View Full Version : Easy to be positive when u have no symptoms

03-02-10, 17:19
I've been great for the past few days, I've kept myself busy with no time to dwell on my health fears and twinges etc.

I've also done exercise which has worked wonders, because when I exercised, the following day I had chest pain, but because there was a clear REASON for it (pushing myself the previous day), I just accepted it and didn't catastrophize that I was having a heart attack.

Incidentally I'm also less likely to catastrophize when I have a cold or flu, for the same reason.

I've realised how easy it is to be positive when you're not having the symptoms. When you're in the grip of a crushing chest pain or a day of palpitations however, you get stuck in a dark viscious circle and no reassurance is good enough.

The key to beating this is to avoid the symptoms, and the key to avoiding the symptoms is to keep busy and physically fit.

03-02-10, 17:37
i agree mate when i have no chest pain or other symptoms im fine laughing and joking and enjoying life but as soon as i get a body symptom bang i go to pot iv had chest pain all day and my anxiety is through the roof

Cell block H fan
03-02-10, 17:56
Yep very true. I have way more better days now than bad ones. Which wasn't the way years ago. So I come on here still & try helping others. But the few bad days I might have now n then with the HA, I dont see sense really, ive definately noticed.

03-02-10, 19:09
i agree i have had a pretty crap day today with chest pain,back pain. like you all when i have a good day its brilliant but when i have a bad day it's yuk!