View Full Version : GAD that appears then dissapears

03-02-10, 18:03
Hi there just wondering if anyone else out there suffers from debilitating GAD that arrives for 2-3 days then just dissapears. I have a history of OCD, GAD going back 15 years I have had two major breakdowns where I have been house bound for three months at a time and in between these episodes other smaller bouts. But more recently I get these episodes where my GAD comes back a severe as it ever has but only lasts for between 3-7 days then disspears as quickly as it came it drives me up the wall as it always happens when I have had a good patch and start thinking about cutting back on my meds. It is almost like my mind is covertly reminding me I am ill and it is in ultimate control, I hate I want to trying reducing my meds but its looking more and more like I never will be able to, I take seroxat 30mgs a day and have done since 1998 and propananol 80mg a day since 2008 and occassionaly valium to help me through very bad patches (like last night). I dont see how it can be possible to stay on these for ever im only 39 at the moment

03-02-10, 18:14
I sort of get that, i havent felt to bad for ages then all of a sudden for over a week now i have felt terrified!!! Im unsure weather its depression which has brought it all back on but i feel SCARED again its like going back to square one. Mine lasts for a few weeks at a time when real bad.

04-02-10, 14:22
ummm, been diagnosed with GAD but mostly it's SA. I get anxious, inside the house, for no apparent reason, I don't know what Im worrying about, but it seems that whatever you think of doing is harder with GAD. It causes more stress, and it's un-neccesary.
Question; Do you know of any really good meds for social anxiety??? I've had it far too long, and Citalopram doesn't work.

04-02-10, 14:27
Yes I also find that my GAD comes and goes in waves.

04-02-10, 18:32
Hi there I have only ever taken seroxat for my ocd and gad and propananol and valium for my anxiety. I am very scared of taking new or changing meds they have tried to get me to but I refuse