View Full Version : another twitching thread sorry :-(

05-02-10, 10:08
Sorry to bore everybody again about twitching as i do know how common it is, its just its coming up to a year since i first noticed mine and i seem to be dwelling on it again. I was fine a couple of days ago but i have noticed it seems to be getting bad again, sometimes when im standing up my calf will twitch not when ive got pressure on it but if i slightly lift my leg off the floor and put my weight onto my other leg, Sometimes its big thumps and other times its little tiny ones, i even get it in my arms, surely if this went on forever its not good for your body for your muscles to be twitching all the time, also is there a chance that eventually this could turn into something neurological im really scared today and going out of my mind with worry that some day i will get told ive got als or ms, ms being more likely and i really dont think i could cope .

05-02-10, 10:46
Hi Rebecca,

Don't worry, I get a lot of twitching! My arm was twitching yesterday really quite strong. Its just your muscles having a workout - thats what I say anyway!
I also remember my eye twitching for days after I had my daughter, which at the time really worried me. A friend, who was a nurse told me it was because I was tired and stressed, and it did eventually go.
Try to relax about it and just believe that it is really very normal.

05-02-10, 15:29
thanks for the reply, deep down i sort of know its ok but i cant imagine being like this forever surely someday its got to effect the muscles. Cant help thinking one day it will turn into something else.

05-02-10, 16:53
Hon, I was so worried about twitching and tremors that my doctor did an EMG on me which turned out great.

I knew someone with ALS. Twitching alone is not an ALS symptom. The twitching only comes AFTER muscle wasting. You probably just have normal twitches that many of us get. Please relax and try not to think of it. I hope that helped!

05-02-10, 21:17
Heya hun, sorry missed this earlier. The fact that you have been twitching for so long is a good sign (weirdly) i promise you that if it were ALS you would be barely alive now. People dont twitch for a year & then discover its something bad the twitching is the dying muscle & you would have severe weakness. MS you were the one who told me it wasnt a sign or symptom ( you know all this anyway :-) ) WE all freak out about things, like my tongue burning for a year now, twitching knee caps for weeks at a time only when i put pressure on it. Buzzing foot, the list goes on. I reckon i wouldnt even notice these things if i didnt have HA, its because we are so aware of every little thing. Dont worry hun your fine xxxxxxxxxxx

05-02-10, 21:19
Also i dont believe my twitching is caused by anxiety i believe my twitching is caused by Benign facsitation syndrom. Fancy name for benigh twitching. Im sure you know about that though :) xx

05-02-10, 21:27
also is there a chance that eventually this could turn into something neurological im really scared today and going out of my mind with worry that some day i will get told ive got als or ms, ms being more likely and i really dont think i could cope .

Know it's annoying but there is absolutely NO evidence that this "benign" twitching can somehow develop into a serious neurological condition. I've spent hours and hours looking into it and this REALLY isn't the case so don't worry about that....

06-02-10, 21:13
I've been twitching with associated aches and buzzing for 5 monthe or so now, but i know it's the my anxiety because when i'm having a "good" day and feeling chilled out and happy, they twitching subsides big time, to the point of dissapearing completely!! but because i suffer with panic attacks and GA it always comes back. At least now i know it's not serious, knowing so many other people suffer in the same way.