and pain in my neck; I also usually feel worse after drinking Coke, eating chocolate, or fast food). So they gave me Nortriptyline to try. But it may take a few weeks for this to kick in, so I will have to take it for a while and see if this helps me (i'm starting today).

Overall, I still feel bad and very off-balance. It's been 11 months for me now.

26-11-10, 17:49
aww i can sympathise with all of you guys :hugs:

i have the exact same problem , the dizziness is so debilitating, feeling off balanced is a nightmare aswel , as it resricts your whole lifestyle.
my dizziness and off balanced feelings began when i was about 14 or 15, im now 31 and i still feel none the wiser for it sometimes.

i have bouts of vertigo that comes and goes , yet i have the same thing as you Ann where i feel like no matter where i am, if i'm indoors or outdoors i still get this feeling like i'm walking on a boat, sometimes when i'm sitting... i feel like im sitting on a boat.
when i walk my kids to school.. i feel like the ground is made of quicksand as im walking.

i can't stand and talk to people for too long or i get dizzy.
i cant get in a lift because otherwise i still feel the sensation of movement from the lift when i get out of the lift , which is dreadful.
when this dizziness first began when i was a teenager, i was so dizzy... that my doctor had to carry me out of the surgery (how embarrasing ) :blush:

i have the odd day where i feel ok, but then the dizziness comes back again, i have to plan my whole life around the dizziness and off balanced feeling.

it's hard to plan anything in advance due to this dizziness etc, it's extremely isolating as most friends dont 'get' what's wrong.
people can't see the dizziness etc so they think we're okay.
if someone has a broken arm or leg or something visable to the eye...then people in general are more likely to understand and be more helpful and compassionate.

all the gp's ive seen have said it's all anxiety. i dont think doctors realise how much of an impact this dizziness has on our quality of life.
i was refered to ENT a couple of years ago, they said i had viral labyrinthitus and that it would go away in a few weeks.
the ENT lady said that all of her patients who have dizziness due to the inner ear.. ALL experience anxiety.

as Tom has just mentioned, i too have been told by my GP that there is no cure for the dizziness or off balanced feelings.
he said that once someone has a dizzy spell or anything similiar that the person is usually prone to getting it again.

i really would not wish this on my worst enemy , i would love to lose the fear of the dizziness and the fear of fainting.

i saw a homeopath because i was at wits end with the dizziness etc, i found that really helpful, the remedy i took was cocculus which is for dizziness.
i also found the counselling side to homeopathy very helpful, the homeopath told me that dizziness is a fear of being abandoned , he said when you feel abandoned.. you feel lost, confused , disorientated, like a dizzy feeling. he went on to say that likewise, dizziness makes you feel lost, confused, disorientated etc .
i found that relevant and intresting.

also i learnt on an anxiety course that its impossible to faint while feeling anxious as while we feel anxious.. our blood pressure is higher, in order to faint.. blood pressure needs to be low.

im thinking of seeing the homeopath again and perhaps a herbalist.

big hugs to all of you that have this dizziness/lightheadedness and off balanced feelings. :hugs:

vitamin B is a must for anyone with dizziness and balance problems and also magnesuim . if i find anything else that helps i'll let you all know. xxxx

27-11-10, 15:56
I get this balance problem too, its awful it can come on when I am standing, sitting or even lying down which is more scary because I would normally lie down if I feel ill. It started when I went to the dentist for a root filing about three months ago. I thought it had gone because I have had two weeks without that symptom but it came back this morning. I actually woke up with it, I am lied there thinging how can you be off balance in bed? Tried to go to the supermarket and stumbled round in a complete state.

I never actually fall over and visually nothing happens its just I feel I am being pushed to one side. Sometimes when I am sitting down I find my self really leaning to one side, so much so I can get pains in that side which causes more panic. Wish the symptom would just go away, have mentioned to doctor but he just says its aniexty, try and get through it. I am trying. I go to work each day, still go to the supermarket and go golfing but where ever I am the off balance feeling can effect me. Its tiring me out and I am sure its causing the other aniexty problems I am getting.

