View Full Version : attack

04-02-10, 13:09
i can feel an anxiety attack coming on, my head is hurting and my hands are starting to shake and i either want to cry or be angry, i know its daft but it got triggered as i offered to help my boyfriend with something and he took offence and i got upset and started to feel anxious and hurt, my hands are shaking just now and i just want to curl up in a ball :unsure: as i feel scared now, i am trying to distract myself but the thoughts of earlier are creeping into my head, i was also trying to upload pictures to a thread in another subject on here and because i could not get it too work that made me feel anxious too as i was getting frustrated trying to work out how to do it, i feel really silly

04-02-10, 13:16
sounds futile but try to relax as much as possible ........a few deep breaths ........and watch telly or something ..........good luck xxxxxxxxxxx

04-02-10, 14:13
^ Yeah distracting your mind could work. If there is nothing you can do about it, you'll have to let it pass, feel anxious, feel the stress, know that it will go soon/later. What can ya do but let it be?:shrug:

04-02-10, 20:11
thank you guys, i managed to get through it, i still feel slightly anxious but not as bad as earlier:)