View Full Version : sugar addiction and our moods.

29-12-05, 17:37
I am very interested in this subject due to me having bad panics when eating sugar and feeling better when avoiding sugar.

I have just found this site which is very interesting;

www.healthyplace .com/communities/deppression/site/transcripts/food_mood.asp

then I read this site which is by the same doctor;


29-12-05, 17:47
just to help that first link that doesnt' connect


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

29-12-05, 17:51
Hypoglycemia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=189)
Gi Diet (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3179)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

29-12-05, 18:58
Hello mirry,
When I first started suffering with panic/anxiety, I always connected the symptoms with feeling hungry ( particulary the shakes). The first thing I would do, was grad for a chocolate bar and sure enough, not long after I'd get a humdinger of a panic attack. Its very important to stabalise your blood sugar levels to avoid the confusion. Chocolate is fattening anyway!
Hope this helps,
love Fradycat xx

29-12-05, 19:03
suger definatly contributes i was at work one night. i ate 5 doughnuts and the next day i had the shakes and all sorts, it bought on a full panic because i didnt realise why i was doing it!!!!!
ive learnt not to be so greedy and only eat 4 doughnuts next time hehehehe:D

29-12-05, 20:32
That's very interesting.

I always get a bit shaky if I haven't eaten and am one just to go for a quick fix in chocolate or something. It probably isn't doing me any favours.

I'll have to keep an eye on what I eat to see if it makes a difference. Could do with losing a few pounds along the way :)

Annie x

29-12-05, 21:29
I carry bananas in my bag at all times for this trembly feeling (gets more funny looks when my bag falls open than any of the other items I have in there).

I think a little chocolate is ok but it is absolutley no substitute for 'proper' food.

I tend to eat chocolate as an extra thing after a meal - never as a fill in for food.

I had a rough day yesterday and think much of this was down to the appalling amount of choc I have been consuming over Xmas.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-12-05, 09:09
I get the shakes when I am hungry too,
sometimes when I eat too much sugar I can feel my face getting a hot flush......I dont know what this means ?

When I read that site is said that if you are a sugar addict you can have panics on and on if you have just eaten sugar or not.........like a drug addict. I tried giving up before and found it so difficult (which is a sign) and also it said if you are not fussed about having breakfast in the morning thats a very strong sign (I dont like breakfast and could easily skip it). Does anyone feel relief from panic when they eat sugar ?
I have many times had panic and got home and comforted myself with something sweet........just like a DRUG.
I had a major panic after a banana the other day ? suppose banana has natural sugars in it.


30-12-05, 09:26
Lisa that site wasnt it;



well worth the read:D


30-12-05, 12:25
I definatly feel the releaf from suger!!!!! sometimes I know im craving it, Anxiety symptoms can relate to a dietry issue, have you ever considered the G.I. diet mirry??????????

30-12-05, 13:40
Yeah tried it but couldnt keep it going,
but I did feel better. was it sheer luck ?
The good thing about this one ive found online is it makes you document how you feel, so this morning i had the breakfast they recomend and 2 and half hours latter felt terrible.
will keep it going as ive ordered the book.