Anyway I hope everybodys dizziness/balance problems clear up.

30-11-10, 12:26
Sorry to hear about the off balance and lightheadiness. I have also recently began suffering with this.

I have been struggling with health anxiety issues over 6 months now triggered from initial palpitations and breathlessness (have I got heart condition ? etc..) to this. Fortunately the tests regarding the heart have all come back OK, but I cannot shake off this feeling that "something is wrong".

I persisted seeing the my GP and wanted it to be investigated re off balance and lightheadiness, his response was "let's treat the anxiety first, them I'll deal with whatever's left afterwards". :ohmy:

So he wanted to put me on AD Citalopram 20mg. What a mistake.. I only took three pills and by day 3 had a constant ringing in my ears (tinnitus) which hasn't subsided! I now couldn't careless about the previous symptoms I have experianced!!:weep:

Any way I have decided enough is enough, I need to try get on with my life and try and get a positive outlook.

My gut feeling is the off balance etc.. is due to anxiety/stress.

03-12-10, 16:48
I did go to see a balance specialist last week and he thinks I'm having constant migraines and has given me amitriptyline, which I am going to start taking tomorrow as I will be off work for 5 days then as doctor said they are sedating.

I have similar situation right now. They think I have migraines and gave me nortriptyline to take. From what I read on the Net it is very similar to amitriptyline. I've been taking it for 1 week now (10mg/day) and so far I actually feel worse in terms of the off-balance feeling while walking. But my headaches are gone for now - so maybe it is a good sign? One week is probably not enough for this kind of medicine to start working, though.

I'm supposed to be taking 10mg/day for two weeks, then 20mg/day for another two weeks, and then 30mg/day for 2 months.

What's your experience with amitryptiline so far? Do you feel better?

13-12-10, 18:58
Hi guys.

I have had this exact same feeling for 18 months now.

Ive been on various meds for the past year some, work some dont.

Some days i just feel at my wits end and just want to feel normal again.

One thing that i have been trying the last couple of month and found has been quite helpful is hypnotherapy, with good results so far.

Anyone else tried this?

Hope you are all well as i know how hard this can be

14-12-10, 01:22
Ok i have had a kind of breakthrough. I now have evidence that my dizziness hell has at least in some part something to do with psychological factors. A few months back my house was being renovated and i was forced to get out of my house early and go around to my sisters boyfriends house to get out the way. we chatted and played video games etc etc and because i was occupied and enjoying myself the dizziness went to the back of my mind and i felt alot better! not perfectly normal but very manageable and i would accept feeling like that. BUT.. now that i have got back to my usual sitting around doing nothing and have some things happening in my life to worry about ( family cancer scares, falling out with friends) i have the incapacitating dizziness once again. It seems when i am occupied and have little going on in my life that worries me the dizziness calms right down, but as soon as things start to go wrong and i sit around going over everything in my head the dizziness dominates my life once again. This all points to one thing.. it's all in my head!

14-12-10, 05:44
hi anno1
i can relate to what you describe and it really is horrible, i have suffered with similar symptoms on and off for years. mine started after i had tonsilitis then labrythnitis (apologies for spelling) this caused the dizzines. over the years i would get spells of dizziness that left me with as i describe it a "bobby head" so that just walking would make me feel as though i was walking on a boat with everything swaying around me, lying down and turning over in bed would provoke horrendous vertigo attacks which were terrifying. as a result i became scared of going out on my own in case i fell over, i also got very stiff shoulders and neck resulting from holding my head still so as not to trigger an attack. i visited a physiopherapist bbpv and performed "epley" manouvers on me not a pleasant experience, but after a few treatments it settled things for me. i am always aware of not doing certain head movements but it has given me more confidence to now go out on lenghty walks which i also find beneficial for my overall health. i wish you luck

