View Full Version : Please help me!

05-02-10, 15:33
Ive been on venlafaxine for 6 weeks now upped to 150mg 2 weeks ago. Im in a desperate state still very depressed all i want to do is sleep, Im plagued with ocd type harm thoughts. I cant see it getting any better surely the meds should have helped by now?

05-02-10, 15:40
yes chris thnk they should dont know this med perhaps if you put it in search box maggie

05-02-10, 17:25

6 weeks is a long time, I would go back to your gp, it can take a while until we find what medications suits best. take care x

05-02-10, 17:35
Hi, I think Venlafaxine is Effexor, didn't do well with me, made me sick, go back to your doctor and see if you can get something which suits you better.

05-02-10, 17:47
Ive been on venlafaxine for 6 weeks now upped to 150mg 2 weeks ago. Im in a desperate state still very depressed all i want to do is sleep, Im plagued with ocd type harm thoughts. I cant see it getting any better surely the meds should have helped by now?

Chris it does sound like you are still getting the side effects from the increased dose .It TAKES about 4-6 weeks for each increase to become fully effective .Sometimes a little bit longer ..Im sure you will start to feel a little better during the next couple of weeks ,,Remember the good days sometimes are very short lived for a while ,Until the medication reaches it full effectivness ..Unfortunately you have to increase medications to find your Theraputic dose ,,this is the desired dose that works for you ..Hang in there a bit longer you are on your way ,even tho it doesnt seem like it at the moment ..Take care luv Sue x:hugs:

05-02-10, 19:34
Does sound like side effects from the increased dose Chris. As Sue says, it can take a while for the increase to take effect but if you continue to feel like this make an appointment with your doctor and explain exactly how you're feeling because venlafaxine is a strong med it may be necessary to lower it slightly to find a balance.

Hope you feel better soon anyway.

05-02-10, 19:37
Thanks for all replies. I guess when the suffering has gone on so long even another day seems forever. I'll hold out I did start at a low dose for a few weeks, its this tiredness that sucks!

05-02-10, 22:04
Im on a different medication but i also increased around 6 weeks or so ago and it hasnt fully kicked in yet, i guess we just need to believe we will get through this eventually.
it will happen for you

12-02-10, 23:02
Hi criss, iv just uped my med from 10g to 20g a day and to be honest still feel bad,all i do is sleep, but every body tells me this will take time but i hate the way i feel, im going to lose every thing my family, house the lot.im totally ashamed of my self but am helpless to do any thing about it. Sorry cant really help you but take care and god bless,robert