View Full Version : Convinced I will die in next two days

03-02-10, 22:08
I have been suffering from anxiety since last May when I collapsed in the street. I am being investigated for possible Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia and I am due to see the consultant next week for a number of test results. Things have been really good recently and I even managed to do some work earlier in the week but for some reason I have convinced myself I am going to die before my birthday on Friday. I had this once before in my life where i was sure I would die before I turned 18.

I don't know how to cope with it and all my old worries are coming back, fears of collapsing (which I have been doing), being unable to breathe etc. I am also suffering from daily dizziness which really panics me.

Tonight I fear I may die in my sleep


03-02-10, 22:39
Hello there :3
I know exactly how you feel. I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety since I was a young child. I remember when I have around 9 or 10 years old and had that same fear. But here I am, alive, with 16 years old! I know that you may feel that you are going to die, but that is just your anxiety, so you have nothing to worry about :D And all these symptoms are normal when a person is anxious, I'm actually feeling a bit breathless 'cause I got anxious a few moments ago. But I'm already getting better, and I'm sure you'll too :yesyes: And the best thing to do now is getting distracted; read a book, watch a movie. Take away all these negative thoughs off your head and try to get a nice night of sleep. You'll see that tomorrow everything will be better!

Don't worry, you are not going to day today or tomorrow, just try to relax! :D

03-02-10, 22:43
But you didn't die the last time you thought you were going to. And you won't die this time either. It's an anxious obsessive thought that is exactly that - only a thought. Try and reassure yourself that you are suffering from repeated anxious thoughts and that they can't really do you any harm. We just wind ourselves up with them. Wait and see the result of your tests. They may come back negative. It's amazing the symptoms that anxiety causes. More often than not the worst scenario never happens. There's as much chance that your results will be negative. If not, then it's amazing just what illnesses can be treated nowadays. Please don't despair. The symptoms you are experiencing can also be caused by anxiety and maybe this is what the problem is.

03-02-10, 22:59
hi i used to av the same thought but now ive learnt just to accept it and one day it will happen ive learnt just to enjoy life although i do suffer from anxiety still you have just got to bank it out and do sumit else do u know what i mean xxxxx :)

03-02-10, 22:59
Nope you will be right here the day after your birthday.>I had this fear years ago ..I knew for sure without a doubt that I would in fact die on my 25th birthday.So much I was hospitalized with tachycardia and dehydration two days before.. Guess what its 30 years later and I sometimes sit and tell my wife at night I feel like Im going to die and she says when you wake tomorrow remember you didn't die.. So far she has been correct ..heres looking at least another 30 years and you another 80 lol..take care.. Michael

04-02-10, 20:19
Thanks for the replies. I have been calmer today but still dealing with the insane dizziness. I was peeling veggies earlier and felt like I was rocking from side to side. Also everytime I take a forkful of my food I feel as if I am about to tip off my chair. So weird!!

04-02-10, 21:02
I've been like this in the past...I was convinced I was gonna die before Christmas last year after I ended up in A&E with out of the blue sinus tachycardia...ended up ruining my christmas, but I didn't die! lol *rollseyes*
& Now I've got this fear that I'm gonna die when I'm 23 & I'm 23 in april...I'm bad enough at the moment so april onwards should be fun lol >.<

Just try & stay calm...& you'll be fine I'm sure, we all will :)