16-12-10, 12:28
I have these feelings a lot, not been too bad all morning but then its started about an hour ago and the headache follows, can't say its a bad headache...just like muzzy feeling and aggravating and my eyes tend to struggle focusing, it scares me being dizzy and feeling like this because I have a 14month thats just found his feet, he resembles a Thunderbird walking around at the minute and very unsteady so he scares the hell out of me!
It does wreck your life whilst its happening and at times I think I must be the bane of my poor hubbys life with never wanting to go anywhere or having to say...stay near me in case I fall or even...'i'm going home' in the middle of the shopping because its bad this!.
I really wish there was an easy answer to fixing us all, putting us at ease - I often put my wierd feelings down to migraine due to hormones but I do have bad panic/anxiety symptoms too.

I have been through a lot in my life and more so in the last 2yrs, first losing my dad, then having our suprise baby then losing my mam who was my best mate, I'm a fighter but there is only so much a body and mind can take.....BUT, I'll find that light at the end of the tunnel!
Lets hope we all do!

31-12-10, 06:27
This is more or less how I've been feeling. Just wondering how you have been getting on with this?

31-12-10, 14:41
I am exactly the same Ann, you are not alone x

01-01-11, 21:21
Hi everyone, thank you all so much for your replies, this is still a big problem for me. but I have to say since I started the amitriptaline it has been a little better, not great but a little. I am also making sure I do the exercises everyday to try to help. I have had terrible vertigo for the last week, which is absolutely awful every time I turn in bed or bend down everything is spinning. I have had this for such a long time now, and it is quite embarrassing when people can actually see me walking funny and swaying quite bad when stood still.
Russell your comment about bobby head made me smile, I describe it as feeling like a bobble head lol.
Hi Tom how are you getting on.
I hope you guys are all okay, and happy new year everyone.
Take Care

17-01-11, 23:19
Ok i have had a kind of breakthrough. I now have evidence that my dizziness hell has at least in some part something to do with psychological factors. A few months back my house was being renovated and i was forced to get out of my house early and go around to my sisters boyfriends house to get out the way. we chatted and played video games etc etc and because i was occupied and enjoying myself the dizziness went to the back of my mind and i felt alot better! not perfectly normal but very manageable and i would accept feeling like that. BUT.. now that i have got back to my usual sitting around doing nothing and have some things happening in my life to worry about ( family cancer scares, falling out with friends) i have the incapacitating dizziness once again. It seems when i am occupied and have little going on in my life that worries me the dizziness calms right down, but as soon as things start to go wrong and i sit around going over everything in my head the dizziness dominates my life once again. This all points to one thing.. it's all in my head!

Thanks for your post. I have to agree with you. I had a similar experience a few times too. When I'm busy with some interesting things, I feel much better (or maybe, I just kind of "forget" about my dizziness and don't pay much attention). I actually am reasonably sure that my current job is contributing to this. I have been working at my current company for 6 years, and I kind of switched to autopilot now. It's not a challenge for me to do my job now, and therefore it became completely boring. I actually have a lot of work to do (sometimes have to stay overtime) but since the job is so boring, I really struggle forcing myself to do it.
Therefore, I decided to take a big step and change my job. I will start my new job in February. It seems to be more interesting job, and of course more challenging. So I hope that it will keep me occupied with some interesting things, and maybe the dizziness will go away. I'm not sure if this is going to work, but I have to try. I'm desperate for a cure!!!!

