View Full Version : my hospital appointment....teeth....advise needed

03-02-10, 20:45

well today i went to the hospital for my consultation about having a few teeth removed. we could not find a parking space so i went on in the hospital whilst hubby stayed to find a space.
i was in the waiting room (which was extremely hot) for 10 mins and all of a sudden started feeling dizzy so i panicked and ran out :ohmy: only to find hubby and kids coming down the corridor to meet me!! i cried my eyes out and hubby reassured me so i went back in much to my suprise as i was adament i was not going to return.

anyway i waited for 45 mins then went into see the dentist and as i was led back in her chair i got dizzy again :(
i then had to go for an x ray then i had to report back to the dentist!

the thing is i cant decide if i should have iv sedation or just be knocked out completely with a general. either way i am petrified (i do not like needles in the least) i have read up a lot on both. iv sounds ok but a little scary and i have heard i will have to WANT to be sedated for it to work properly.

does anyone know anything about either of these 2 options and if so whats best?????

(i will have the teeth removed in about 2/3 months)


03-02-10, 21:18
I am not speaking from my experience here but my hubby had dental surgery done with an iv drip and he's not sure if he remembered anything apart from coming home afterwards. He said everything was very vague and he remembers seeing things but it all felt like he was extremely drunk! My sister in law had her wisdom teeth removed in the same way and she said the same, she isnt sure if she remembers anything or not but felt drunk and in a dream like state, she said it was a very nice experience, all floaty and calm!
Im not sure if this will help you at all but good luck with it and take care,
Carol x

03-02-10, 21:21
thanks carol

i have been told its like a drunk kind of feeling and think this is one reason it frightens me so much as i hate the feeling so much so i have not touched a drink in 9 years!!!!!

one of my biggest fears is being dizzy or passing out so hate the thought of feeling drunk!!


03-02-10, 21:24
you're probably much safer just getting the sedation to get the teeth pulled.
I got my top left wisdom tooth out 2 years ago and opted for no sedation - as I was scared of not being in control with sedation. It was over in less than ten minutes.
So if it's just a few teeth it shouldn't take long and if your sedated you won't be aware of what is happening to you. Try not to worry about it until the day arrives (i know easier said than done).

03-02-10, 21:30
Thank good ness its not just me who doesnt like that drunk feeling, my hubby thinks Im unique! I was tipsy twice in all my 48 years and I didnt like it one bit.
If you were sedated though you might not even remember the feeling, my hubby said he remembers getting into the dentists chair and conversing with the nurse but not much else. He did see things, he thinks and he was a bit groggy when he came home but he said it was odd he kept trying to remember and he does remember something but he cant remember what that something was!!!
Best wishes to you
Carol x

04-02-10, 15:39
Firstly you are so much stronger than me!!!

I currently have bad toothache and today noticed how one of my Wisdom teeth has managed to push a big tooth totally sideways and...i saw BLOOD (which sent me crazy) So now im convinced i need my Wisdom teeth out. However i am to terrified to go to the Dentist let alone a Hospital...i dunno whats best to be asleep...and wake up feeling sick, scared, low..or staying awake and hearing the noises and feeling the pressure as they remove the teeth.

I dont know how you managed to stay in the waiting room for 45 minutes. I would have talked myself out of it or fainted within the first 10 minutes. I cry at the thought, this is what has brought all my anxiety flooding back. Is it your Wisdom teeth? I think you might prefer to be awake when they are doing it if its just the two...as then once they are finished you can go home and recover. Rather than coming round and feeling groggy?

I dunno really as im facing the same thing...part of me is trying to ignore it in hope it will go away!!..First thought was...WHAT IF I DONT WAKE UP!! :(

I hope everything goes well for you. Im such a scaredy cat.

04-02-10, 17:11
aw well done for going!
Get a full sedation. I'd be afraid personally my anxiety would be too bad even on an iv and aren't you kinda awake for that too? that seems scary!
Least if you go into a full sleep you won't remember anything! I think you will be sleepy for the rest of the day which would be good for keeping you calm afterwards :-)
personally I'm most afraid of the health anxiety I will have afterwards.
I had my tooth pulled over a week ago now, it's a bottom tooth, I'm still very aware of it not being there.
I wonder how I'd cope with my jaws being swollen afterwards? I know it;s normal but any odd sensations tend to cause my a lot of anxiety.
But I will get it done sometime. I really don't have a choice but to get my wisdom teeth removed!
when is the date for getting yours taken out?

04-02-10, 19:44
wow thanks for the replies!

am still very undecided. i just hate needles and the thought of not being in control it really does scare the hell out of me! even sat in the dentist chair yesterday i was freaking out slightly.

i have been told if i opt for IV i will be 'drugged' (as thats basically what it is lol) for about 45 mins for the teeth to be removed and about half hour in recovery then i can go straight home and my hubby will be with me the whole time. oh and i can still have breakfast/lunch as normal. i just really do feel a little freaked out at the fact i will not be in full control and panic at the thought of what i may feel like when i come round for example dizzy.

if i have a general and am knocked out completely i will have to fast and be in the hospital for 7am and will have to wait around til its my turn and i will be allowed home prob around lunch time. but again am nervous at what i will feel like when i come round.

i have to have out 2/3 wisdom teeth and i bad tooth. and i need to make up my mind what i want done (sedation or general) and let the hospital know and i will get an appointment through the post will prob be having it done in 2/3 months as thats how long the waiting list is.

grrrrrrrr sooooo scared and frustrated xx

04-02-10, 21:04
you are probably best having the sedation - i think what they use is valium or something a little stronger - which is what the doctor prescribes for severe anxiety - so you should feel more relaxed than anything. That's my thinking.
What you will probably find is that you will worry on the run up to the event and then be OK!
I have had sedation and general in the past and take much longer to recover from a general.
with the sedation - imagine the times when you have woken up thinking it's time to get up for work and you look at the clock and you have another 2 hours to go back to sleep and you feel lovely and warm and content and sleepy - it would be too much of an effort to open your eyes - - thats what sedation is like!

04-02-10, 21:10
thanks ajs thats made IV sound really good!

am just worrying what if im so tense and panicky that they cant sedate me properly?

04-02-10, 21:42
better not to get too worked up (again much easier said than done - i give otehr people advice and can't stop myself getting worked up) before the sedation as you may counteract the drugs a little, if you still feel that you are aware then tell them - they can top up the drugs (until a certain point).

I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy in september and they gave me sedation - i had worked myself into a huge tizzy the night before and that morning (to the point that on the way to theatre my whole body was shaking uncontrolibly), they gave me the sedation in the back of my hand - after ten minutes i was still wide awake - so i shouted "i'm wide awake - I wan't to be asleep - i'm scared" a few times and they gave me another dose and told me that I was at the max - then i vaguely remember bits and bobs (and some pain - they were after all going through my intestines with what looked like a black garden hose ouch!) about what happened to me and just felt tipsy for a few hours after it, then when they let me home I went to bed and slept it off. I think if I had not been so worked up the first dose would have been enough. The specialist told me he had never had to give an extra dose before and that everyone is usually sleeping - i asked him if he thought it was because i was so on edge and he said probably.

Hope this helps

05-02-10, 10:18
how scary :(

maybe im best off being put right out under a general :(


06-02-10, 08:38
oh no - i didn't mean to scare you - now i feel terrible - i was only trying to reassure you that the doc said he had NEVER had to give anyone a top up before - and when i got the top up i was not aware of what was happening.


06-02-10, 15:35
lol dont be sorry! its me just thinking the worst as i always do! x