View Full Version : Is it You or the Anxiety?

03-02-10, 18:18
Does anyone else get it where they feel sick, or in pain but not sure if you are really ill or weather its all in your head and the anxiety!!

Like right now im home, started to cook some food and all of a sudden feel really sick!! and have tummy ache. (get these symptoms when anxious sometimes) im getting to the point where i dont know if its me or the anxiety.

Which scares me..so total circle again!

Im scared i will push myself to go out or eat when feeling like this thinking its anxiety but then making my self ill..if that makes sense :blush:

Do you ever have to question your feelings and pain?

(I think people get fed up of me, feeling sick so dont ever believe me if i say i dont feel well) :weep:

03-02-10, 18:26
I think most of us get this, hence the reason why we're always at A and E or the Doctors. I know that if I haven't had any nausea for awhile, as soon as I think of it, I will get it. I've had stomach pain and issues for sometime and everymorning I wake and think.....'my stomach doesn't feel too bad today' and I guarentee withing 5 mins of thinking, it will start gurgling and feel bad.
Of course we are still susceptable to normal physical illness at anytime but I think with us, it's 80% thought provoked.

03-02-10, 18:34
I do wind myself up, i have mistaken hungers pains for much worse before. Then worked myself up into being to scared to eat incase im sick when all i needed was some food.

I can understand totally what your saying. I do seem to feel worse as soon as i have thought something. I even had to delete a few friends from facebook because there status constantly said they had been up sick..and it drove me to panic!!

Thanks for your reply. x

03-02-10, 18:41
I used to feel like that when I had panic attacks, have you tried doing any relaxation techniques ? I learnt how to do some breathing taken from yoga and I found it really helps to ease the anxiety which in turn helps the nausea, belly rumbles etc. If you can get the anxious feelings under control then hopefully you will be able to judge better wether it is real sickness or the anxiety. I have a real problem with illness, particularly people being sick and have even been to a cognitive behavioural therapist to try and deal with it, so to be able to work out if I am really ill or not is a comfort, if you get what I mean!

Think I may have just waffled but hope this may be some help.:D

03-02-10, 20:34
Ahh yeah I get this. I have no appetite atm, having to force food down so I don't get ill.

It will hopefully pass soon.

04-02-10, 00:13
Yes I think the best thing to do is always go..You can always come home and most of the time it anxiety and you end up feeling better than you did at home..I have had this happen many times..Weird but true. I would be dreading something .. and would get nervous stomach . My first thoughts were to stay home but pushed myself and went anyway thinking I could always leave and then realized when I got there it made me feel better getting out. Yes I have too questioned whether or not my illness was real or imagined ..its normal. You will be fine. Michael