I also noticed that I get more dizzy in places where I got dizzy spells before. For example, I once got *very* dizzy walking in a hallway at my work. Since then, even when I feel relatively ok, whenever I walk that hallway, I feel so dizzy right away! It's like my brain recognized the environment and somehow correlated it to dizziness. So strange. Therefore, I think that if I go working in different place, I will not have to go thru that hallway (and some other places when I got dizzy spells) and maybe that will also help me to feel better.

andy smith
19-01-11, 20:26
I can't believe all the systems of light headiness and feeling unsteady are this common . I've had this for 5 years now and have the problems everyday without fail. You name it I,ve tried it. The main problems are concentrating on people when I am talking especially inddors, I feel so unsteady that I have to leave the scene. Going into supermarkets is a nightmare. Most of the time I start to have a light headache, this then gets worse. My headaches last for about 5-10 days. The problems do not arise from panic attacks. I do not suffer from stress and am quite fit. If I feel ok these symtoms just appear out of the blue. If I try to fight my way through the situation It does not go away, it get worse. Then I will have probelms foe about 10 days.

Any Ideas

18-02-11, 03:44
Grrrrrr, OMG it's so frustrating!!!! After trying *everything* for over one year, I still feel bad. And the last few days were simply *terrible*. Can't even stand normally without wobbling when talking to other people.
I'm really at my wits' end....:unsure:

I don't know how do you people live like this for years... It's like every day is a struggle and I don't remember the last time I felt happy.:mad:

18-02-11, 05:25
I did feel like that but each day is getting alittle bit better.....trying a whole bunch of new things...excercise...healthy food...5-htp....fish oil.. and vitamins. I already feel a change for the better:yesyes:

18-02-11, 19:20
Good for you mellissa. I have tried all those things that you listed. In fact I keep doing all that every day. It seemed to be working for a while but now I'm back to feeling bad again. The doctors are useless. And I keep losing my life more and more everyday. I don't know how to handle it and what should I do now. It seems like I tried everything already and nothing works. It's terrible :(

26-02-11, 05:22
From what I can read in this forum, many of you have relapses of symptoms. Usually after a few months. For me, this is the worst part. Once I kind of get used to how I feel, and it gets better and better, there is this one day when everything is back to being bad, or even worse than before. Since this kind of relapses are very typical of Multiple Sclerosis, I was wondering if you ever heard about this possibility from your doctors, or have you maybe been tested for that? I had an MRI and CT scans, but I'm not sure if that's the right way to diagnose it. I will see my neurologist in the middle of March, and I will ask him about it, but I was wondering whether anybody in this forum ever considered that it might be MS?

I don't want to scare anybody (I hope I didn't). But I just want to make sure that I explore all possibilities.

26-02-11, 16:20
I have had the swaying and of balance for years. It still scares me, dont think i will ever lose my fear of it.
I think i would be locked away and forgot about if it wasnt for everyone here.

love shaka xxxx

14-04-11, 03:30
So how is everybody doing? It's been a while since we posted any updates.
I'm not feeling any better. I have an odd week here and there when I feel somewhat normal, but for 80% of the time I feel pretty bad. Difficult to walk and stand, off balance, lightheaded. Not much change really since it started in January 2010.
My neurologist is sending me for another MRI. This time neck and spine (I had brain MRI last year which didn't show anything). But I'm not holding my breath to hear any meaningful diagnosis.

So, how is everybody else doing?


16-04-11, 14:10
Still the same,i've had a badEar infec- for 3 weeks now,can't seem to get rid of it.
i feel so depressed, and no one around me understands it at all,everyone think's i'm moody cause i don't go out, and work don't understand at all.
And now when i'm busy at work and get hot i keep feeling like i'm going to Pass-out, Does anyone else get that?
It is really scaring me.

