View Full Version : broken

05-02-10, 23:51
im in tears as im writing this cause some of the things ive been anxious about turn out to be true. towards the end of my relationship i felt that something had changed, that he didnt love me anymore. i asked him and he said he did love me and i asked him if he was just stringing me along and he said no ive found out tonight that its actually true. he said he has only loved me as a friend for quite a while and that he spent 2 years trying to rebuild me after what other people had done to me in the past. i feel like some sort of jenga tower. people just want to build me and knock me down again. why cant people help me help myself. i feel so lost and alone. i dont know who i can trust anymore. im broken inside and all this isnt helping me get any better. i dont know how much more of this i can take. how am i supposed to focus on my studies when i can hardly get out of bed in the morning. im fighting to survive and people keep knocking my confidence further and further down. will it ever end??

06-02-10, 10:58
The end of any relationship can be heart breaking. You need time to come to terms with the situation but it sounds like you have no belief in yourself atall and so people take advantage of that. Get some help to build your confiedence, get councilling, read self help books and tell your self 100s of times a day you are loving and loved i know it sounds silly but you need to retrain your mind
good luck


06-02-10, 12:02
Oh Clair, I'm so sorry to hear you so sad and so upset. I have no special words to help, only that I am here to listen and to support in any way I can. Sending :hugs: your way. Take care and email me ANYTIME you want.

06-02-10, 12:48
I know exactly what your going through as i feel the same the same and my so called "relationship " wasnt even real.

I think we need to learn to love ourselves and show ourselves that we are worth something before other people will treat us with the respect we deserve.

Easier said than done I know hun, But my mum always says this kind of healing starts from within. Having said that we are all here to help you through.

Pm me if u need to anytime, even if its just to realise that your not alone and we can get through this together

Munkey x

06-02-10, 22:09
thank you all for your kind words. im just so fed up of being this way. i know only i can change it but i feel so much anger to those who have caused it and i cant let that go. xx