View Full Version : Jannie2948

05-02-10, 18:19
Hi, My name is Jannie and I've been reading this site for a few months since being diagnosed with Panic Attacks. Am on medication (Citalopram) but still have a couple of bad days here and there (had one today!) Been taking Citalopram 20mg since November 2009 and I am just going into my 12th week. Occasionally have to take Diazapam if need be, but try not to! I find it helpful to read about other people with similar problems and hope I can carry on doing so. I'm an older member and when I look back I have probably had this for some time in my life but it was only late last year that it really grabbed hold of me with a bang!! Really hope to get more information to help from other members.


05-02-10, 18:21
Hi Jannie2948

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Vanilla Sky
05-02-10, 21:19
Hi Jannie, Welcome to NMP, you will find it helpful and supportive here, maybe see you in chat sometime :welcome: Love Paige x