View Full Version : Out of Routine..

30-12-05, 12:14
This may come across as a bit strange but im sure my thinking process is all to pot. For some strange reason I have to know what day it is all the time. I dont know why this is but it's the way things have always been for me. Im so used to working 9-5 hours at work and have been in the same job for 10 years. When I became ill a year ago everything seems to have gone down hill, everyday feels like the same. Im so used to feeling like a Monday is a Monday, a Tuesday a Tuesday and a weekend like a weekend etc etc but now everyday feels like the same. I ask other people in the family how they feel and they just say they dont care what day it is they just get on with it. I think it's maybe because I like to be in control and now that everything is fu**ed up then I dont feel in control. **** I dont know!!! Sorry!!

30-12-05, 13:38
Hi there,

Are you still working at the moment??

With anxiety its so easy to feel all to pot - it's part of the whole thing really.

I like to have a sense of routine and I am just wondering if you are not working then obviously this would play a major part in how you feel.

If you are still at work then its proberbly more a sense of disorientation which will go when your general anxiety levels drop.

love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-12-05, 15:04
I have found this past week really weird because I have been on holiday from work and I keep forgetting what day it is.

That is because you lose routine when you are not working so it doesn't matter what day it is.

I expect you are feeling a bit like this as well.


30-12-05, 15:20
I think that is normal if you are used to routine.

I usually work and it keeps me busy and distracted.

I have been on holidays for Christmas and the lack of motivation and routine has made things worse. I have to keep asking myself whatr day it is, not that I am going anywhere, just so I know how many days until work starts again.

Hope you feel better soon

Annie x

03-01-06, 07:17
Hi reading this posting rang lots of bells for me! I have been off work for over 2 weeks and during this time my whole routine has gone to pot. I've been staying up really late and sleeping in, eating differently and now feel completely out of kilter with everything. My insomanic nights have returned as i get ready to go back to work but I am hoping that once I get back into my routine of work again that things will settle back into a better pattern. I think being in a set routine does help with the anxiety management otherwise it tends to throw your whole coping mechanisms:D

03-01-06, 09:47
I can relate to this. These last few days have been hell. My family have all been ill with gastric flu which has dragged on for 2/3 weeks now. My husband is sick both ends and as this a sympton of mine when I'm anxious I'm convinced myself I've given him my anxiety attacks.
My young son has had the flu and now appears to have hurt his leg so we're off to the doctor's in a moment. This total lack of routine and illness has left me totally exhausted.
I work from home and have begun again today hoping this will help, but with two sickys indoors it's not the same.
Bring me back my routine please!!!! I can't understand why my medication isn't working as I haven't had an episode when taking medication before it's always kept them at bay, but as I've had a lot of sickness etc I guess they are struggling to work.
Sorry I needed to get that off my chest before I burst into tears.

03-01-06, 10:08
I always feel terrible after a long holiday. I loose my sense of rythmn that work gives. It can be quite difficult reverting back but it can be done.

03-01-06, 13:30
I finished work 8 months ago. The first few weeks I found it hard to settle down. I felt quite alien to everything around me. I was so used to going out to work at certain times coming home sorting the meals out, along with housework and everything else. Now I am loving being at home. I can walk up into town when I want. Get the housework done at my own pace, instead of worrying about getting it done, and more importantly I have time for myself.

Best wishes
Jenny xxxxx

J. Farmer

03-01-06, 17:10

I'm another who has had their routine disrupted for Christmas/New Year.

I went back to work today after almost 2 weeks holiday and don't feel like I've had a break at all.

Over the last few days my sleep pattern has gone to pot, my PMT & hormones have been making their presence felt very strongly and it is taking all my will-power for my evenings not to turn into one passive anxious "What will happen if I don't sleep tonight..."

What helped at work was when a colleague told me that despite planning an early night she was still awake at 3am knowing she was due back to work today. It's great when you know you are not alone.

Give it a few days and hopefully all our routines will be back to normal.

Whatever normal is!!:D

Here's to 2006 being better that 2005.

Dusty xx

13-09-11, 21:25
I tooknow what you mean as my routine is shot as well not working at the moment I am not doing other things I should be doing such as girl guides or hleping at the museum. Seems all is on hold drags with no energy or desire to get up and go

13-09-11, 22:12
This sounds just like me. I have been off sick with depression now for several months and I do miss work because of the social part but I always want to seriously think bout my work and if I want to go bk there or go 2 another job. Plus obv get better in the process.

I do have a routine in most things. I like things to go a certain way constantly and if they dont i panic and go to pot. I have a shower routine too, sounds bizarre but its true. When i go places things usually get planned but recently ive thought opposite thoughts and if i usually accept a place will be quiet and its busy i go insane but now i just realise places will be busy certain days at certain times so i just go with it. Its completely normal when ur in this state of mind. I really feel for u as im going through the same thing.

Its the routine thing that i get used to. Things being in the right place too. Im like it with my stuff. My family and people may think im not organised or untidy but for eg: when I have receipts in my purse from banks and statments, receitps from purchases etc i need to empty my purse and shred em otherwise i dont feel content unless they are throw away and my purse is bk 2 normal and clean. And if i have more than one thing running or happening at the same time, i have to break down or delete things so that its bk 2 1 thing and then im happy and content. Its just aybe an OCD thing i have. LOL