View Full Version : Feeling down today, and spaced out.

30-12-05, 14:43
Had a good day yesterday, felt well, was busy and had a pretty good sleep (thank God)
but woke up this morning with a really stiff neck and a spaced out feeling. I felt I was in a strange world. Felt fed up etc.
My eyes ached as if I was really tired.
Why do I feel like this today when I have had such a good couple of days.
I nearly stayed in bed but thought - No go for a walk with Mom, sister and the dog, which did me good, but I am worried I'm going into a depression - please tell me I'm not.
I know I'm not helping my anxiety - I keep thinking I'm gonna die or collapse.


30-12-05, 15:07

Sometimes we just have days like that and we don't feel as well as we did the day before and then we get worried.

Well done on going out still - that is the best thing to do - keep busy but also be kind to yourself and don't get over-stressed.

I don't think you are going into depression - you will feel pretty bad all the time if you were and you said that you do have good days.

Hope you feel better later.


30-12-05, 15:18
Hi Nicki,

Well done for having a good couple of days. Don't think of this as the start of something bad, it's just a blip and you will get passed it!!

I can totally sympathise becuase I felt so proud of myself yesterday for having a relatively good day. For no particulkar reason I woke this morning feel the same as you, spaced out, and there is no reason for it - I had a great night's sleep!

We all have up and down days - congratulate yourself for not staying in bed and getting moving even though you felt rubbish :)

Annie x

31-12-05, 11:03
Thanx for your replys.
I feel alot better today, I must realise I will have these "blips" from time to time.
Happy new year to you all


31-12-05, 12:07
Blips are all part of the package Nicki.

Keep going hun - your doing well:)

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.