View Full Version : Im beggining to have panic attacks

30-12-05, 12:34
Hello, i'm a 15 year old and over the past 2 nights i have had panic attacks, also when i'm not having panic attacks i am anxious/panicky. I have no family history of panic attacks and i do not take drugs etc. Do you thnik i should see my GP or leave it a few days and see if it's stress-realted.

30-12-05, 13:13
Hi Ross, welcome, see what all the other people say who come along and reply.
I dont think it would do you any harm to talk to your GP.
Anyway there will be lots of people along to reply soon, you will get lots of help and advice from here.
Take care.xxxx

love from Alexisxx

If I help one person today it was worth getting up.

30-12-05, 13:15
Hello Ross.

Its up to you, a docotr may be able to give you some reassurance on whats happening to your body. Try yourself to self talk, i.e. Im calm, ok, safe etc.

The hormones in your body could also be causing this, your a young lad and me speaking being female (im sure you guess what comes with that, without getting to in detail) At a particular time of the month I get alot worse.

May also suggest a website called Young Minds, Its for young people that may be in a difficult time.


I hope this helps, Feel free to PM me anytime.

30-12-05, 13:30

this one may help a bit better, the sites a bit wordy and may get confussing

30-12-05, 13:34
Hi Ross,

A big warm welcome to the site :)

Have you looked at some of the information pages we have??

Is this the first time you have felt like this - just recently???

Perhaps see how the next few days go and then think about seeing a doctor next week if you still feel the same.

We are all here to listen if you just want to talk.

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-12-05, 14:55
Hi Ross

Welcome aboard.

Have you had many panic attacks before or are these all new?

Start by reading some of the info on the main website at www.nomorepanic.co.uk and especially the First Steps page.

I hope you get some help on here.


30-12-05, 15:09
Wouldn't hurt to ask your doc if you have a good and long standing relation with him/her...i.e., someone who knows you and has worked with you. Did you just go through your exams at school, perhaps? High school here in the states is stressful for kids, I think...........If it is new term for you in school, perhaps all hit at once stress wise.
Best of luck to you, and keep in touch with the site! Let us know how you are getting along!!

30-12-05, 15:12
Hello and welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling panicky.

It may be worth making an appointment with your GP just to let him know how you are feeling. He can check you over to reassure you and give you some useful relaxation techniques.

There is lots of helpful advice on the site about the symptoms and how to overcome them.

You'll get lots of support on here.

Annie x x

30-12-05, 20:51
hi and welcome to the forum, you will lots of friends and help here. look at youself and if you still cannot understand why you are getting attacks then go see your GP.


06-12-06, 06:47
Hey! I understand where you are coming from. My panic attacks began about a year ago when i was a freshmen in college. My friend actually took me to the ER and they said everything was fine. The next day it happened again. I dont kno how ur panic attacks but mine were more mental than physical and absolutely terrifying...the next day i went back to my home town and went to see a psychiatrist and my family doctor. I was prescribed meds..one for everyday and one for the onset of my attacks. My advice would be to go to the doctor as soon as you can. Anyone who has experienced a panic attacks knows that they are terrifying and that u shouldnt subject yourself to them. If you do get on meds dont quit taking them, that can send you into withdrawal and thats terrible. Also i have an appt on thursday to get my parathyroid checked..that could also be your problem...something with your thyroid..i really hope i have helped...let us all know!

06-12-06, 06:54
Also, I know that medications arent everything, but they have really helped with me. You should also be talking to someone about this, whether it be a friend or family member or a licenses psychiatrist.

rachel siebert