View Full Version : I think i need help!!!!!!

06-02-10, 02:29
Here we are at two in the morning and i wa sleeping:wacko: Then with a suddeness i am awake and having the most horrible panic attack, palpatations, shortness of breath lumpy throat and the fear the dreaded fear that something terrible is going to happen. Im shaking now still! I take propranaolol and I know without themmy heart would be pounding ten to the dozen as this is what has happened prior to the medication and I can feel my body fighting against the tablets.
I don't know what causes this to happen, I feel no bad dreams before or can think of anyting specific to bring this on and yet here i am scared rotten but trying to talk myself down by thinking, it will pass etc etc:weep::weep::weep:

How can I work at this not happening! Do you have any stragagies to help?
How do you cope with it all! It makes me so tired and i'm getting scared to go to sleep nowadays?

Dollie :shrug:

06-02-10, 07:28
Sorry to get personal but does this often start to happen around the time of your period? Hormonal fluctuations can make panic attacks worse for some women, especially in terms of night sweats or nocturnal panic attacks.

I don't have any tips on how to make it better. I had this issue and would stay awake all night to avoid the panic. I never had them if I slept during the day. But eventually, I had to sleep at night. If I woke to a panic attack, I would drink very cold water I kept by my bed, take a Xanax and walk around waiting for it to pass.

But for you, maybe a trip to the doctor is in order just to make sure everything is okay with your hormone levels.

Hope this helps to some extent and that these attacks stop soon (they eventually did for me).

06-02-10, 10:01
Hi Dollie,
I went through a similar thing a while ago, id go to bed fine, then wake up for no reason wht the most frightening panic attacks to the piont where i really thought i was dying, then all of a sudden they stopped i dont know why,they will get better. Have you tried reading up on panic and anxiety? i found the books by claire weeks very helpfull, the one is called self help for your nerves, give it a go it helped me so much.

Veronica H
06-02-10, 10:05
Hi Dolly
I would recommend Claire Weekes too. I still get the heart racing but it is fear of the way you are feeling which is keeping this cycle going.
Dr Claire Weekes;SELF HELP FOR YOUR NERVES published by Thorsens ISBN 0-7225-3155-9.This is available from the NMP shop. Dr Weekes was a physician and scientist. She was a fellow sufferer (nominated for the nobel prize for medicine) and really understood this illness. She took the mystery out of it, and devised a simple programme for recovery. I can't recommend this enough. This will get better.

Here is a link to her site;



06-02-10, 10:50
i went through a stage of waking up with panic attacks and thought i was dying. I have learnt to take control but at the same time let it happen. I imagine a healing light running up my legs and keep telling my self its just panic thats all. Touch wood now i dont fear them as much i dont really get them