View Full Version : problems down below still

06-02-10, 15:36
HA went away and it's coming back even worse :lac:
The lumps down below are still there and I'm scared it's the big C - even though I'm eighteen and a virgin.
Every single of one of my moles looks somewhat funny or something to worry about.
I can't stop checking my pulse and it either feels too slow or too fast.
I keep getting words muddled in my head and when I'm speaking and when I'm typing.
I'm dizzy, my hands keep going numb or sort of paralysing.
I'm really really scared, please please help, nobody cares, nobody wants me here anymore :weep:

06-02-10, 15:40
Oh I should mention I keep getting ectopic beats too :(

06-02-10, 16:26
I'm really really scared, please please help, nobody cares, nobody wants me here anymore :weep:

Why do you think this Daisycake ? You are 18 years old, and have so much living ahead of you. (Ooohhhhhh to be 18 again ! :D) Dizziness and numbness in your hands can be from hyperventilating, which it sounds like you could be doing without really knowing it right now. Words getting muddled; that is because your brain is too busy being anxious, it isn't 'concentrating' on the tasks you are doing.

As for the other issues you've raised; Have you have the moles checked/ lumps checked/had your pulse taken by a GP ? Anxiety, intense, long term anxiety can make you feel incredibly ill. When I was much younger, I could have written a list double the length of yours or illnesses and symptoms (which is why I've responded to this as I can see much of my previous illness in your post)....I can now scarcely believe that it was my over active imagination and HA making me feel so dreadful.

06-02-10, 16:36
what kind of lumps?
you can normal spots down there, just like the ones on your face.
if you've never been sexually active, full sex or fooling around then you can't have an STD!
go to your doctor and ask him to look at your moles. I had a friend with a few nasty looking ones, she had them removed and none were cancerous.

anxiety causes you to mix up your words and you hands to shake.
what do you mean by no one wants you here?
hope your feeling better x