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29-12-05, 20:14
Hello everyone,
I was just wandering if anyone else's sex life has suffered due to anxiety/panic attacks. I once had a full panic attack during sex and somehow managed to carry on! I am torn as to whether its beneficial or not. Sometimes it helps me relax and other times it makes me feel awful! When I am anxious, by the time I get into bed, all I want to do is lie in the recovery position in case anything happens to me in the night! and close my eyes imaging a relaxing scene! My husband has other ideas though! I don't want to deprive him but at the same time, when I am on edge, I feel like socking him one and screeching 'leave me alone!' I do love him and often feel guilty. Another thing that puts me off is that we never have a quickie - it always has to be some marathon session! I think its the hyperventilating that starts me off panicking! Is it just me or do others experience this? I hope I haven't affected anyone sensibilities! but sex is a part of life after all!
Fradycat xxx

29-12-05, 20:30
I often feel less like sex becuase I am so tired due to being anxious!!

I never have actually had an attack during sex although I have been more aware of palpitations, etc. I'll also admit to going through the motions sometimes becuase I feel guilty.

I think you have to be in the right mood and I know that isn't always possible when you are feeling low. Hopefully your partner understands this and is sympathetic. There are always other things you can do if yopu aren't up for a full marathon ;)

Annie x x

29-12-05, 21:09
I know exactly how you feel. I am the same myself but i was too scared to post the subject.
Me and my partner have a really good relationship apart from the lack of sex. He is always so supportive of my anxiety and understanding but thats the one thing that really bugs him.
Its hard to be in the mood for it when you have spent all day feeling so rough. Another thing is that when i know he is expecting it that makes me even more anxious because i am thinking 'what if im too ill?, he will be so angry'
I dont know what to suggest because im in the same situatiion myself but your certainly not alone.
Take care

29-12-05, 21:44
Hi Fradycat,

Thought I'd give a male perspective on this. Maybe you want to put some time aside for the special occasion rather than just having it when you go to bed at night. I can understand if you've had a bad day that your obviously not going to feel UP FOR IT. Set a time, make sure you relax before hand and maybe that will help????

30-12-05, 00:19
Sex? I can't even kiss my bf cause I always think that maybe I'll get short of breath, then choke, die, etc.

30-12-05, 09:03
From a male perspective I have the same problem, anxiety takes it out of me as well so I rarely feel in the mood for it. I'm sure as our anxiety gets better our sex drive will come back.

30-12-05, 13:17
sex, whats that???????? :D

30-12-05, 17:56
I think the meds we take has a lot to do with our sex drive.


"One Oneness One"

30-12-05, 19:03
Hello everyone!
A big thanks to all of your replies! Its a relief to know there are others out there with the same problems! Last night, I decided to sweep my anxieties aside and throw caution to the wind. (To be honest, I thought a good seeing too was probably what I needed!). Anyway, out came my best nightie and off we went to bed. Bt the time I'd freshened up and got into bed, my husband was snoring his head off! I don't think I can be bothered tonight! Watch this space! If anyone else has got any feed back on this topic, I'd love to hear it!
Love you all,
Fradycat xx

30-12-05, 20:01
tablets defiantly make a diffrence!!!! im not normally this boring, still ut makes it all the more pleasurable when it happens[^]