View Full Version : Palpatations and Dizzyness

05-02-10, 09:54
What do palpatations feel like? I keep getting a 'fluttering' feeling in my chest like my heart is pounding for a few seconds. Or is this an Ectopic Beat?

I am so confused and worried. I had a holter monitor probably 9 months ago which mentioned that I had had a few ectopics but no one really seemed worried. Are they ok to have?

I have also been dizzy for the last few months. When I mentioned the palpatations and the dizzyness to my GP she seemed like she was worried for a minute and asked if I had them at the same time. I said no, I don't think so but now I can't be sure.

She checked my heart and BP which were ok and I had had an ECG the week before.

I am so worried there is something wrong with my heart.:weep:

05-02-10, 10:00
The fact that the holter was normal is reassuring. The ectopics are completely harmless and the dizzieness will be because of anxiety when you experience the ectopics. It's a vicious circle. Your heart sounds perfectly healthy. It's amazing what an ecg can show up. Try not to worry too much about it. You'll had the necessary tests and its great they were normal. If you can get your anxiety levels down then you won't get these symptoms so much.

05-02-10, 10:17
Thanks for the reply Myra.

I am not sure what Ectopics feel like? Do they feel similar to a palpatation?

And i am getting the dizzyness frequently but not always with a funny heart feeling. I get them when I am not overly anxious so that is what worries me.

05-02-10, 11:57
It's completely normal to get palpitations together with dizziness. It's classic anxiety. I get that often just before a panic attack or when I'm really anxious. I feel light headed very often & it scares the heck outta me. I was panicking this morning cause i felt lightheaded. I used to get lightheaded & palpitation when i was pregnant. I had 2 ECGs then and it was normal. I get the fluttery feeling too. It feels like I'm shaky and my heart is fluttering, I'm not sure if it is really happening or I am just feeling like it is. It's hard to accept that these thing are normal & anxiety symptoms. I struggle so much with health anxiety.

05-02-10, 12:38
Hi Guys

Sorry you both suffering so much with health anxiety

i am too......i can,t really relate to the palpatations but i do get where it feels like your heart drops and you have to catch your breath almost like you forgot to breathe for a second or two very scary worries me i will forget to breath in my sleep

my main probs are ibs and the symptoms i get with that cant seem to have a day without them


31-03-10, 10:03
I have had problems with palpitations for the last few years. I was getting them whilst exercising. When I went cycling and I could put my hand on my chest and feel it going thump, thump, thump, pause ..... thump, which freaked me out!! Went to the gp and he was great, had blood tests and an ecg. He said there was nothing wrong and these are just things that can happen with the heart and most people will have them but will never feel them. its good you hsve had the tests done and everything looks fine. Its hard to believe that this can be fine when it feels so awful but I am living proof they won't kill you. I still have them when cycling but I just ignore them. I have also climbed some of the highest mountains in the UK and have experienced them and I now tell myself that if I was going to die from them I would have by now. I hope you feel better soon and hopefully if you ignore them they will settle down, mine always get worse when I am anxious.

31-03-10, 10:41
Hello Samantha
Yes I get all that you discribed,I have bad palps,and dizziness but I also have mitro valve prolapse.I had an echogram that showed this.Now that is another worry,but I think you have anxiety,even when you think you are not anxious,it is your sub conscious mind,which is a powerful thing taking hold.I would try not to worry and just do some breathing and visualisation exercises,I am sure you will be fine:flowers: