View Full Version : Anxiety/Stress

03-02-10, 18:44
What's the better medication for Anxiety? Most of the ones detailed all seem to be mainly for depression. The GP's seem to be offering SSRI's first, but articles/threads on here seem to suggest Beta Blockers might be better, with potentilly less side effects.

03-02-10, 18:55
I have been on both and to be honest I wouldnt say one is better than the other for anxiety. You would probably be on a low dose of anti depressants so it shouldnt be a problem with side effects. Maybe ask your local pharmacist and see what they recommend, they are sometimes a bit more honest than your GP because they are not prescribing the drug.

03-02-10, 19:09
been on amitirptyline 50mg at night. GP suggested increasing it to 75mg at night or 10mg citalopram in the morning.
I think the main reason for amitriptlyine is the pain I get every day, for the past 2 years, usually muscle spasms between the ribs.
Stomach has also been tight, but that is bearable and IBS related, although anxiety/stress makes it more noticeable.
Was trying to do it without medication, but on certain days its big struggle. Short fuse, irritable and not fair on family, but work is a must, so need to be very careful about choosing the right medication, if that's they way to go.

03-02-10, 19:28
Citalopram has helped my husband no end, he is on 20mg. I have been on citalopram previously but a higher dose for depression. Have you had any meds for the IBS? I get this too and the spasms between the ribs ( I think this is wind ) and painful stomach etc. is helped by an IBS med. I would suggest a prescribed one rather than over the counter.
Please dont try and deal with this without help, I made my families life miserable because I didnt want to take any meds.
I am so glad I gave in. I have been on the pills for yrs now but things are getting better. Hopefully a short course of tablets should help you to get yourself back on top.

Good luck

07-02-10, 21:40
Had a couple of days off last week. Have phased out and now stopped amitriptyline as it doesn't seem to be having any effect at all now, so seems pointless increasing it. Took the oppurtunity to start the citalopram. 4th day now and no real side effects and actually less IBS pains. Back to work next week, so will see how the stress levels cope. On 10mg so will continue with it for a month, then see GP again and go from there.

24-02-10, 21:37
Booked into to see GP next week when will have been on citalopram 10mg for a month. Seem to have coped ok, with main side effect being tiredness in day, but trouble sleeping at night. Nytol seems to have helped, but dont want to use them for too long. Will see what GP says, not sure whether he will increase dose or leave it. Would like a course of cbt or hypnotherapy to try and aid the process of natural calming, rather than long term meds. Have BUPA, but not sure if GP will give me a referal.

06-04-10, 23:28
Been on 10 mg for about 8 weeks now. GP said carry on for next 3-6 moths and see how I go.
Last few weeks have been much better and had lots of exercise. The body has suffered after this, but I think that's the muscles telling me to slow down. It has got better the more exercise I've done, although often get the feeling something is about to happen, which probably makes it worse.
Last 3 days have had bad chest pains, which I haven't had for a while. The chest pains are the worst, as they can be extremely dibilitating. The more you think they will go they don't, so need to find a way to stop them, which I suppose is the holy grail. It's frustrating as you have long periods of nothing, then for no reason it comes on and won't disappear, so feels like no progress made.
Have been taking B-complex for past 2 months, magnesium for a month, inositol for a month and mutlivits. Not sure if they're helping but shouldn't do any harm.
Not sure whether to go back to GP and suggest an increase in dosage.
Would like to try hypnotherapy, but not sure whether it's worth it. Any advice?

07-04-10, 00:31
There are certain kinds of anxiety that only respond to certain vitamins. Read about pyroluria , low and high histamine and copper overload. Hope these are helpful clues.