View Full Version : Panic on the train

30-12-05, 15:53
Just felt I had to share my latest episode because i feel a real idiot. Lots of trains were cancelled yesterday and when I finally got on one it was so packed with people all standing up I freaked out...really claustrophobic and had to barge past everyone with all my bags and get off at the last minute.

My boyfriend had to wait three hours and pick me up from a different staion just because I had to wait for an empty train (I did not tell him that ...he would not understand). Even then I felt quite panicky on the train and felt like getting off.

Every time i think I am fine it happens again .

Has anyone had a similar exprience ?
rockweasel :D

30-12-05, 16:01
I have to admit that I still can't face going on a train in case I want to get off.

I think the feeling you had was perfectly normal in the situation.

You did manage to stay on the next one though so well done. You could have just given up and not even got on a train again and you didn't so be proud that you did it. Not many people like clasutrophobic trains so you are not alone in that.


30-12-05, 16:10
Thanks Nicola,

Your words are a comfort. This is really the only place for me to vent my feelings about my panic attacks.

Cheers :D

30-12-05, 16:24
Well you are welcome to post as often as you like if it helps to talk to someone about it.


30-12-05, 18:06
It's hard. When I am bad I feel that I need to be in a situation where I feel safe if something bad were to happen (not that it ever has!!).

Well done you thougj, you did really well getting on the next train and making the journey depite the rocky start!!!

Annie x

30-12-05, 19:05
Hi Rockweasel

I think there are a lot of people who would have a problem when the train was so crowded. I don't have a problem with trains themselves but would find being on such a crowded train anxiety-provoking.

Well done for getting on the next one even though you still felt anxious.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

30-12-05, 19:42
I would be just the same as you, I need open spaces where I could escape from easily. A packed train sounds very stressfull.
I find if someone stands too close to me, it makes me feel uncomfortable
I notise this when I am out looking in the shops ,as soon as someone starts to look at the same Item im looking at .....I feel panic?


30-12-05, 19:49
It's taken me a few months to get on the bus but I did this a couple of weeks ago so I can totally identify.

Try to slump into yourself if you can so that your body feels more relaxed.

Nic is right mate you did well - you got on another train, be proud:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-12-05, 20:54
I get panic attacks on buses when theyre busy but i find if i have something to occupy my mind/hands they are bearable so i take my mp3 player/bottle of coke/newspaper/magazine on.

30-12-05, 22:30
Your messages are much appreciated..I don't feel so stupid now !

Sometimes I think britain is just too claustrophobic full stop. I used to live in Australia and there is just more space and less people trying to get places.

Thanks again for your messages,
rockweasel x

30-12-05, 23:11
I'm usually OK on trains but a few weeks back I was really bad on the tube in London.

It was really crowded and my thumb muscles really tensed up. I got off one stop early to walk the rest and felt so much more relaxed walking across the river bridge!

Take care


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

31-12-05, 20:59
First of all you're no idiot...
I think we all panic at just the right time, if ya know what I mean. The panic comes on just when we don't need it. That’s when we have to be our strongest. We don't think of it that way but should in order to keep in control of the attack. I hope you get right back on the train and things go well. I’m sorry you can’t share the experience with your boyfriend. It would help you so much to be able to talk about it. I wish you well.

"One Oneness One"

31-12-05, 23:58

I have the 'train' thinig as well. It's not so much as a claustrophobic thing as needing to have space when if I feel bad.
So actually I think on a bus I'd be ok, much as it might be embarrassing, I can at least goto the driver on the bus and say sorry mate I really really ill can you pull over. So in 10 seconds you can be out of there.
On a train or plane you can't do that, and so that's where my problems lie right now.

I 200% agree well done for getting back on. I couldn't have done that (and I'm speaking from much experience)