View Full Version : Terrible fear about health

02-02-10, 23:34
Hey guys,

I've been depressed for 4 years now, and have suffered with anxiety for the last 2. The last month of my life has been the worst. I had a panic attack one night as I was about to goto bed where I started shaking but without heart palpatations, I thought my heart had stopped beating.

I've had 3 blood tests since as the first showed I had a thyroid problem, however the following two said I was fine.

During that time I've been extremely concious of my heart. I've been feeling like I'm going to die at any point some days. I'll check my pulse all the time some days. My anxiety is now unbearable and I'm starting to get pains all over my body. I'm currently seeing a councillor, but we're only 3 weeks in.

I could handle depression, but the fear I'm going to die is horrible. I'm trying my best not to add on to my problems, but it's difficult.

Glad to be hear. Joe

03-02-10, 00:02
You will be fine..Im not sure how old you are but I have had to deal with being aware of my heart beating since I was a child and im 55 now..Its a horrible thing to live with being afraid of your heart stopping but most of us on here feel the same way especially at times.. The thyroid problem is probably stepping up your anxiety and causing you more despair but im sure you are ok..

Well Joe we all are going to die.that is a given but the chance you are going to die from heart is very rare especially at what im guessing your age is.. Try as hard as you can to stop worrying and continue with your life.. Death is something that is written in stone but then what can you do other than to try to take care of yourself and enjoy your life ..

Good luck we are all here for you and understand if you get worried post to all of us for comfort and also pm us to help.We have all been where you are and most of us still are.. Take care.. Michael

03-02-10, 00:06
Hello Joe,

Michael is right - try not to worry about your heart and the palpitations. Even although they are unpleasant and frightening they are harmless. Don't let them stop you living your life as normal. Carry on with your normal day to day things and you'll notice them less and less. It's the only way.

03-02-10, 01:48
I'm not getting palpatations though. I could recognise anxiety if my heart was beating really fast.