17-04-11, 21:52
Hi hun so sorry to hear about your bad experiences with anxiety and agrophobia. Just wanted to lend a hand really. Anyway after a traumatic family event last year, I started to get bad anxiety (im 25 by the way). To be honest it got so severe that I had every bad symptom goin including the following (extreme dizzyness, lightheaded, offbalance even when sitting and lying down, feeling like the floor was moving from under me, contast nasty headaches all over the head, joint and muscle pain, always tired, buring sensation on my scalp/head, ear preasure, numbness in the legs, tingling in the hands and feet, couldnt hold down a conversation as the anxious feelings took over, and also a little bit of agrophobia like you etc etc etc...!!) I have seen lots of docs such as ENT, Neurologist, Ruamatologist etc.. thought I was dying.. and I never believed that any of the symptoms could be from Anxiety and panic. I wouldnt even go to the supermarket or shopping incase I suffered a panic atack!! Anyway to cut a long story short, the doctor prescribed me a medication called Propranalol which is a beta-blocker, I was given 10mg (the smallest dose) to take up to 4 times per day. It took me a full week to even put it in my mouth, but when I did within half hour I was as calm as a daisy (although not sedated in the slightest nor tired or any other problems or anything)... Anyway I t just took one at morning and one at night if needed for 3 months because it was rather try it, or get worse and worse, and straight away I felt the anxiety, stress and panic start to lift... after 2 to 3 months t was finally gone and I have got my life back to normal and stopped thje proprananol altogether. And although I DO get occasional mild anxiety sometimes, its now more manageable and I will always keep a box of proprananol in my bag (just incase lol) .. I continue to take a herbal form of Kalms, which are fabulous for irratibility anxiety and stress levels.. and also a Vitamin B Complex which helps keep the nerves under control. You just have to be possitive and believe that your anxiety and stress will subside and you can get back to living a normal life, and although it comes back from time-to-time, you will eventually learn to cope with it better, and therefore manage the agrophoia side too.

Hope you feel better soon hun xxxx :)

08-05-11, 04:04
Hi xanxiety-no-morex and thanks for your post. It seems like I have most of the symptoms that you described. I actually know Propranalol. I used to take it maybe 10 years ago when I had some extra stress that was causing heart palpitations. It really helped me at that time. I stopped taking it after a few months, because I didn't need it anymore. But now that you mentioned it, maybe I'll give it a try again and see if that helps. At least I know I don't have any side effects from it, so there is probably no harm in trying it again.
I actually had my new MRI done (neck and spine), and I will meet with my neurologist next week to discuss the results. If they don't find anything wrong with me again, I will give Propranolol a try for a month or two to see what happens.

Hey leah27, I know exactly how you feel. People around me also think that I'm moody quite often, because they don't understand how I feel. It's not like a broken leg, or some other kind of injury, where people can see it and be more empathetic with you. With dizziness/off-balance thing, they cannot see, hence they don't understand how difficult it is for us to function normally.
By the way, I don't feel worse when I'm hot. I actually like a bit of heat. I feel worse when it's cold. I like hot bath for example, or hot shower. These help me.
Also, I feel good when driving in my car, or riding a bicycle. But I feel bad standing, walking and lying down. Go figure :shrug:

08-05-11, 15:24
Hi anyone there, keep having panic's, still got ear infc- in both ears, and making me deft, and thatis making me panic,
Went to the hospital on Thu- and he packed my ears, endedup in A&E Thu- night, had to get it taken out, was having a very bad panic about it,
But keep having panic's feel like i'm losing it at the mo, Don't know what to do.

01-08-11, 20:26
probably not a good time to update this thread with having a bad day today, but here goes anyway.
I started taking the 10mg Amitriptaline in November 2010 for migrainous vertigo which the vestibular consultant thinks i may have, and I do feel these are helping my walking has improved as has my dizziness, except for today that is. not been able to walk about with the dizziness today, but its the first day in quite a while I have been this bad, yet after all this time it still frightens the life out of me.
I did do something big yesterday I took my family to Knowsley Safari Park for the day and I drove, Yeah me, so I think I may have exhausted myself.
I hope you are all doing well and improving.
Take Care

08-08-11, 01:47
Sorry to hear that your symptoms worsened again, Ann. I also have worse days sometimes, but from time to time I feel better too. I tried Notriptyline (didn't work for me) and Propranolol (it makes me sleep better, which is a good thing, but doesn't really help much for dizziness) but I still feel pretty bad. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go to that park - at least now you know that you should avoid it for a while. Just take it easy and don't force yourself to do too much.
I'm trying to "get used" to it and live with it. I don't think it will ever go away so I try to adjust my mood, expectations, attitude and activities to live with this somehow. It's difficult but there is not much choice really :(
I do go to doctors still. I saw another neurologist recently, but same as the other doctors, he doesn't know what is wrong with me. But I keep looking for an answer. And I hope it will not get worse than it is now.

I wish I had some better news to share...

So, how is everyone else doing?

andy smith
04-02-12, 17:12
Re: Dizziness in Supermarkets!
Hi all

I have been reading forums for many years looking for some answers to feeling dizzy. It has made my life hell for about 6 years. This includes supermarkets, concentrating on people when i stand still feel like i will fall over plus much more. It has effected my work as i have daily meetings, the result was to have 5 minute meetings and hope to get through.
For years i have seen doctors and specialists. In the end the specialists say it is a visual vertigo. The doctors always go for the easy option of anxiety.
If you suffer with my problems, i have the answer.

You can train the brain/////

The problem can effect your everyday routine. It can get so bad that you think about the problem before it happens.

Eventually when things start improving, you don,t think that the dizzyness anymore.

I feel for everyone who has this scary problem.

You very rarely get sympathy and you have to cope on your own.

You can solve the problem, read on.

My symptoms started improving within days, but.. You have work on it.

10 days later, all. My problems have gone.

Here we go.//////

Before i tell you what to do.

If you have a ongoing situation like a supermarket dizzyness for example, you will think you can go into the supermarket and all will be ok, how wrong you are.

Your brain will say you can cope, your subconcious brain will make you dizzy. Your subconcious will win, and you have to leave.
Do not try to carry on, by the time you get to the checkout you will be in a right state.

The supermarket part of all this is the hardest to solve, you will get through.

This is what happens.

In the shop my whole vision is full of tins, bottles of wine, fresh fruit etc. there is too much going on.

Practice in other areas where you have simular problems, but not in the supermarkets.

When you concentrate on something close to you, people or objects, They fiIll a large part of your vision. Make sure that you do not concentrate too hard. Try to make a visual scan, and if you are talking to someone do not concentrate on the eyes. Look at the full face as more as a blur and look away or over the shoulder when required..
If at anytime you feel a situation arising, don,t worry. Look into the distance at someting small, remember at his stage do not to concentrate too hard. Look at the distant small subject as a scan.

When you are looking for something on the shelf, scan as you go by.when you need to make a selection stand 10 feet further away than you would normally until you are ready to pick your product. When walking in a large mall, look into the distance.

Also , have a coffee in a busy shop, always sit down and look at the small subject in the distance.

It may sound silly, but your mind will get used to this in days.

Always look at that small distant subject as a scan.// do not concentrate on it for more than 10 seconds /// keep the eyes moving as a scan.

Hope this helps


04-02-12, 20:09
Hi Ann. I too get vertigo and I am now trying to get it sorted. I had a balance test which didn't find anything so probably going to see a neurologist about it.

What the specialist said it might be, Migraine-associated vertigo, did he do a balance test to rule out other things? Have you had an MRI or anything like that? If you haven't had a balance test you should push for one!

andy smith
04-02-12, 20:39

I had balance tests. Every test i had was ok.

It was only when i went to see physio specialist, he worked it out for me.

At that stage i was willing to try anything

It worked

12-02-12, 13:30
I am hoping someone has some advice for me. After reading all of your posts I have many of the symptoms described. I have been dizzy and had a constant off balance feeling for over 2 years now. It went totally when I was pregnant and came back with a vengeance after giving birth 6 months ago.
I have seen 2 ent specialists who say I don't have an inner ear problem and it could either be a hormone imbalance or anxiety and have been tod if symptoms get worse to be referred to a neurologist.
I also get a heavy head feeling and occasional headaches but nothing that painkillers can't get rid of.
I have 3 children under 5 and am finding it increasingly hard to look after them as I am always feeling off balance and worried it will get worse when I'm alone with them.
I just don't know what to do and feel lie im missing out on my children growing up because I feel so awful all of the time.
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I would really appreciate it.

12-02-12, 19:14
It sounds like it could be something called chronic hyperventilation syndrome.

I had this for quite a while last year. I had pretty much constant dizziness and lightheartedness along with things like fatigue and a general inability to concentrate. You can quickly check how well you breathe by breathing in through your nose normally and breathing out again normally, after the out breath pinch your nostrils close as time how long until you have your first urges to breathe. This is called a Control Pause.

"Healthy" generally means a CP of 30 seconds or more, when i first started my CP was just around 4 seconds. I have been doing the breathing exercises now for about 2 months and feel much better with a CP of 20ish. If you breathe through your mouth your are even more likely to be hyperventilating.

Here's some more info on it http://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Hyperventilation_-_makes_you_feel_as_if_you_can't_get_your_breath

i recommend this dvd and book set if you decide that it is a breathing problem http://www.amazon.co.uk/Buteyko-Complete-Instruction-Rhinitis-Permanently/dp/0954599691/ref=pd_sim_b_1

good luck ! :)

12-02-12, 21:07
Hi Ann, I don't get headaches but I do the lightheadedness and off balance. Sometimes if I'm walking up the street it feels if the pavement is moving and I have to walk near the wall in case I feel like I'm going to fall over.

andy smith
13-02-12, 21:47
Hi champers

Have you tried what i suggested earlier?

Also have a sit down and relax.
When you feel unsteady walking down the pavement, is this where you start to feel odd, or have the symptoms started elsewhere earlier possibly indoors?

If it happens just when you are walking, look into the distance and relax, drop your shoulders and breath slowy.

Do you have the same problems if you are walking with a friend having a chat?

Hope this helps

14-02-12, 14:26
Go and ask your doc about Labrinthitis. I was diagnosed with this last year and for 2 weeks I literally was unable to walk.

Of course you may have anxiety but sometimes it's too easy to blame that when it really could be something else. I was given Betahistine which is an anti-dizziness medication.

I hope it isn't that but if so, at least you can do something about it :)

Good luck

andy smith
14-02-12, 20:39
Does anyone have the dizziness when walking around at night, or is it just in daylight?

andy smith
21-05-12, 20:54
My problems disappeared after years of suffering.
They diagnosed MAV. Migrane associated vertigo
Eye strain leading to eye ache to migrane. Although the migrane wasn,t severe it had an effect.
I ware sunglasses more regular even sometimes indoors.

Computers don,t help

If i was on the computer for say 2 hours looking at a screen close to me, then went outside looking long distance for a while created eye muscle strain. This also occurred if i was looking long distance for say 2hours then went on the computer. It,s all related.

Problems all gone

Once i realised this panic stops
Hope this helps

17-07-12, 18:14
Hi there yes I get the balance thing I am profoundly deaf and have horrible blasting tinnitus 24/7 even musical tinnitus it is hell. I know what you mean about being off balance it is very scary and can trigger of a panic attack so quickly, thinking of you :)

06-09-12, 08:04
It seems relaxing and calming down are impossible feats, especially when all of these weird symptoms are happening! Not sure if the symptoms cause panic and anxiety or the other way around.. either way, it seriously interferes with one's ability to e:njoy life!

17-11-12, 02:20
Hi. I am a 16 year old boy living in Singapore. I’ve gone through an emotional breakdown somewhere in April. I’ve been suffering from a spectrum of weird symptoms from then till now. Now, I have a weird rocking pulsating dizziness. Like my body is moving inside of me. It is most prominent when I sit upright or standing still.
I am in a state where I must keep moving or I will feel dizzy.... I must keep walking, on edge, cannot sit, and cannot stand still. Must keep walking..... Pacing back and forth..... Walking seems to immediately cure the dizziness. So does singing, dancing, exercising and leaning my head against something solid. Even swaying back and forth physicals while sitting seems to cure it immediately.
Is this anxiety or MDDS? I have not been on a boat or any train ride this year. Can anyone help me? Thank you all so much.

andy smith
01-12-12, 22:40
A lot of the symptoms are all related and make it very difficult to enjoy life. Eventually you can get over this, but it will takesome time. I have had this for years, now all is ok. You are right when you say standing still makes you feel uncomfortable and moving around is easier to deal with.
I had this problem when i was staring, say at someone and talking. I started to change the way i dealt with it. Whatever you are looking at when you are standing still, do not concentrate too hard on any subject. Look at it as more of a stare. For a while try to avoid the areas where you have these problems. After a while things start to get better without you realising.
One really important note. This is crucial. Make sure you have plenty of sleep and do not drink alcohol. Tiredness can cause many problems.
Also if you get mild headaches, this an make things worse.

Also when the problems arise do not worry too much or get too anxious. I found it hard to stop my anxiety so i went on medication for 2 months, this also helped

I,m always glad to help with my experience

You can beat his, dn,t let it beat you


02-12-12, 16:03
Hi. I have been having shocking tension headaches. What I found works is some ibuprofen gel rubbed into my neck shoulders and hairline and a couple of co-codamol tablets. I have been having lightheadedness too which I'm trying to reason with that its anxiety related. I don't particularly feel anxious at the moment But this horrible feeling in my head just makes me anxious. It's such a vicious circle. But reassuring to know we are not alone. Xx

andy smith
17-12-12, 20:51
Hi sidney

Is there any particular though that makes you feel anxious. Or r u just worried about anxiety as a whole when there is no real reason to worry. You could start worrying about things when there is no need.

Do u sleep well or do you have restless nights?


17-12-12, 21:28
Hi ann so sorry to hear this because my panic journey started last year and it's overshadowed me ever since ! I'm better but not back to my normally happy o lucky self I assess everything I do now and do a risk assessment b4 I go anywhere! I was agoraphobic for 6 months , not strictly because having 2 children one which needed to get to and from sch, I had to drive 5 mins up the road and this was like a trip to the moon during this period. My heart goes out to u, my advice is keep doing what your doing small steps make large differences to people like us. Takecare x

24-05-17, 18:31
Hi everyone iam ibo iam 30yr old from london newbiew to this
Hope we all get better , this subject was the nearest one to my symptoms iam getting after ive got a hair implant , i was panicing getting full anxietattacks i have suffered for years but was under control till last two weeks ago after haveing a hair inplant went to mri ct scan all clear iam left with exactly the same problem guys , off blance like one side of me is heavyer then the other constant headache , feeling worried everyday even sleeping is a problem worrying and haveing panic attacks , have tryed amoxilin 10mg they help but only covers the problem i need a fix , how are you guys feeling i know the thread is old but please anyone help , i need advice anyone has cured this frightening situation or calmed it down , or cured it

Thank you , hope god everyone haveing health problems will find peace of mind and full enjoyment of life

25-05-17, 04:28
Wow, I'm surprised I'm somehow still subscribing to this thread. I forgot all about it. I was active in this thread back in 2010 suffering from lots of dizziness (you can go back in this thread and read my posts if you want, to see if you have something similar).

I have good news, though. I'm not dizzy anymore! It took me around 3 years, but I'm feeling good now. :yesyes:

So sorry to hear what you are going through, though. I know exactly how you feel. :huh:

I'm sure other people on this thread who stopped posting here also started feeling better. So it's definitely something that you can beat!