View Full Version : curvature of spine

05-02-10, 13:12
hi everyone ive been told i have a slight curvature of my spine ive always suffered from occasional back pain and ive recently also been told i have 1 leg slightly shorter than the other does anyone else have these problems and what sort of pain do you have because of it i have lower back and pelvic pain.

05-02-10, 13:19
Hi, My spine and legs are the same. I honestly think it was from all those years lugging a heavy school bag to and from school. Mine is quite obvious. One shoulder sits at a different height aswell. I was told swimming was a good way to help it but I cant be bothered. I do get lower back pain and pelvic pain aswell but its not too bad. Adelle. :)

05-02-10, 13:54
I have 1 shoulder lower than the other and a slight curvature in my neck (shown on xray). I also suffer with lower back pain because I haven't much muscle down there. Chiropractor really helped but is expensive so now I do a combination of pilates, yoga n tai chi. What a difference! You need to strengthen your core to help your spine. All these exercises strengthens arms, legs, abdomen, spine, improves posture etc. all in all this puts less pressure on your spine and reduces pain.I can definately recommend this instead of relying on tablets long term.Good luck.

05-02-10, 14:06
Hi bronte, i have a curvature of the spine too - Scoliosis they call it. I get lower back pain too, but it doesn't bother me as much anymore.
Gem xxx

05-02-10, 23:21

I have scolisis too. My spine curves to the right at the top and to the left at the bottom. The one at the bottom over-compensated so I am on the wonk!! My right shoulder goes down and if I try to stand straight I can't. I can't stand for longer than about 5 minutes without being in pain in the lower back. I can't walk very far either. I saw a back consultant who told me that my back pain was nothing to do with the scolisis!!!!!!!!!:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::oh my: Stupid, isn't it? I've had it since I was a teenager and am now 52, but started to get back problems around the age of 40.


06-02-10, 20:38
I also have been diagnosed with curvature of the spine.My birth was traumatic apparently and I was in the breech position which contributed to it.My hip gives me so much pain and as I also have ME I don't know if they are related as the pain can be unbearable sometimes.My specialist said that my left side is lower than the right and I should have had it done when I was a toddler(I think he meant an operation) but now I am 43 yrs of age I think it's a bit late.I also get pelvic pain and lower back problems but we soldier on do we not?

07-02-10, 15:51
yes we have to soldier on thanx for your replies everyone