View Full Version : sorry another question BP this time

05-02-10, 12:56
Hellloo, i have been feeling v dizzy lately which is obviously to do with being 12 weeks pregnant feel like i did with my son. I decided to take my BP with my machine i have at home. Does anyone rate these? i just did it twice in 10 mintues & got very different results

first was

99 / 82

pulse 121


137 / 74

pulse 107

mental how can it vary so much? i dont usually take my bp as i dont like the feeling. my pulse was very fast last pregnancy too so im not too worried about that, just i assumed i had low bp xx

05-02-10, 13:07
I think the home monitors are fine but I would get it colaborated (not sure if this is the right word, but its something beging with 'c'!!!) with your gp's first, as ours was showing a slightly lower reading than the doctors one.
My hubby has blood pressure probs and is on medication for it so from time to time he checks his bp at home and if he gets a high reading he relaxes, deep breaths and does it again, its amazing how a few moments later it can be really low! Our practice nurse said blood pressure is very unpredictable but then said hers was always 119/79, I didnt believe her, she did it and it was! Perhaps its us anxiety sufferers that have up and down bp's!
Congratulations on your baby, my first two pregnancys were exactly the same and the thrid was completely different, two boys first and girl third. Not that this is set in stone, Ive known friends have exactly the same pregnancies for different sexes.
Take care,
Carol x

05-02-10, 14:25
but I would get it colaborated

I think the 'c' word is callibrate ?

05-02-10, 14:42
I think the 'c' word is callibrate ?

Is it coroberate? LOL spelt wrong no doubt :)

05-02-10, 15:36
OOooooo dunno....corroborate means to confirm something, or provide more evidence. I spelt calibrate wrong lol !

05-02-10, 15:43
the first readng was a bit low second better were you panicing when you took it as pulse bit fast maybe you should havechat with doc if bp low you will feel dizzy have you any swelling anckles ps i was a nurse

05-02-10, 15:44
OOooooo dunno....corroborate means to confirm something, or provide more evidence. I spelt calibrate wrong lol !

think its to get it confirmed is it? lol

05-02-10, 15:56
tash seriously take it from someone who has been there and got the t shirt, do not go down this road of taking your own bp, i became so obsessed with it that it actually turned into a phobia of mine and still is, whenever the doc took it, it was sky high because i was so nervous of it being high. I ended up buying a machine and then became completley obsessed taking it about 20 times a day sometimes more than that my arm would hurt so much from taking it so many times in one sitting. My hubbie had to literally take the machine away and hide it, the morale of the story is if your midwife and doc arnt concerned about your bp dont give yourself anything else to worry about.

And yes the word is "calibrate" lol

05-02-10, 16:14
Both BP readings are totally fine.

Don't be taking your BP, it will only raise your anxiety.

I am a nurse and I never take mine, hehe.