View Full Version : Fixated on HIV

04-02-10, 21:16
Please help, I am fixated on having HIV and am beyond scared. Every symptom I have I believe is a sure fire sign.

I don't know what to do :(

04-02-10, 21:20
Is there a chance that you could have it? Or is it an anxious thought? More often than not the things we fear NEVER actually happen! We just wind ourselves up and convince ourselves that it's the case.

04-02-10, 21:25
There is a chance in that I was sleeping with an ex and have now found out he was sleeping with other people. I'm truly terrified and like I said any symptom I assume is because of that.

04-02-10, 21:26
Why don't you get a test done to reassure you

04-02-10, 21:27
I have and am waiting for the results but I am completely terrified of hearing the worst. I am getting really wound up about it.

04-02-10, 21:32
I know hiv is a serious illness, but don't think the worst. You've got just as much chance of being in the clear. Wait for the result and try and stay positive. You can almost talk yourself into having the symptoms!!

04-02-10, 21:34
You can convince yourself you have absolutely anything .But its just down to Health anxiety ..If your partner does not have Hiv but you suspect he may be a carrier .Go and have a test to put your mind at rest ..Then when it comes back clear your mind will conjur up something else for you to worry about ..Ive read quickly through your posts ,and you seem pretty tired with one thing and another ,You also say you have IBS ...Your symptoms are down to that and not HIV ..Have you been offered any CBT by your Dr for the health anxiety ? Im sure it would benefit you ..Acceptance is a key element in recovery with anxiety ..I hope you manage to accept why you are feeling like you do .Nothing more than good old Anxiety Im afraid ..T/c LUV sue x:hugs:

04-02-10, 21:37
I jump quickly from one thing to another yes, when I am really low I focus on my health and normally blood clots are my worst fear.

No I haven't been offered CBT, just anti-depressants - which I am struggling to bring myself to take after a bad experience on other ones a few years ago.

Thank you for your response. I am just so terrified I am almost totally convinced and I don't know how I would cope.

04-02-10, 23:47
hey scorpianwhispers. you most likely dont have HIV but get tested to get peace of mind.

this was my first fear and i had so much symptoms i actually had full on flu and was in bed sweating all through anxiety. but then i got 'melanoma' <-- not the real one by the way the health anxiety type!

05-02-10, 10:16
Hello, I can talk from experience, I was potenitally exposed to the HIV virus, and it killed me thinking that i had it, i was fixated at having it and every symptom i had was due to having the infection, I learnt not to think about it (which is easier said than done) and got my 6 week test and 12 week test results and it cam bk negative,
just go get a test, its really simple and u can have an answer within a week,

Keep Strong

05-02-10, 23:42
Hey, the problem with HIV is that there are quite a few symptoms, which can make you think you have it when you get just one. Its good that you got tested because its always a smart test to have done, but Im really sure you probably dont have it. xxx

21-02-10, 23:46
Your chances of getting HIV from having unprotected sex with someone who has it is .001%. You are more likely to get hit by lightning. Your chances from getting it from someone who does not have it....impossible! They don't have it and chances are your old lover does not have it either. It is a VERY hard disease to spread. This is assuming you had vaginal sex. Of course you open yourself up for a higher risk with anal sex.
Also, HIV does not have "symptoms". That is why testing is the only way to know if you have it. HIV causes a weakened immune system and so does stress...which you have...so the symptoms you are having are from anxiety not HIV.

29-11-10, 21:16
ok thought I should add, 28 day 4th generation tests P24 antigen and antibody test are conclusive if come back negative. Anti=body tests only are conclusive at 12 weeks but very very very rarely change after 8 weeks.

thought should add to the last thread is that anal sex is slighly higher risk 0.06% for insertive and 1.06% being receptive....... the point about more chances being struck by lightning is a very good point indeed.

get tested and use a condom and keep away from Google as most sites are USA and testing windows are considered very very conserative and have not taking into account the new hyper sensitive tests like the DUO COMBI test.
