View Full Version : yes i did it

04-02-10, 14:39
my anxiety as been awful latley ive been so lightheaded all the time and been scared to leave the house ...But today i took little boy to school rang doctors about my lightheadednesss gonna i was havin massive pannic attack thinkin i was gonna die.....after hearing the usual doctors reply its all down to ur anxiety i put the phone down put my coat on and set of to bus stop bus came i got on it (i was scared stiff ) got in town went to argos felt like runnin 4 my life was awful but i stuck it out . i even went in another shop b4 goin for my bus ...cant belive i did this so proud of myself as even goin to shop at end of street is to much 4 me usualy ....just shows if u can put u mind to it u can do it ..even tho it still feels awful doin it at the time ,when ur home u think how easy it realy was .

04-02-10, 14:56
Well done you. How brave you have been to face your anxiety like that.You deserve praise.xx

04-02-10, 14:57
well done hun, thats great news. you should be realy proud of yourself.

04-02-10, 15:03
Way to go Lisa! Sometimes facing what scares us is the greatest way to defeat it! Buddha says:

"Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes."

I think you proved that to us, and more importantly, yourself, today!

04-02-10, 15:25
Good grief, Argos is like the seventh circle of hell, slow moving queues, dopey staff, if you can survive that you can survive anything - well done! :D

04-02-10, 19:37

Well done, you did great:yesyes:

mandie x

04-02-10, 19:50
wow well done good for you you deserve to be VERY proud of yourself xxxx

04-02-10, 20:11
Fantastic lisa well done, i hope its the start of more adventures to come for you, wish i was that brave, well done

04-02-10, 21:13
:hugs:Well done!

04-02-10, 21:18
Great, what an achievement - you can afford to have a smile on your face because you really deserve it. This will be the first step of many.

04-02-10, 22:17
thankyou all so much means alot xxxxx