View Full Version : Fear of bleeding:-( (women please read)

06-02-10, 15:43
I had a termination 8 weeks ago today, I am feeling ever so anxious, it has been a horrible day so far. I was shaking at lunchtime (the time i had the op). I had a bleed 6 days after the op for about 4-5 days, only light really and I was told that was normal and it has to happen, shows the op has worked. I then had nothing but some discharge until 3 weeks ago when I started bleeding, light for a couple of days then day 3 & 4 were heavy, everytime I stood up on day 3 I gushed and the blood was dark, it scared me so much I went to see my GP. Then it tailed off to light and just brown discharge. I have had nothing since but today I feel abit achy (probably just my ibs) but I am freting that I am going to bleed again, really I shouldn't be due on again until next Sunday ish, GP said the bleed was my period, as it was 5 weeks after the operation.

I was told to expect a heavy period and maybe the 2nd one also being heavy. I was still anxious so the GP did a low vaginal swab, which I found traumatic:weep: She coundn't do a swab inside the cervix (high swab) as I was so anxious and tense, she said the low swabs would be ok adn enough to give us a general idea if there is any infections. They came back ok. She also did a set of bloods, a full blood count, ESR & CRP and U&E's, she said these would rule out infection??? all were normal. I was also told that the high swab checks for STI's like gonorrheoa and chlamydia, but I know I don't have those as I had checks at the clinic at the time of the op.

Is it right that the low swabs would show any infection and that I don't need the high swab really? GP said I would have smelly discharge with infections or PID, mine doesn't smell at all, never has, she also sadi that after all this time I would be in agony with a fever.

I just had it in my head at the time of the bleeding that the heavy bleeding indicated an infection. I had read up on pelvic inflammatory disease etc.. and it said that an infection can cause a heavy bleed. It has left me a nervous wreck and I keep thinking that I will start bleeding again. It is my sons birthday party next Saturday and I am scared if I come on a day early I will be a wreck and spoil it for him:weep:

If I could believe it is just a period, and that there is no infection going on maybe I wouldn't worry so much when I do have some gushing blood. The GP said noone ever died of a heavy period and that I was just anxious, he knows my anxiety has been bad since the termination.

I keep checking myself down below incase I am bleeding, any ache and pain and I think it is starting again, it has left me an anxious wreck. I have never had a period so heavy:weep:

Can anyone help me see sense?:blush:

Cell block H fan
06-02-10, 15:49
Oh blimey, you poor thing :hugs: I haven't ever had a termination, so I cant really advise. I had a miscarriage in my teens though, & bleeding was a bit hit n miss for a few months after, & I didn't have a D & C after which I probably should have, so I remember worrying about infection. But it was fine in the end.
I would gather time is the best healer. It sounds like you have a very good doctor there. If you get overly worried, I bet she wouldn't mind you contacting her.
And enjoy the party! You'll be all back to normal in no time I bet x

06-02-10, 15:50

She is very good.

I am also ill with helicobacter and my IBS, so things are not great, it has been a rough 8 weeks.

Cell block H fan
06-02-10, 16:07

She is very good.

I am also ill with helicobacter and my IBS, so things are not great, it has been a rough 8 weeks.

Whats Helicobacter hun? Geez it sounds like its been a rubbish time for you. Hope things pick up soon, you're due an easier time! xxxx

06-02-10, 16:08
Nasty bacteria in the stomach that can cause ulcers etc... really nasty concoction of drugs to kill it off, making me feel yuk.

06-02-10, 16:39
hi ive had a womb infection after having my daughter and you would definentlly no if you had one i was really ill and the pain in my womb area and lower back were severe i also had an high temperature and heavy bleeding but the blood had an horrible smell sorry tmi but you would know if you had one honest i think your hormones are unbalanced and thats whats making you bleed heavy and if your bleeding is irregular that also is hormones and stress .

06-02-10, 16:52
Thanks Bronte, you have reassured me no end.

I was told I would be very ill, the GP said I would be constantly sweating and be in agony.

06-02-10, 17:42
So sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment. I don't think you have an infection at all and that it was just a period but IF it had been an infection the antibiotics that you are on for the H Pylori would have killed it off anyway as they are very strong anti biotics.

06-02-10, 17:51
Yes I am sure they would, I am on 3000mg a day of the combined antibiotics.

06-02-10, 22:09
Just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon. Its probably the after affects from your op, try not to worry to much as that can make you bleed more. I know when I keep taking my pill without a break for a couple of months I spend most of the next month bleeding off and on and then have a really bad period. So maybe its just your hormones (what wonderful things they are!!!!!!!!) settling back down.
Take care and hope you feel better soon
Angela :hugs:

06-02-10, 22:16
If you are already on antibiotics then the chances of you having an infection are really remote.
Your flow is going to be off after what your body has gone thru.
Try not to worry hun!

07-02-10, 06:26
Thank you so much:)) xx

07-02-10, 14:51
I am seeing my GP tomorrow for my check up after the helicobacter treatment, and to weigh me.

I was thinking of asking him about going on the contraceptive pill for my pain and heavy periods, as I do have about 3 heavy days usually, but the pain I get is unbearable. He once suggested I went on the pill but I refused, but it got better after a polyp was removed but within a few months the pains were back.

Would the pill make the bleeding lighter and the pain more bearable?