View Full Version : My partner has anxiety

05-02-10, 10:17
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone else out there is dealing with thier partners anxiety issues aswell as thier own?

I have had anxiety and panic attacks for years and my partner has always been there for me. However recently he has started to have anxiety attacks and feels he can't see a way to combat the anxiety.

I am really upset as I have had very bad anxiety issues latley and I don't feel I can support him enough through his own anxiety. We have recently moved away from family as he had a work promotion so we both have no support nearby.

I really don't know what to do so I was just wondering if anyone had any advice?



07-02-10, 14:13
It's hard enough having to support someone else through their anxiety/depression without having your own issues as well.

I think it's very important to deal with your own problems first. If you don't then you'll be of no use to each other and in fact become worse. So I would go to your GP, explain how you feel and ask for some treatment options. You may find medication combined with CBT will help. Your partner should likewise go to his GP.

You can't be expected to care for someone when you're not strong enough yourself. It's not your fault, just how it is. So concentrate on getting yourself better and then you'll be in a much stronger position to help and support your partner too.

Wish you both well.

08-02-10, 10:36
Hi Melancholia,

Thanks. I have managed to convince my partner to go to the GP and to see a CBT therapist. I was just honest with him and said that I can't be he only form of support as I have some issues myself. He agreed and completely understands.

I however am reluctant to see a GP as I dont want medication (due to health anxiety) and I have been let down in the past when I asked to see a CBT therapist.

Thank you for the advice.
