View Full Version : I hate this...

30-12-05, 12:07
the last thing I want to do is come on here and moan but I could really do with some good advice. I've been weaning myself off Cipramil over the last two weeks. I went up to taking 20mg and have reduced to 10mg and then started taking one everyother day over the last two weeks. I checked with the Docotor previously and this is what she has recommended me to do. The last few days have been pretty tough and I have had to resort in to taking 2mg of Vallium most mornings. This morning I have woken up with the impending doom feeling which has'nt left me as yet. Another thing I have noticed is that everything seems to be so different, like I have woken up from a long dream, and for someone who likes to be in control and hates change you can imagine how it feels. I now this feeling will pass but it feels so horrible when It's with you. What techniques do other people use to cope when things feel like this, I dont want to get used to taking the Vallium and would like to be able to manage without it. Any advice would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.

30-12-05, 13:38
Maybeyou're trying to come off far too fast. Doctors are very badly educated in withdrawal from SSRI's.

It is advised that you come down in the smallest increments possible and only make 1 change each 3 weeks to give time to settle on one dose before fiddling with it again.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-12-05, 15:01
I agree with Meg that you need to come off very slowly.

When I saw a psychiatrist recently she said that doctor's increase and reduce meds too quickly and it should be done very slowly allowing several weeks in between each change.

Hope you feel better soon.


30-12-05, 15:21
I agree with the other. It can be a sign that you are reducing your medication too fast and are not coping with it.

That doomed feeling is really nasty, it won't hurt you but it is very disheartening. I hope it passes soon.

Annie x

30-12-05, 17:37
Thanks for the replies. Your right when you say Doctors are very badly educated when It comes to SSRI withdrawl. Everytime I mention the withdrawl symptoms they always say " Well most people never get any withdrawl sypmtoms really", yeah right!!!

Im also taking some chelating supplements after having my fillings removed so that could have a part to play aswell.

Thanks for the replies again.