View Full Version : Any remedys for tinntus?

05-02-10, 19:50
Hey all , since my panic attack near 7 months ago i have had alot of symptoms but one of the most annoying is tinnitus.

Its in my rifht ear and is such a pain

Has anyone got any tips or remedys to help it?

I have tried the technique of covering my ears and tapping the back of my neck and it did help abit.

Thanks all

05-02-10, 19:56
Exactly the same as you, its turned into more of a hiss in the right ear now and it drives me mad! 24/7 doesn't go away!

05-02-10, 19:58
I hear ya smarty ! have you tried the technique i mention above?

05-02-10, 20:01
Yep no change at all. It started as a beeping but over the last month or two has changed tone to a high pitched hiss. It's so annoying isn't it! I believe a lot of giddyness comes from it.

05-02-10, 20:04
i just noticed one day an annoying hiss and damn anxiety has made me focus on it! bah humbug! lol

05-02-10, 20:16
NO . I have had it for over 30 years but I do have some good news..as times wears on your brain seems to ignore it ,so unless it gets just terrible at times you won't hear it much..It takes awhile for it to start being ignored but it will.Its like having something wrong with your skin or something.It might be something you focus on for a long time and others you just forget about it and only notice it every once in awhile EXAMPLE: I cut my left thumb about 12 years ago and it cut the nerves..I hate this numb feeling in my thumb and didn't think I could deal with it but over time my brain adjusted and I never notice it anymore.. only sometimes when im focusing on it.. Same with you hearing things unless you are listening for it ,after a time your brain will ignore it.. Also its always best to be around noise any kind even a wind machine or fan will help..Hope you feel better soon..Michael