View Full Version : psychics

06-02-10, 08:35
Hi all

as ive mentioned before i have had health anxiety for 10 years over fear of getting epilepsy which is in the family. then had "migraine aura" with no pain which scared the hell out of me.

I then made a big mistake!

I started ringing different psychics for answers, probably spending around £40 per week, money which I didnt have. by the end of the month I had spent £250, I felt so shameful!

around 10 psychics said I have nothing to worry about, 1 said that it was migraine aura and the latest one just after christmas was a well known medical intuitive that i read about in chat it's fate magazine. ( mhairi kent). She told me that my disturbance was a pre-epilepsy thing and that my skull bones were too tight which was what was causing the epilepsy in the family.

She gave me visualization techniques to make my skull bones expand and still said she couldnt say wether or not I would get epilepsy.

can you imagine how i felt??

I feel such an idiot!

06-02-10, 09:47

You are not an idiot. You've contacted these so called psychics out of desperation. Don't spend any more money on them because it is a complete waste. If they can tell you that your skull bones are too tight without any invasive techniques and medical procedures, then why are they not working in Harley Street?!! Even although epilepsy is in your family it doesn't mean to say you will have it. One of my son's has epilepsy, but the other two don't. And, there's great medication for epilepsy now anyway so even if someone were to have it it can be well controlled. It's not like it used to be. Try to accept the fact that this is a fear, like any other fear, and that most fears never actually happen. It's the thought of them that makes us feel bad. Migraines are common and it looks like this is what you've had. I'm not a doctor but I don't think you will get epilepsy now, especially just because you are afraid of it. Try to keep reassuring yourself that this is just an irrational fear and keep yourself busy. It's your anxiety level you need to deal with. It's a shame to waste your life worrying about something that will never happen.