View Full Version : twitching eye for 2 days!

03-02-10, 11:14
Hi everyone,
My left eye started twitching yesterday morning, didnt bother me until last night when i realised it was still twitching. This morning its still twitching!! It can twitch for around 10 mins then stop for an hour then starts again.....is it normal to have a twitch in your eye for this long??? Its got me worrying, as ive had headaches and head pressure for months now and im thinking its connected. Worried now :weep:.
Thank you for reading, hope someone can ease my mind.

Debs xx

03-02-10, 11:19
Hi Debs, not to worry, I think tics are very often a nervous thing, I remember having a twitching eye for months and it really bothered me, but then without me even realising it went away, so don't think it could have been anything. Try not to be paranoid about it.

03-02-10, 11:49
hi debs, i once had a twitching eye for 3 months god it nearly sent me out of my mind it was so annoying, tiredness and stress are the most common cause

03-02-10, 12:06
I once had this for several months, it was SOOOOooo annoying, and it was the lower eyelid and I could see it as well as feel it every time it happened. It is only a little nerve that has become a jittery around the eyelid. Sometimes these twitches go within hours, sometimes they take weeks, nothing you can do but just wait and try not to get too irritated.

03-02-10, 12:08
Yes, my son and I have both had this. Usually if we're tired or stressed.
My sister-in-law also gets it a lot when she is very anxious and it can last for days. Don't worry. It's annoying but harmless.

03-02-10, 12:26
All I can say is that I've had weeks where my eye has been twitching. It didn't really following a pattern as such, but it happened when I was really stressed. It also blurred my vision slightly when it was twitching.

anx mum
03-02-10, 12:37
Hi deb twitching eye can b a nervous thing. Although when i had it was related 2 bells palsey it was really irriating hve u seen doc?

03-02-10, 13:05
Twitching is really common in anxiety sufferers and it can be in any muscle in the body. It's nothing to worry about and will pass - it did for me.

See your GP though if your headaches continue.

03-02-10, 14:26
Hi Debs

I had a twitching eye and I still get it every so often-I was convinced it was something horrible but it was actually just fatigue.

I summoned up enough courage to go see my GP about it and it was just extreme fatigue. I almost laughed at her I was SOOOOOO relieved !

Whenever my twitch returns I rest more and it disapperas like magic.

However you might want to see your GP for peace of mind.


03-02-10, 15:57
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Anx mum, ive not seen a doc about the twitching but i have been in about the headache sand the pressure in my head, they are saying tension and anxiety at the moment, but to go back next week if no better, and they will send me for some blood works.
My eye feels abit funny now, almost like a numb sensation at the outer corner, twiching is still there.....but im trying not to dwell on it!!
Thank you again 2 you all for replying, it does put my mind at rest abit knowing some of you have had a twitch for weeks...hopefully mine wont last that long!!

Love Debs xx

03-02-10, 16:13
Do NOT see a doc about a twitching eye, that would be a criminal waste of taxpayers money.

I got worried about my twitching eye a couple of weeks ago, read some of my posts about it. I felt other weird symptoms with it. Now the twitchig has gone but I still have mild discomfort in the eye.

Everyone gets this at some stage, just relax about it. Annoying but harmless.

03-02-10, 17:04
Hi Debs, my eyes normally twitch when I'm tired or run down and yes it's very annoying.

03-02-10, 17:09
You probably have enough re-assurance now but just to add that about 3 years ago I had this for around 4 months! It drove me nuts but was completely harmless

03-02-10, 17:20
You know, I was about to say something similar to Skippy66......visiting the doctor about a muscle twitching in the corner of your eye is not necessary AT ALL.

03-02-10, 17:46
Hi debs,

Just wanted to add that I get this a lot, it just comes on for a few days and then goes. It is so bad sometimes that when I look in the mirror I can see my whole eyelid (top or bottom) moving. When I first had this I was very distressed with it and the more I worried the longer it stayed.

Just get some extra sleep and try and relax and it will go away.

Take care
Natalie x

03-02-10, 19:32
Thanks all,
you have all been very kind and reassuring. Skippy, i wouldnt just go to the doctor unless i felt i really needed to, i might have health anxiety and i get scared about things but that doesnt mean i would just run along to the doctor.....if i did i would never be at home!!!!!
Thanks again guys, as always.

Love Debs xxx

04-02-10, 07:41
Sorry Debs, the comment about 'going to the doctor for a twitching eye' wasn't really aimed directly at you, as I know that certainly was not your suggestion. Someone else posted in the thread, and asked, if you had visited the doctor about it and the replies were really to that comment.

04-02-10, 12:19
I once stayed up for a long time and it started, and lasted a few days until I got a good night sleep. You might just be over tired.