View Full Version : ears

30-12-05, 22:07
I have been not feeling well for about 2 weeks... my ears started hurting a few days ago. Everyone kept telling me to chill out, and it was just a cold. Finally today I got fed up, and I went in to the dr. It ends up I have an ear infection, as well as a ruptured ear drum. I do not deal well with these kinds of a things... I am a terrible sick person. I am terrified. I dont even know why! The dr told me I may need an operation on my eardrum... I dont think that scares me. I know this sounds nuts... But I am terrified that the infection will or has spread to my brain or my heart. Is this a possibility? Why do I always get these stupid infections? This year I have had strep throat 2 times, and this is my third ear infection! I am 24 years old!!!! I do have two little kids, so everyone says that is why. But I am just convinced something is wrong. I WILL NOT GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!

"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

30-12-05, 22:24

Sorry I don't know how ear infections work, but I'm sure its really just confined there! But those doctors treating you will sort, I'm sure. Will you be in for the operation soon?

I'd like to say 'Well Done' for not Googling and also congratulations for that wonderful strap line you have chosen - we both have excellent taste:D


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers