View Full Version : GP'S advice... 'learn to live with Dizziness'

05-02-10, 18:16
So today my G.P told me that he can find no reason for my dizziness and although he is sympathetic there is nothing more he can do and i have to learn to live with it!

The investigations he as carried out were, blood tests for diabetes, thyroid function and iron count plus an ECG. He didnt feel it was nessessary to look in my ears or anything else as he says the dizziness & light-headedness i describe is not familiar to inner ear infections or any other condition.

Oh well, so now i'm on my own!

I have two options,....live with it!........or sort it myself!!

Does anyone know of any holistic therapies that can help ease or banish dizziness?

05-02-10, 19:22
Hi, Sorry, don't know of any holistic remedies, but was just going to say the doctors arent very great are they, make an appointment to see another doctor and see if you get any more out of them Id say!

05-02-10, 19:24
aww pink piglet i so feel for you, i have the dizziness constantly and it really scares me its with me everyday, i have been to my gp loads of times, seen ent had blood test and nothing, doctor says it anxiety, but im dizzy all the time and find it very diffcult to walk without my legs going all strange.
Hope you find relief soon

Going home
05-02-10, 22:52
It could be down to overbreathing. When you do this you create an imbalance with oxygen and carbon in the blood, and this can make you feel dizzy and light headed. Its another symptom of anxiety and you might benefit from learning some breathing techniques....yoga is a good one for this or even hypnotherapy. Alternitively, could it be down to any meds you're taking?

GH xx

06-02-10, 11:35
Thanks for your replies!
I have always suffered with dizziness, whenever I am unwell or suffering with anxiety I get dizzy!! I can cope with this to a certain degree but its been going on for over a month now and its constant, from the minute i wake up to the minute i fall asleep at night.
I do strongly believe that this does 'not' stem from my anxiety. I am usually the first person to stand up and say 'this is my anxiety' but it came out of the blue when i had been feeling really well. I had no other symptoms or feelings of anxiety, just the dizziness but it is now starting to grind me down!! I do not know how much longer i can put up with this as it is affecting how i function. I am reluctant to go out but I cannot let it beat me so I am forcing myself to keep going.
I am not so much scared of the dizziness any more but more 'irritated' by it. I just wish it would STOP!!!

06-02-10, 12:34
Hi Pinkpiglet.

Sorry to hear what you're going through. I think I would suggest you see another doctor. My first thought would be anxiety but you said that you are usually aware when it's anx related, so perhaps it isn't that.

A few years ago I had an inner ear infection and it made me really dizzy. It was almost like there was a bee inside my head (!) buzzing about. The GP's didn't do anything because you can't see the inner ear by looking in someone's ear. Anyway I saw an ENT surgeon who said it was 'vestibular neuritis'...some sort of inflammation of one of the cranial nerves...sounds more scary than it is, and in a few weeks it went away.

I'm not for one minute suggesting that's what you have, but it doesn't quite sound like it's panic if it's lasting all day, and also because you aren't scared by it.

So, if I were you I'd see another doctor and if needs be, push for a specialist referral. It's great news that all your tests have been ok but feeling dizzy is horrible and they should be getting it sorted for you!

Good luck

06-02-10, 14:31
Hi there,
I suffer with dizzyness now and again. Somebody told me once that she had dizzyness very badly and the hospital recommended her to see a doctor who specialises in this type of dizzyness.(forgive me as I cant remember the name) and it was all to do with calcium in the ears and all it took was a certain movement off the head and she was fine there are some sites on here about it..goodluck

06-02-10, 14:33
Thanks for your replies!
I have always suffered with dizziness, whenever I am unwell or suffering with anxiety I get dizzy!! I can cope with this to a certain degree but its been going on for over a month now and its constant, from the minute i wake up to the minute i fall asleep at night.
I do strongly believe that this does 'not' stem from my anxiety. I am usually the first person to stand up and say 'this is my anxiety' but it came out of the blue when i had been feeling really well. I had no other symptoms or feelings of anxiety, just the dizziness but it is now starting to grind me down!! I do not know how much longer i can put up with this as it is affecting how i function. I am reluctant to go out but I cannot let it beat me so I am forcing myself to keep going.
I am not so much scared of the dizziness any more but more 'irritated' by it. I just wish it would STOP!!!

I say this too. I am constantly dizzy these days...it came from no-where...is worse in certain lights like fluorescent, dusk, very bright lights. When I am dizzy, I also feel weak. My GP has no answer and it's put down to anx - thing is, the dizziness and the palps make me anxious and before they started, I cannot say I was at all.

06-02-10, 15:18
If the doctor is convinced there is nothing wrong (you may of course want a second opinion), then you can be sure it's connected to anxiety and stress. Claire Weekes provides some great insights into why we feel dizzy and faint when we're extremely anxious. Find ways to relax,i.e. good music and camomile tea. I had to learn not to be afraid of the symtoms of anxiety, when I did and learned to relax, they disappeared. You do of course need to be convinced that there is no medical problem first.

Lion King
06-02-10, 22:36
Hi PP,

Try the relaxation stuff, if nothing medical is found then either seek a second opinion or at least eliminate the anxiety by pure relaxation. Anxiety can affect us without us realising that it is about to bubble to the surface, it seem that whatever weakness mentally and physically we suffer, the anxiety increases these feelings tenfold.

Learn to relax, one step at a time, it is not a quick fix but with time the feelings of pure relaxation feel more natural.

Keep strong xx

pussy cat
06-02-10, 23:13
hi pink piglet - this condition makes you feel awful & although it may be due to stress have a look into the condition called LABYRINTHITIS - your symptoms sound very similar - i would certainly see another doc if poss to put your mind at rest.if it is this condition although it,s not pleasant it,s not serious - it,s a viral infection of the inner ear & does tend to come & go sometimes,mine was caused by an un-caring doctor possibly 2years before giving me strong antibiotics(for an un-related condition) that i was allergic to & then giving me a 2nd course ! as the condition he was treating me for wasn,t clearing up-however usually they don,t know what causes it - good luck & don,t worry:flowers: