View Full Version : Can't separate my symptoms

05-02-10, 20:57
I have had some abnormal blood test results come back from the doctors showing a problem with my liver function,I've been feeling generally unwell for quite a long time now but also have suffered from anxiety for years. The problem is that when the specialist asked what symptoms I had, I found it very difficult to tell him what I thought was going on as a lot of my new symptoms can also be related to anxiety.
Different symptoms come and go and nothing seems to be constant. Only this evening I have a really dizzy sensation in my head and my left ear is muffled, like it's blocked but it isn't, it's actually clear. There is also an ultra high pitched ringing in my ears. Has anyone else had this?

I sometimes think I'm going mad and noone seems to have any answers for me, I really don't know where to go with this now.

06-02-10, 11:21
Maybe ask consultant what symptoms would occur due to your liver function been off. It can be very hard sometimes to determine what is anxiety symtoms and what is coming from another ailment. All I can tell you is that I refer to the common symtoms of anxiety on the anxietycentre website and if its listed there then I put it down to being stress related.
Take care

06-02-10, 11:47
My LFTs were abnormal after I had my first baby. I saw a specialist & he did some other blood tests & those other tests came back normal & I had no pain in the liver area so he did not seem to think it mattered that the LFTs were abnormal. The symptoms you're stating with the dizziness, ringing in the ear and ear blocked sensation are anxiety symptoms. I think liver symptoms are more of a yellow colour in your skin(jaundiced), pains in the right side under the ribs, and others that are picked up from blood tests. Tell your doctor the truth, that you can't differentiate between anxiety & symptoms that maybe related to your liver and he/she will help you with the differences. They will do tests & ask questions to rule out other more serious problems before diagnosing it as anxiety related.

06-02-10, 16:55
Thanks for your advice,

I've had more blood tests done, they're repeating a hepatitis test just to make sure even though I had one and it came back negative, I don't see why I'd have that, I've not done anything really to risk it, and I don't have any pain as such, although ultrasounds have suggested an inflamed liver for some reason or another.

To be honest, what's disturbing me most is my anxiety and the fact that I just can't control it, I've been on 20mg Fluoxetine for about two months now and although the panic attacks are much less frequent the feeling of general unwellness and anxiety has increased, I've actually forgotten what it's like to feel 'good'!

I think all of my symptoms can somehow be traced to anxiety, the problem is, when I get on top of one of them, it then manifests itself in a different form. I'm so physically and mentally tired now I'm close to just giving up, nothing I've done for 16 years can cage this monster, nothing seems to work.

The other problem is that I have a dangerous and responsible job working for the MoD and they do NOT know about my history of anxiety, if they did, I'd be in the job centre rather quickly, I can't fake my way through each working day any more and I'm getting more and more tired. The hour drive to and from work also presents it's own problems as well.

Without going on too much, as I'm sure it's boring, once again anxiety is starting to rule my life and is threatening to wreck my career, perhaps the liver thing is just a blip but the anxiety is there and so real and I'm at the end of my tether with it all.

Desperation and hoplessness are probably the two most descriptive words to describe my mindset at the moment!


07-02-10, 03:37
Hi Dan that's exactly how i feel many times. I'm so desperate to end the anx & when it doesn't get better, i feel all hope is lost. Everyday horrid thoughts of illness & death go through my brain. It comes in stirs it's havoc & casually leaves. If it's not one thing, it's another. It's my eyes, or my brain, or heart or stomach or anything i accidentally feel or focus on.

You should try to protect your job but if it's gets dangerous or too much for you, then don't suffer it out. The most impt thing is your well-being and you need to do what you can manage and what makes you feel as close to normal as possible. I haven't felt normal in 16 months and I don't know if I ever will be normal again.

I'm not on any meds cause they don't take away the underlying problem & I mostly cope by looking up posts on this site, seeing my psychologist weekly to talk out the underlying cause of my anx(which is grief through a sudden death in the family), trying to calm myself by getting assurance from my parents or hubby & just praying. Your distress is not boring, we all feel it and most of us feel hopeless and are desperate for this to change. When? we do not know. You can pm me anytime if you want to talk, I'm happy to listen :)

07-02-10, 09:00
Thank you. I really appreciate your advice. Unfortunately I think I know what I have to do to end this. It's over. Thank you all once again.