View Full Version : petrified of catching winter vomiting bug!

02-02-10, 23:12
Hey guys!

I've been looking for a forum like this for a while, and decided to plug the courage up to sign up. So hi, and I look forward to posting here :)

I've got a history with anxiety and panic (I guess thats for another thread) and it always flares up when someone close to me is ill, especially with a vomit bug.

My girlfriends family are all preety much KO'd with the winter sicky bug thats doing that rounds, my girlfriend and her mother got it on sunday (Luckily I didnt see her this weekend!), and her father got it last night/today. I'm meant to be staying over at the weekend, but I'm absolutely terrified of catching what they've got. I'm very scared of vomit, especially away from home. Do you think I should cancel on the weekend until everyone is 100% better? I'm sure you all understand, but I really couldnt handle being sick right now!

Any tips/advice would be great.

Thanks :)

02-02-10, 23:24

You can't run away from bugs and viruses so I don't think you should cancel your weekend. You've got as much chance of catching it from someone else other than your girlfriend and her family. Not everyone takes it. Myself and two of my sons had it but my husband and other son didn't!! I honestly don't think you should put your life on hold. I know it must be rotten when you're anxiety gets worse with sickness but I think if you run away from things then they catch up with you. Just enjoy your weekend and take it as it comes.

02-02-10, 23:28
In all honesty, i don't have a fear of vomit, but i wouldn't really want to stay anywhere where i thought i was going to pick up a bug, it is only tuesday however, can you see how the next few days go, basically if they are all okay by thursday, then you should be okay.

di xx

02-02-10, 23:50
Thanks for the replies. :)

I hate worrying about the unknown, sounds sad but its been keeping me up at night! I'll see how they are feeling nearer the end of the week.

03-02-10, 00:20
Hi Ace,
Actually worrying about the unknown isn't so sad..its what has kept many of us alive and its what has given man power over the world to expand and civilize so its really not a bad thing. I read your post and have been kicking myself for the last four years for moving to where we are secluded high up in the mountains in a rural place of 1200 where there is one person every 20 miles and its a big place..

Also we don't go into town but every two weeks or so and are alone and to ourselves except for our animals most of the time. Now that I read your post im a little thankful because over the last four years we have had some terrible weather and been secluded away from people less chance of catching anything, although all over the world there have been scares from swine flu and this and that we haven't really been sick except an occasional 24 hour stomach bug or upset stomach.. so I guess I should really be hugging myself because we are secluded away pretty much from people that could carry these diseases and have been very lucky that we didn't pick up anything that had been handled by people with sickness and get it.. It would really be hard to be sick in such a remote place so we have been blessed.Good luck with feeling better and hope you take care and try not to worry so much.. Michael

07-02-10, 19:57
So the weekend passed and I've been home for a hew hours, just long enough for a nap!

Had a good weekend apart from a few people forgetting hygiene (One guy left a toilet cubicle without washing his hands :scared15: and some guy on the train platform preety much sneezed right in front of my face, ew!) so I'm kinda freaking out about those, but as soon as I got in I washed my hands and face. Saw alot of people today and everyone seemed to be fine, but I'm still dreading the next 24 hours :weep: Am I panicking too much?

08-02-10, 11:06
Hi Ace
Panicking too much? Yes. I know how you feel. I panic about sickness too. Most people with anxiety do. But, in truth, the anxiety over sickness is worse than the sickness itself. I was terrified of being ill but when I got the flu the other year I realised it wasn't actually as bad as I felt it would be.

I understand if you are phobic of vomit this is all very frightening but by justifying your fear to yourself - by allowing yourself to believe that you have reason to be afraid - you are making it worse. I'm sure you realise that your fears are irrational - no harm will come to you even if you do catch an illness (although from what you've said I don't think you need worry!) The only way out of this is to face up to your fears. You don't need to go out there and try to get ill! But you might want to try questioning your thoughts and asking yourself why you are afraid? After all, nobody likes to be ill but for the majority of people, a bug going round wouldn't stop them from living their lives.

I know as I'm writing this that it's actually really hard to challenge your own thoughts. But if you can manage to talk yourself round and rationalise, it can help to calm you down.

Hope this helped

magic girl
08-02-10, 21:45
some children in my sons class at school have got sickness and dihorea and now im worried about getting it as i hate being sick,if i hear my son being sick i go into massive panic so your not on your own and at least you wont have to clean any sick up as most of us parents have to when the kids leave a trail of it from there bedroom accross the landing and into our room:scared15: